EIS 2.2 Scaling of the Sun, Earth, Moon System Table 1 Size & Distance Comparison of the SEM Distance from Earth (km) Earths Away Diameter (km) Earths Across 150,000,000 ~ 12,000 1,392,000 109 Moon 384,000 30 3,500 0.27 Earth ------------- ------------- Equator = 12,756 1 Solar System Body Sun I. Moon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Age ~ 4.3-4.5 billion years old, a bit younger than Earth When a Mars-sized rock hit Earth, debris traveled at just the right speed to stay in orbit around Earth to create the Moon. Has no atmosphere, so no weather. Diameter ~ ¼ of Earth’s diameter Since it rotates at the same rate it revolves around Earth, we only see one side of the Moon – EVER. II. Day 1. Caused by Earth rotating on its axis once every 24 hours (about – takes slightly longer) III. Month 1. Sidereal Month: The time it takes Moon to revolve around Earth & be next to same background star. 2. 27.3 days to go from Point A back to Point A Synodic Month: The time it takes Moon to revolve around Earth and be in the same phase (it’s longer b/c Earth is moving-so Moon is playing catch up to get to the same phase) 29.5 days to go from, say, full Moon to full Moon http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/sidereal.html IV. Year 1. 2. Caused by Earth taking ~ 365 ¼ days to revolve around the Sun. We don’t add 6 hours to the clock every year. Instead we add a whole day, February 29th, every 4 years. IV. Year (don’t need to copy) 1. Some exceptions to this rule are required since the duration of a solar year is slightly less than 365.25 days. In the Gregorian calendar, the calendar used by most modern countries, the following three criteria determine which years will be leap years: IV. Year (don’t need to copy) i. ii. iii. iv. Every year that is divisible by four is a leap year Of those years, if it can be divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, UNLESS The year is divisible by 400. Then it IS a leap year. So, years 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, and 2500 are NOT leap years, while 1600 & 2000 ARE leap years. http://www.timeanddate.com/date/leapyear.html V. The Sun 1. 2. 3. 4. It is one of 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy It (& our solar system) revolves around center of galaxy at ½ a million miles per hour! ~ 200 million years to go around once! It is 400 times larger than Moon & 400 times farther away, so Sun & Moon appear same size in sky. 1 million Earth’s would fit inside Sun.