Peloponnesian War script

A Tale of Two City-States
The tragedy of the Peloponnesian War, in two Parts
Part I: The League
Scene 1: Persian War
Cast: Persians -6, Athenians - 3, Spartans -3
Persians and Spartans are fighting in the background. There are twice as many Persians as Spartans.
Athenians in the foreground.
Athenian 1: “We have been successful beating the Persians! All of Greece is free from invaders.”
Athenian 2: “We have even freed the city states in Asia Minor from Persian control!”
Athenian 3:”The Spartans are tired of this war and want to be done. They say we have accomplished
everything we set out to do.”
Athenian 2:” The Spartans can be done then. Their leadership was nice during the war, but perhaps it is
time for those of us who have advanced philosophies to lead the Greeks.”
Athenian 1: “I agree! Let the Spartans be done. We Athenians are wise. But, it was hard business
dealing with the Persians. I don’t think Greece can take another invasion like that again. Let’s start a
club to protect the peninsula and invite all the other city states to join. “
Athenian 3: “Good idea. We can make sure all of Greece works together to prevent more attacks from
Athenian 2: “Sure, as long as we get to make the rules.”
Scene 2: Delian League
Cast: Greeks -6, Athenians - 2
Many Greeks are sitting in a circle. Two Athenians lead the meeting.
Athenian 1: “Welcome to our club, the Delian League.”
Athenian 2: “Our goal is to make sure those Persians can’t attack us anymore! It will be difficult, but
Athens will make sure we have our best minds working on this.
Athenian 1: “If you want to be safe, you better join. Who knows what will happen if you decide to not
Athenian 5: “If we all put our resources together, we will be strong and the Persians will not bother us.”
Athenian 1:”All you have to do is pay a tribute. We need money to keep our navy and army in good
shape. Think of it as club fees. “
Athenian 2: “Yeah, just to help defray the high cost of protecting all this rocky land!”
Athenian 1: “So all you do is pay us and not worry about the Persians. Corinthians, you focus on trade.
Olympians, you focus on planning sporting events. Sparatans… you focus on running up mountains
barefoot or whatever it is you do. We will make sure everyone is safe. In exchange, we will only keep
1/60th of all the money collected. ”
Athenian 2: “Yeah, think of all your money as a pie cut into 60 slices. We will put all those slices to
protecting Greece and just keep one in exchange for our hard work.”
Corinthian: That’s a great deal! Count us in!
All the Greeks pay the Athenians.
Athenian 1: “Great. Now we are all friends. “
Everyone shakes hands and high-fives.
Athenian 2: “Just keep sending those payments, and we can stay friends.”
Scene 3: Getting Greedy
Cast: Greeks -6, Athenians - 2
Greeks are in a big clump, angry at the Athenians.
Athenian 1: “Why are you all so mad? You don’t think the club is doing its job?”
Athenian 2: “Have the Persians attacked lately? Clearly we are doing OUR part.”
Greek 1: “We are MAD because YOU are taking our money!”
Athenian 1: “You mean your club fees? Money well spent.”
Greek 2: “Well spent?! You are keeping too much money! That 1/60th of the Delian League’s funds is
adding up and you’re getting rich off of us!”
Greek 3: “Yeah! The only thing you guys have done is bully and force people to join your club!”
Greek 1: “Also, what’s this I hear about a new law that you passed? You want us to send you all our
criminals to be tried in Athens? What’s wrong with our courts?”
Greek 2: “Yeah, and I heard you are trying to get us to change all our money so we all use Athenian
currency. It sounds like you might be trying to take over!”
Athenian 2: “Whoa, whoa, whoa there. We are just neutralizing potential terrorists. Not bullying
anyone. “
Athenian 1: “We are just helping them see it OUR way.”
Greek 1: “Whatever. What about all the new buildings in Athens?”
Greek 2: “Yeah, what about all the remodeling work you’ve been doing on the Acropolis? You already
have a 4-story ivory and gold statue to Athena. Do you really need more? What about our patron gods?
They want some attention too!
Greek 3: “How did you pay for that?!”
Athenian 1: “Money well spent.”
Athenian 2: “You couldn’t possible understand the wisdom and logic we are using.”
Athenian 1: “Like I said, money well spent.”
Athenian 2: “Don’t worry about it.”
Greeks grumble.
Scene 4: Trouble in Sparta
Cast: Helots -6, Athenians - 2, Spartans -3
Helots are running around like crazy and fighting the Spartans.
Spartan 1: “The helots have rebelled!”
