The Great Society Chapter 20 Section 3 LBJ’s Path to Power Entered politics in ______ as a ____________________ and then was elected as a Senator Elected Senate Majority Leader in ________ Helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which was the first_______________ Chosen to be JFK’s running mate because _____________________________ JBJ’s Domestic Agenda Urged Congress to pass legislation that JFK had sent to them Passed Tax Reduction bill that spurred ____________________ In 1964, he helped push passage of the __________________ It prohibited discrimination based on _______________________ Then moved to his own agenda of _______________ Economic Opportunity Act approved nearly $______ Jobs Corps Youth Training Program VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) Project Head Start Community Action Program 1964 Election Ran against Barry Goldwater Goldwater believed the federal government should not ______________________ Goldwater threatened to use nukes in _______________ Infamous “Daisy” ad from LBJ camp Vietnam issue Goldwater advocated _______________ Johnson assured ___________________ Johnson wins by a ____________________ Building the Great Society The Great Society LBJ’s outlined legislative program that would _________ Education Considered education _______________ The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was one of the first _______________ Healthcare Medicare provides hospital insurance and low cost medical insurance for _______________ Medicaid extended medical insurance for ________________ Housing Congress appropriated money to build ____________ Helped low and middle income families pay for____________ Established the Department of _____________________ Appointed Robert Weaver as Secretary of HUD, the first African-American ____________________ in history Immigration Immigration Act of 1965 ended __________________ that was was established by the National Origins Act of 1924 The Environment Silent Spring written by Rachel Carson in _____ and caused massive ______________ Water Quality Act passed in _______ which required states to___________ Johnson ordered the government to search out the ______ This helped trigger the _________ in the US Consumer Protection Congress passed safety laws, including truth-in-packaging that set standards for ________________ Ralph Nader testified in front of Congress about unsafe conditions in the car industry and helped prompt safety standards for ______________ Congress also passed the Wholesome _______________ Reforms of the Warren Court Took an activist stance on the leading issues Banned state-sanctioned prayer in _____________ Limited committee power of censorship of _______________ Ruled that free speech included the right to ___________ Declared state-required _________ unconstitutional Reapportionment The way states redraw election districts based on _______ “One person, one vote” principle Baker v Carr 1962 Reynolds v Sims 1964 Rights of the Accused Mapp v Ohio 1961 ruled that evidence seized _________ could not be used in ______________ Gideon v Wainwright 1963 ruled that criminal courts must provide ____________ to those who could not afford it Rights of the Accused Escobedo v Illinois 1964 ruled that the accused has a right to have a ______________________ during questioning Miranda v Arizona 1966 ruled that all suspects must be ___________ before questioning Reactions Liberals praised Placed necessary limits on _____________ Protected the rights of all ___________________ Conservatives criticized Limited the power of ___________ Benefitted _____________________ Impact of the Great Society Differences in opinion, better or worse? No president in post WWII era expanded _________ more than did __________ “War on poverty” _________ Contributed to ______________ _____________ backlash occurred