Ch 15 Sec 1 - The New Frontier & The... The Election of 1960

Ch 15 Sec 1 - The New Frontier & The Great Society
The Election of 1960 -Senator John F. Kennedy (D) Mass. Vs Vice- President Richard M. Nixon (R)
People worried about JKF’ youth and his religion (Roman Catholic)-First
______________________________________ – Sept .1960
The New Frontier -JFK lacked a __________________________________after the election
Many proposals he sent to Congress were shot down: Medicare, Federal Aid to Education, Public
Housing, Increased Social Security, higher minimum wage, and anti-poverty measures
Southern Democrats and Republicans blocked many plans
New Frontier Victories -The Economy – JFK pushed through the use of deficit spending (FDR)
______________________________________ increase to $1.25 HR, Lowered taxes on businesses and
targeted tax cuts for individuals
New Frontier Victories II
Peace Corps – 35,000 volunteers in 60 nations
______________________________________________ – offered economic and technical assistance to
Latin American countries (12 billion in aid)
New Frontier-Race to the Moon -JKF increased funding to NASA, $33 billion by 1969
JFK pledged to go to the moon by the end of the 1960’s
Universities expanded science programs, new industries and technologies emerged
Domestic Focus -By 1963 JFK sent a Civil Rights Bill to Congress
He called for “a national assault on the causes of poverty” (Harrington’s The Other America)
RFK was ordered to investigate racial injustices in the South
Presidential Commission on the Status of Women – Equal Pay Act of 1963, Community Mental Health
Centers Construction Act 1963- Led to the Special Olympics in 1968.
The Warren Court -Chief Justice Earl Warren
Baker Vs Carr 1962 and Reynolds Vs Simms 1964 stated that Federal Courts could tell states to redivide
their districts for more equal representation (______________________________– the drawing of
election districts) “One Person, one Vote.”
Rights of the Accused- Mapp Vs Ohio (1961) Evidence seized illegally could not be used in state courts,
Gideon Vs Wainwright ( 1963 ) Free legal council to those who cannot afford it, Escobedo Vs Illinois
(1964) Accused person has the right for a lawyer to be present during questioning,
_____________________________Vs Arizona ( 1966) All suspects must have their rights read
Ch 15 Sec 2 -Kennedy and The Cold War 1960-1963
JFK’s Military Policy -Kennedy built up the conventional and nuclear weapons systems to deter the
USSR and to close the ____________________________________gap with the Soviets
* He wanted a _________________________________ Response
The Bay Of Pigs Invasion -Fidel Castro had led a revolution in Cuba and seized power from Batista in
JFK learned of a CIA planned approved by IKE to train Cuban exiles and allow them to attack Cuba, and
overthrow Castro. In April 1961, 1,500 Cuban exiles never reached the beach
The air strike failed and Castro waited with 25,000 troops and Soviet Weapons
Kennedy, CIA, and the US were embarrassed on the world stage, total fiasco
The Berlin Crisis
In 1961 Khrushchev and JKF met in Vienna, Austria, Khrushchev threatened to force the Western
powers out of West Berlin
JFK told Americans we stay in Berlin, August 13th, 1961 Khrushchev responded by allowing East
Germany to construct The_______________________________________
The Cuban Missile Crisis -In the summer of 1962 the Khrushchev began shipping Soviet Offensive
Nuclear Missiles to Castro In Cuba, The US had Offensive Missiles in Turkey
Kennedy’s Options -Invade Cuba? Soviet Troops were present, Bomb the Sites? Sneak Attack?
Naval Blockade around Cuba, or a “________________________”
Brink of Nuclear War -The Soviet Cargo Ships stormed to the blockade, but then turned around
Days later Khrushchev pledged to remove the missiles if we pledged not to invade Cuba, and secretly
months later we removed our missiles from Turkey
Outcomes of the Crisis -Khrushchev prestige was damaged, JFK looked stronger, but he was criticized
for brinksmanship
The Hot-line was established between Washington/Moscow, JFK wanted to relax Cold War Tensions
In 1962 the US and the USSR agreed to the Limited Test Ban Treaty which banned nuclear testing in the
Tragedy in Dallas -On November 22nd 1963, JFK was shot and killed while riding with Jackie and Gov.
Connally through Dallas, TX
__________________________________________________ a disgruntled ex- Marine who lived in the
USSR for a time was charged with the crime
The __________________________ investigated and found Oswald acted alone (Magic Bullet)
Ch 15 Sec 3-LBJ The Great Society -1963-1968
LBJ’s Path to Power
LBJ ran for Congress as a “New Dealer” in 1937, In 1948 LBJ won a seat in the US Senate
LBJ was a master of party politics and behind the scenes political maneuvering
LBJ was JFK running mate in 1960, After JFK’s assassination LBJ urged Congress to pass the civil rights
and tax-cut bills that JFK had sent to Congress
In July, LBJ pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibited discrimination based on race,
religion, sex, and gave the federal government new powers of enforcement
The War on Poverty -Early in 1964 LBJ had declared a War on Poverty
In Aug. 1964 Congress passed the Economic Opportunity Act (EOA) which provided $1 billion for youth
programs, antipoverty measures, small-business loans, and job training
(EOA) created: Job Corps Youth Training Programs, VISTA –Volunteers in Service to America, Project
Head Start – Ed. For underprivileged kids, Community Action Programs (CAPS), The Election of 1964
LBJ (D) Vs Barry Goldwater (R)
LBJ won in a ______________________ and the Democrats increased their majority in Congress
LBJ launches The Great Society -LBJ wanted to end poverty and racial injustice
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 provided $1 billion in aid to help public and
parochial schools
Medicare provided low-cost health benefits to Americans 65 or older
Medicaid extended health insurance to the poor or welfare recipients
Department of ____________________ and Urban Development was established (HUD)
The Immigration Act of 1965 opened the door for many non-European immigrants to settle in the US by
ending the quotas of the 1920’s based on nationality
The Water Quality Act of 1965 required states to clean up rivers, it resulted from Rachel Carson’s Silent
Spring about pesticides, and spurred the environmental movement
The Higher Education Act of 1965 funded scholarships and low-interest loans for college students
National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 was created to assistance to painters,
musicians, actors, and other artists
Corporation of Public Broadcasting 1967, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Highway Safety Act of 1966
The Air Quality Act of 1967
Impact of the Great Society -Poverty fell from 21% in 1962 to 11% in 1973
Spending for the Great Society increased the growing year to year budget deficit
Limited $ reached poor people due to complex programs that were tough to implement
Disillusioned inner city residents rioted in protest, A Conservative backlash began to take shape
(Reagan Gov. of Ca 1966)
________________________________________ overshadowed it and took $from the Great Society