Spartan 2: “We are outnumbered!”
Two Athenians march in.
Athenian 1: “Everybody relax. We are here to help you crush the rebellion.”
Athenian 2: “And you’re welcome, by the way.”
Spartan 2: “What? YOU?!?”
Spartan 1: “You arrogant Athenians think you are so important.”
Spartan 2: “We don’t want YOUR help.”
Spartans return to battle.
Athenians speak to each other.
Athenian 2: “What jerks!”
Athenian 1: “Who do they think they are?”
Athenian 2: “Well, they can’t be in our club any more. Sparta is OUT of the Delian League.”
Athenian 1: “Let’s help the helots. That will show those stupid meat heads!”
Part II: The Break Up
Scene 1: WAR!
Cast: Pericles, Spartan
In Athens (one side of the room)
Pericles: “Sparta has made a grave mistake, not accepting our help. Anyone who helps Sparta is no
longer a friend of Athens!”
Sparta (other side of the room)
Spartan: “Athens has gone too far. Too long have they tried to dominate Greece. They are trying to
build an empire. We declare war on Athens! Look out, Pericles! THIS IS SPARTA!”
In Athens (other side of the room)
Pericles: “Uh-Oh. This is going to be bad. The Spartans are ferocious! Fortunately for us, we have a
strong navy. They may have soldiers but we have boats. With water all around, we are sure to win!!!
Just in case get all the villagers and farmers inside the city walls for their safety.”
Sparta: “We may be tough but it may take more than discipline to beat the sea power of those
Athenians. Plus they are rich. Hmmmmm…. I know some people who may be able to help…
Scene 2: The Siege
Cast: Athenians -8
Inside Athens, big crowd of Athenians.
Athenian 1: “This is horrible!”
Athenian 2: “We have been stuck inside these walls for almost three years!”
Athenian 3: “The food is rotten, the water is dirty!”
Athenian 4: “The trash is up to my knees in every street!”
Athenian 1 coughs.
Athenian 5: “If it was only trash, I wouldn’t be so upset. “
Athenian 1, 2, and 3 all cough twice.
Athenian 1: “Two of my brothers have died in war.”
Athenians 1,2,3,and 4 all cough 3-4 times. Start holding their stomachs and foreheads.
Athenian 2: “I think I am getting sick.”
Athenian 3: “Something is definitely going around. It is so dirty and there are so many people.”
Athenian 4: “I will be surprised if we survive this.”
Athenian 6 comes running in.
Athenian 6: “Pericles has died! Our democratic leader! He has died of the plague!”
All Athenians hang their heads and cough.
Athenian 6: “I think this war will not go on much longer.”
Scene 3: Sparta’s Unlikely Friend
Cast: Persian, Spartan
A Spartan and a Persian are having a conversation.
Spartan: “Haha! The people of Athens are living like PIGS inside those walls!”
Persian: “Well, my new friend, Persia is glad to support Sparta in crushing those Athenian animals.”
Sparta: “Yes, we appreciate the money and supplies you are sending us. We were getting tired, but you
have ensured our victory!”
Persian: “Excellent. Excellent.”
Persian 2: In a loud whisper “Ahem, why are we helping this guys? Didn’t they keep us from invading?”
Persian 1: “Shhhh… see how they are weakening each other. Most of their land is destroyed; the
Athenian navy is in tatters and the Spartan army is barely still standing. Plus those guys have no money
left. War is expensive business.”
Persian 2: “Right! If this keeps up, we’ll be the strongest empire near the peninsula!”
Scene 4: Aftermath
Cast: Corinthian -1, Athenian - 1, Spartans -1, Macedonians - 2
Spartan: “Okay Athens, we accept your surrender.”
Athenian: “We have no choice. We are at your mercy.”
Corinthian: “Precisely! I am here representing Corinth. We have lost many lives in this war! Sparta,
destroy the city! Burn it to the ground! Enslave these arrogant Athenians!!”
Spartan: “No, The Athenians fought with courage and bravery. Athens will be a Spartan city now. They
will live by our laws and pay us tribute. In ten years or so, we can consider making Athens independent
again. They will have learned their lesson.”
Sneaking in the background are two Macedonians.
Macedonian 1: “Ha ha! You have exhausted yourselves, southerners! We Macedonians have been
watching you waste lives and money on a petty war. You think a few powerful city states will make the
world remember Greece thousands of years from now? We need a Greek EMPIRE! You wait. We are
Macedonian 2: “King Phillip has great plans! His baby son, Alexander, has great plans, too.” *wink*