
Independent Reading: Non-Fiction Choice Board
Due Date:
Interesting Facts
Explain the 2 most
interesting things you
learned from reading
and why they stood out
to you. Be specific and
use two examples of
textual evidence. Must
be 1 page in length.
Fact and Opinion
Pick 5 vocabulary words that List 3 facts from the text.
you did not know the
Create 2 opinions you
meaning of or are important
have about the topic.
to understanding the text.
Must be at least one
Write the sentence it is found
page in length.
in and using one of the
strategies we have learned in
class (HQT, Diffusing, context
clues), define the word.
Who’s Who?
Explain your reasons for
Who is the author of
liking or disliking the
_____________________________ your book? What was
book. Give 5 examples
the author’s purpose for
Book Title
from the book that
writing the book? Who
support your opinions. _____________________________
is the audience that
To whom would you
he/she wrote the book
Lexile Level
recommend this book
for? Must be 1 page in
and why? Must be 1
page in length.
Teacher Signature
Did you know?
List 5-10 new things you
learned about the topic.
Must use textual
evidence for each new
thing. Must also be 1
page in length.
Sentence Starters
Word Map
Finish these sentence
Create a word map using
one word from your
As I read I realized……
book. Follow page 7 in
I was shocked when…..
your springboard book
I am curious why…..
for directions.
One thing that really
jumped out at me was….
Must be 1 page in length.
Independent Reading: Fiction Choice Board
Due Date:
Another Chapter
Write a critique of the
book. Be sure to give 5
examples from the text
to support your
opinions. This should be
one page.
Draw a comic strip with
10 boxes that will
describe the story.
Pretend the book has
one more chapter.
Describe in detail what
might have happened in
those pages. Must be at
least one page.
Retell a major event
from the story from a
different character’s
Book Title
point of view. Must be at
least one page.
Lexile Level
Story Elements
Make a flip book
describing setting, plot,
conflict, characters, and
theme. Include specific
details from the text in
each part. Flip book
must be 5 pages.
Teacher Signature
Write a description of
the main character. Did
you find the character
interesting and/or
relatable and why? Use
the text for support.
Must be one page.
Create a list of at least 5
Write a song, poem, or
interview questions for
rap about either the
one of the characters in
main character or the
the book and answer
plot of the story. Must be
each question as you
at least 15 lines.
think the character
would answer it. Must be
at least one page.