Activity: Dimension 2 – “NEXT”
Strands of NC K-12 Social Studies
Brainstorm some possible content which could be taught once you have determined the
standards that can be addressed when connecting to the compelling question?
Civics &
“Purchasing power” in paying for or acquiring goods and services.
What determines the minimum wage amount of increase? (Federal and state)
What is inflation? How does price impact wages?
The “purchasing power” of the federal minimum wage is sometimes called the “real
minimum wage.”
In no state can a minimum-wage worker afford to rent an affordable two-bedroom unit
working the standard 40 hours a week. (“Affordable” means that no more than 30% of a
worker’s income is spent on rent.)
The Lochner era which was a period in American legal history in which the Supreme Court
tended to strike down laws it felt were infringing on economic liberty or private contract
rights of business.
How does having a minimum wage impact “Purchasing power” of wages across regions?
The sector with the most minimum wage workers in the U.S. is “Leisure and Hospitality,”
which includes the fast-food industry.
Reasons for creation of a federal minimum wage.
Great Depression Era
How have events of various eras impacted the federal minimum wage?
West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish held that states could impose minimum wage regulations on
private employers without violating the Due Process Clause.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Reforming child labor practices (FLSA)
The Lochner era which was a period in American legal history in which the Supreme Court
tended to strike down laws it felt were infringing on economic liberty or private contract
rights of business.
Societal changes that dictate a need for minimum wages and for federal minimum wage
Study of various types of societal issues and events within the community, nation or global
front that effect might minimum wages.
How have events of various eras impacted the federal minimum wage?
State roles in minimum wage laws.
Debates between the states and the federal government on minimum wages.
Policies designed to protect wage earners…
Should states have the right to set their own minimum wage amounts?
Does U.S. Census data impact minimum wage decisions, laws or policies?
U.S. Vs. Darby Lumber Company (1941)
West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish held that states could impose minimum wage regulations on
private employers without violating the Due Process Clause.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Reforming child labor practices (FLSA)
1937 Supreme Court decision declaring that as long as they are rational and procedurally fair,
minimum wage laws are a legitimate exercise of the state's police power.
The Lochner era which was a period in American legal history in which the Supreme Court
tended to strike down laws it felt were infringing on economic liberty or private contract
rights of business.
Alaskan senator, in 2010 declared the Federal minimum wage is unconstitutional.
Studying regions where state or municipal minimum wages differ from the federal minimum
Studying minimum wage by state.
How does having a minimum wage impact “Purchasing power” of wages across regions?
The sector with the most minimum wage workers in the U.S. is “Leisure and Hospitality,”
which includes the fast-food industry.
In no state can a minimum-wage worker afford to rent an affordable two-bedroom unit
working the standard 40 hours a week. (“Affordable” means that no more than 30% of a
worker’s income is spent on rent.)
Societal changes that dictate a need for minimum wages and for federal minimum wage
Study of various types of societal issues and events within the community, nation or global
front that effect might minimum wages.
Do gender, age, socio-economics and/or cultural values impact minimum wage decisions?
Women are more likely than men to earn the minimum wage. About 6% of women earning
an hourly wage in the U.S. earn the minimum wage, while about 3.4% of men do.
The sector with the most minimum wage workers in the U.S. is “Leisure and Hospitality,”
which includes the fast-food industry.
How have events of various eras impacted the federal minimum wage?