Title: Healthy diet and lifestyle for CVD prevention – a revised version for the “Diet at Heart” educational tutorial (e-learning tool) Project Optimal Blood Lipids Science area Start Preferred start June-July 2015 Duration min 4 months, ideally 5 months Location Unilever R&D Vlaardingen Number of students 1 Requirements Required: MSc student nutrition & health, health science or related. Good background in human nutrition and dietetics. Having experience as a dietician may be useful. Interest in diet and disease prevention. Good writing and communication skills Supervision Elke Trautwein and Mireille Blommaert, Unilever R&D Vlaardingen Description Context: Unilever Discover Vlaardingen is Unilever’s central research institute for the Food Business. Within Unilever Discover Vlaardingen, the Nutrition and Health group works on the application of nutritional knowledge and science in a broad range of Unilever products. The Optimal Blood Lipids science area within the Nutrition and Health group focusses on the impact of dietary management on blood lipids and provides scientific support to Unilever’s Heart health brands. It is part of the communication strategy to further enhance the understanding of the role of diet in the management and prevention of cardiovascular disease in close collaboration with external partners, international experts and health societies. Background: The tool “Diet at the Heart” (DietattheHeart.com) is a comprehensive tutorial for those interested in the dietary management of dyslipidaemia and the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The tool, launched in November 2014, has been developed in collaboration with leading experts and is endorsed by the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). To prepare for a second version of the tutorial, it is aimed to broaden especially the sections addressing a healthy diet and lifestyle for CVD prevention based on newest literature and the latest international guidelines. Goal: 1. To prepare a revised version of the “Healthy diet and lifestyle for CVD prevention” section and its sub-sections “Diet and lifestyle intervention for CVD prevention”, “Impact of dietary changes to cholesterol levels” and “Dietary changes to further improve LDL-cholesterol levels”. 2. Submit the revised version of the tool to a selected number of external experts and the EAS to obtain their assessment and endorsement. Activities: This project is a research-collaboration between Unilever R&D and external partners. Working place and daily supervision will be arranged by Unilever. Activities are: Reviewing literature Developing insights into needs of healthcare professionals on information related to a healthy diet Drafting a proposal for discussion with the external partners Preparing a revised version of the diet and lifestyle sections including tables, figures and a revised list of references Obtaining endorsement from external experts. Other Reimbursement of €500 per month + housing costs up to €300 per month Information Application elke.trautwein@unilever.com Applications (CV and letter) should be send to Wendy.Blom@unilever.com More information about internships at Unilever can be found here: http://www.unilever.com/careers-jobs/graduates/internships/index.aspx