OGT-Context-Clues - Newark Catholic High School

Context Clues
* The context of a word is made up of three
main things:
* The sentence that contains the word and possible
clue words
* The surrounding sentences (the paragraph)
* The passage and its meaning
* The words and information in these sentences
are clues to the unfamiliar word’s meaning.
Nora’s clothing, with its high neckline and low
hem length, gave her a demure appearance.
* A high neckline and low hem length definitely
don’t scream daring to most people, so you can
eliminate A.
* One wouldn’t say that they are playful either,
so you can eliminate B.
* Dress doesn’t make sense, since the sentence
is about a dress.
* The best choice here is C: modest.
* Define the word
* Read the sentence.
* Because Cassady was
frugal with purchases,
she usually had a few
dollars left in her
wallet at the end of
the week.
* I must pay special
attention to the word
* Notice how the word is
* Frugal is a quality of
Cassady. It is an
adjective because it
describes a noun.
* I should look for an
answer choice that is
an adjective.
* Look for clues in the
* Clues are “purchases,”
“dollars,” and “left.”
* The clues have to do
with money – having
money left after
buying things.
* Decide what you think
the word means.
* Based on the clues,
frugal could mean
* I’ll substitute cheap in
the sentence in place
of frugal.
* Yes, it makes sense.
* Look for an answer
choice matching your
* The answer choices are:
a) Frightened
b) Thrifty
c) Impulsive
d) Rich
* Cheap isn’t among the
choices, but thrifty most
closely relates to the
meaning I’m looking for.
I’ll choose B.
* Context clues in paragraphs work exactly the
same way:
* Read the sentence, then read the entire
paragraph again.
* Notice how the word is used.
* Look for clues in the paragraph.
* Decide what you think the word means.
* Look for an answer choice matching your