Desk appraisal guide - Aid Management Guidelines

Desk appraisals
In specific cases an appraisal may be carried out by TAS/KFU as a desk appraisal. The decision
whether an appraisal may be undertaken without field visits or direct visits to partner
institutions will always be agreed upon by TAS/KFU in consultation with the unit (department
or representation) responsible for the appropriation. As is the case for field appraisals,
TAS/KFU will only undertake desk appraisals of appropriations above DKK 37 million. A
desk appraisal of an appropriation below DKK 37 million can only be undertaken based on a
clear management decision and against specific strategic considerations.
A desk appraisal will typically take place under the following circumstances:
 As a follow-up to a country programme appraisal, or a programme appraisal, where
certain interventions (e.g. at development engagement level) have not been at a stage
allowing full appraisal during the country/field visit. This may also include engagements
or activities which are developed subsequently under non-allocated funds. Decision to
carry out a subsequent desk appraisal will be reflected in the recommendations from
the field appraisal report.
 In relation to programmes and projects financed through Finance Act Accounts which
are not transferred to country frames such as parts of the climate envelope and other
environmental contributions, regional initiatives, parts of Danida business instruments,
multilateral assistance (earmarked) and other thematic areas, where field visits are not
deemed relevant.
 Others [in accordance with Guidelines for Programmes and Projects]
The minimum requirements for contents of a desk appraisal are outlined in the Guidelines for
Country Programmes and in the Guidelines for Programmes and Projects.
As stated in these guidelines, a desk appraisal will be based on clear ToR (including a PAP)
drafted by the responsible unit and a standard programme or project document following
the guidelines. Submission of ToR and documents to be appraised etc. will normally follow the
same deadlines as for a regular appraisal. Request from the responsible unit to TAS/KFU for
undertaking a desk appraisal will be included in the regular VPA process. In exceptional cases,
where these deadlines cannot be met, TAS/KFU may agree to undertake a desk appraisal with
two months’ notice. ToR should be submitted together with the request, if the desk appraisal
requires use of external consultants (as per decision of TAS/KFU). If external consultants are
not required, deadline for ToR is 4 weeks. Documents should in both cases be submitted at
least 3 weeks before appraisal. If these deadlines and requirements to documentation are not
met, TAS/KFU will not be in a position to undertake the appraisal.
Depending on the complexity of the desk appraisal, the TAS/KFU team leader will in
consultation with the responsible unit decide whether a Mission Preparation Note is required.
Consultations with stakeholders via telephone or video conferences during the desk appraisal
process should be considered wherever possible.
The peer-mechanism established for appraisals also applies for desk appraisals. The
composition and number of peers will take into consideration the complexity of the task but
there will always be minimum one peer included in a desk appraisal.