Is Chocolate good for you & does it really prevent heart disease

Is Chocolate good for you & does it
really prevent heart disease?
Shalonda Macon
Brief History About Chocolate.
Chocolate originates from
the seeds of the Theobroma
Mesoamericans ( Myans,
Aztecs) considered
chocolate to be Food of the
gods. Theobroma actually
means Food Of the Gods.
Theobroma originated in
South America (Orinoco
River) & it belongs to the
Sterculiaceae family
Cacao came about from the
Orinoco basin. The seeds &
plants were spreaded by
humans through trade.
Botanical Charasterstics
Theobroma is a evergreen,
under story shade tree.
It grows best in warm
tropical areas. If its below
60 degrees F. then it will not
produce any fruit or
In the wild= trees grow to a
length of 40 to 60’
On a plantation= grows to
about 20’ for purposes of
making grabbing easy.
How its made.
The cacao pod is sliced. Seeds are removed along with the pulp & allowed
to ferment
Fermentation process is very important because it generates chemical
changes in the seed that lead to the delicious chocolate flavor. If this
process is overlooked or skipped, the beans wont develop the chocolaty
Sun dry beans ( 1- 2 weeks)
The roasting process takes place and then they're shipped off to various
GOOD NEWS!! 1 oz of Chocolate
can possibly have medicinal benefits.
1st Remember: Not All Chocolate Is Created Equal!!
Chocolate as a cancer preventative?
Chocolate preventing Heart Disease?
Chocolate may have beneficial effects on Heart Disease by
Lowering blood pressure
Anti-platelet function
Higher HDL
Decreased LDL
Chocolate as a mood enhancer.?
Short Video Clip
The Truth About Chocolate
Can Chocolate be used as a cancer
Chocolate is rich with antioxidants (polyphenols),
which is the same thing that’s found in a ½ cup of
brewed black tea.
The antioxidants decrease cells from becoming
oxidated. Oxidation makes free radicals which can
damage your cells & lead to heart disease and cancer.
Due to chocolate being rich in these antioxidants,
researchers believe that they could possibly
contribute to preventing cancer BUT its not definitive
that it does and needs more investigating.
How Chocolate possibly prevents
Heart Disease?
Chocolate reduces the efficiency of
Platelets therefore, reducing clotting
That leads to heart disease and
Heart attacks
This is only ground work evidence
Another study reveals that Cocoa
That having antioxidants from
ssibly lessens LDL (bad cholesterol)
Chocolate will truthfully decrease
& raises HDL (good cholesterol)
the development of Heart disease.
Which in return decreases your
Its electrifying news but it still
hance of developing heart disease.
Needs more research & studying.
According to a study that was published in
The peer journal of: Cardiovascular
Research & Biological Chemistry, scientist
Leeki-Won & other researchers from Konkuk
Discovered a substance in Cacao plants that
May help suppress Heart Disease & cancer.
The substance they found & How
they think it works.
The substance they found in
chocolate = Procyanidin
How it works!
Procyanidin inhibits MEK
& MT-1 which are proteins
associated with
Its also thought to suppress
VEGF =which is a protein
associated with forming new
blood vessels that feed
tumors, therefore preventing
cell from turning into cancer
Chocolate as a mood enhancer?
Chocolate increases the
level of serotonin which is a
brain chemical that’s
responsible for elevating a
persons mood.
It also has small quantities
of caffeine which stimulates
the brain as well.
Chocolate has the same
mood-enhancing chemicals
that’s found in marijuana
but in much smaller
Chocolate Componets
Stearic Acid
Are protective against HD by
↓ Blood pressure
Anti-inflammatory effects
Improving endothelial function
by ↑ brachial artery circulation
& dilation
Stearic acid is a important
contributing factor in preventing
heart disease because it reduces
blood pressure and the mean
platelet volume.
However, there has been no study
that appropriately proves the
association of the stearic acid
intake stopping heart disease. But
it does suggest that the stearic
acid components in chocolate
could be beneficial for
cardiovascular health.
Other Mechanisms
Chocolate affects the level of prostacylins & leukotrines.
Leukotrines = (bad guys) are powerful vasoconstrictors,
proinflammatory agents that encourage platelet aggregation.
Prostacylins= (good guys) is a vasodilator and it inhibits
platelet aggregation. By consuming chocolate high in
procyanidin it actually lowers the levels of the Leukotrines
(bad guys) and increases the level of prostacylin.
Due to the procyanidin flavonoid in chocolate and its effects
(inhibiting platelet aggregations, ↑HDL ,↓ Blood Pressure,
etc.) thereby protective against risk of CVD
Platelet Function Effects.
The anti-platelet effects
of chocolate is due to
the amplified production
of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide promotes
vasodilatation as well as
inhibit platelet
aggregation .
It Does Contain
Flavonoids that have many
Beneficial purposes for the
Functioning of your
YES Chocolate
Can be good
However, in order to For you
Definitively examine the
Impact of chocolates consumption
on CVD there needs to be
More detailed studies &
It Can Improve
You mood and has
The potentials of preventing
Engler, M., & Engler, M. (2006). The Emerging Role
of Flavonoid-Rich Cocoa and Chocolate in
Cardiovascular Health and Disease. Nutrition
Reviews, 64(3), 109-118.