
Isaac Newton
Basic Information
Newton’s full name was Sir Isaac Newton. He was born
in Janurary 4, 1643 and passed away on March 31,
Actual house where he was born
Newton’s birth was recorded on January 4, 1643 but he
was actually born in December 25, 1642 in
Woolsthorpe-by- Colsterworth, United Kingdom
Newton went to Trinity College in Cambridge for seven
years. Then he went to The King’s School in Grantham
for four years.
Newton’s Influences
Newton was influenced greatly by great astronomers
and mathematicians. Some of them were Aristotle,
Copernicus, Kepler, Descartes, and Galileo.
Major Accomplishments
Newton discovered many things while he was alive. He
discovered that the spectrum of colors make up white
light, calculus, the three laws of physics, and even
Newton changed the way of thinking in his time
period. His theories changed the way people and
scientists saw things. His discoveries led to future
discoveries by scientists inspired by him.
What he has done for the world today
Newton made theories that are still true to this day. He
furthered out understanding of the universe and the
physics in everyday life. His mathematics also helps
with the science and math today. His tools are still
used to this day.
Newton’s three Laws
Newton was famous for three main laws. They were,
any object in motion tends to stay in motion unless
force is applied on it, F=ma, and for every action there
is an equal or opposite reaction.
The End!!!