Text Ch 11 p 359-369
Timeframe for BGCC:
The original source of all rocks and minerals on earth is :
Igneous rocks are formed when:
Erosion of rocks involves:
Sedimentary Rocks form when:
Metamorphic rocks form when:
Timeframe for BGCC:
Oxygen is an element that exists naturally in 3 forms in our atmosphere which are constantly forming and reforming.
Timeframe for BGCC:
Processes involved in the hydrological cycle include:
Timeframe for BGCC:
Basic equation for P/S
Basic equation for Respn
Basic word equation
Basic word equation
Uphill chemical reactions require energy input to occur. Which of the above processes is uphill?
Downhill chemical reactions liberate energy as they occur. Which of the above processes are downhill chemical reactions releasing energy from energy rich organic compounds?
The major reservoirs or sinks for carbon include:
Processes are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere include:
Processes responsible for putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere:
Human activities which have disrupted the natural carbon cycle include:
The Keeling Curve is one of the most significant graphs in human history.
Describe the general trend of the Keeling curve:
There are seasonal fluctuations of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. Explain why this might be the case.
Rising levels of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases have resulted from human activities resulting in the enhanced greenhouse effect and as a consequence global warming. Outline how this occurs.