Ecosystems & Communities: Organisms and their Environments 1 Ecosystems have living and nonliving components What are ecosystems? 2 What is an Ecosystem? • A community of biological organisms plus the nonliving components with which the organisms interact. • Living organisms are not self-sufficient. They need energy and raw materials. 3 4 5 What is an Ecosystem? • The biotic environment consists of all the living organisms within an area and is often referred to as a community. • The abiotic (aka non-living or physical) environment, often referred to as the organisms’ habitat, consists of: • the chemical resources of the soil, water, and air, such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus • the physical conditions, such as the temperature, salinity (salt level), moisture, humidity, and energy sources 6 Which scenario below exemplifies an ecosystem? 1. 2. 3. 4. A group of organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time Different species interacting together at the same place and time Different species interacting with each other at the same time in a desert A smaller species living on a larger species in a mutually beneficial relationship 7 Take-Home Message • An ecosystem is all of the living organisms in a habitat as well as the physical environment. • Ecosystems are found not just in obvious places such as ponds, deserts, and tropical rainforests but also in some unexpected places, like the digestive tracts of organisms or the shell of a beetle. 8 Challenge Question • An ecosystem is made of two components: the biotic environment, or community, consisting of the living organisms within an area, and the physical environment, or the habitat in which these organisms live. • A habitat consists of its chemical resources of the soil, water, and air as well as its physical conditions. • List some of the aspects that make up the physical conditions of a habitat. 9 Ecosystems have living and nonliving components 15.2 A variety of biomes occur around the world, each determined by temperature and rainfall. 10 A variety of biomes occur around the world, each determined by temperature and rainfall. • • • • What is the average temperature? What is the average rainfall (or other precipitation)? Is the temperature relatively constant or does it vary seasonally? Is the rainfall relatively constant or does it vary seasonally? 11 12 13 Tropical Rain Forest • • • • • • forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth ~ 125 to 660 cm yearly rainfall temperature ranges from 20 °C - 34 °C average humidity 77 - 88% rainfall > 250 cm/year (may be a brief dry season) almost all rain forests lie near the equator 14 Tropical Rain Forest • < 6% of Earth's land surface • > 50% of all the world's plant and animal species live in tropical rain forests • produce ~40% of Earth's oxygen • ~70% of the plants in the rainforest are trees • ~25% of all the medicines we use come from rainforest plants 15 Tropical Rain Forest 16 Indicator Species • any biological species that defines a trait or characteristic of the environment • may delineate an ecoregion • could indicate an environmental condition such as a disease outbreak, pollution, species competition or climate change • can be among most sensitive species in a region; sometimes act as early warning to monitoring biologists 17 Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Plant Species 18 Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Animal Species Gorilla Gorilla gorilla Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) Spider Monkey Ateles geoffreyi 19 Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Animal Species 2-toed sloth Cholepus hoffmanni Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus variegatus) with baby - Costa Rica20 Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Animal Species Collared Aracari Pteroglossus torquatus 21 Grasslands (Prairie) • 2 different types • tall-grass: humid & very wet • short-grass: dry; hotter summers and colder winters than the tall-grass prairie • found in middle latitudes in the interiors of continents • either moist continental climates or dry subtropical climates • Argentina - grasslands are known as pampas • grasslands in southern hemisphere tend to get more precipitation than those in the northern hemisphere 22 Grasslands (Prairie) 23 Grasslands (Prairie) • temperatures range from -40° F 70° F • growing season and a dormant season • growing season is when there is no frost and plants can grow (which lasts from 100 to 175 days) • tropical and subtropical grasslands the length of the growing season is determined by how long the rainy season lasts • temperate grasslands the length of the growing season is determined by temperature (≥ 50° F) • dormant (not growing) season: nothing can grow because its too cold 24 Grasslands (Prairie) • average rainfall per year ranges from 10 - 30 inches • tropical and sub-tropical grasslands: average rainfall per year ranges from 25 - 60 inches • amount of rainfall is very important in determining which areas are grasslands • hard for trees to compete with grasses in places where the uppers layers of soil are moist during part of the year but where deeper layer of soil are always dry. 25 Grasslands (Prairie) 26 Grasslands– Indicator Plant Species Old Field Habitat, Ohio Grassland, North Dakota Ironweed (Vernonia sp.) with Hedge Bindweed 27 Vine (Calystegia sepium) Grasslands– Indicator Plant Species Ironweed (Vernonia sp.) Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium purpureum 28 Grasslands – Indicator Plant Species Common Teasel Dipsacus fullonum Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) 29 Grasslands – Indicator Animal Species Bison (Bison bison) on the range, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota 30 Grasslands – Indicator Animal Species Przewalski's horse (Equus caballus przewalskii), The Wilds, Ohio 31 Grasslands – Indicator Animal Species 32 Taiga • • • • • • Russian word for forest largest biome in the world Eurasia, North America located just below the tundra biome many coniferous trees aka boreal forest; Boreal was the Greek goddess of the North Wind 33 Taiga • • • • • winter temperature range is -54 to -1° C (-65 to 30° F) summer: -7° C (20° F) to 21° C (70° F) summers are very short (50 - 100 frost free days) average yearly precipitation: 30 - 85 cm (12 - 33 in) main seasons are winter and summer • spring and autumn are very short • weather is either hot and humid or very cold 34 Taiga 35 Taiga – Indicator Plant Species Balsam Fir Abies balsamea Black Spruce Picea mariana 36 Taiga – Indicator Plant Species White Poplar Populus alba Jack Pine Pinus banksiana Paper Birch Betula papyrifera 37 Taiga – Indicator Animal Species American Black Bear Ursus americanus Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus 38 Taiga – Indicator Animal Species Snowshoe Rabbit Lepus americanus Long-eared Owl Aiso otus 39 Desert • cover about one fifth of Earth's land surface • hot and dry: near Tropic of Cancer/Tropic of Capricorn • cold: near the Arctic • temperature • hot & dry: ~ 25° C to ~ 49° C • cold: -2 to 4° C (winter) 21 to 26° C (summer) • precipitation • hot & dry: very little rainfall and/or concentrated rainfall in short periods between long rainless periods (< 15 cm/year) 40 • cold: 15 - 26 cm/year Desert 41 Desert – Indicator Plant Species 42 Desert – Indicator Plant Species Fishhook Cactus Mammillaria microcarpa Saguaro Cactus Carnegiea gigantea 43 Desert – Indicator Plant Species Trichomes 44 Desert – Indicator Animal Species Zebratail Lizard - Callisaurus draconides 45 Desert – Indicator Animal Species Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) 46 Desert – Indicator Animal Species Bactrian Camel, Camelus bactrianus 47 Temperate Deciduous Forest • temperature: 0 - 20 C • precipitation: ~ 50 – 200 cm/year 48 Temperate Deciduous Forest 49 Temperate Deciduous Forest Indicator Plant Species Oaks (Quercus sp.) Dutchman's-Breeches Dicentra cucullaria 50 Temperate Deciduous Forest Indicator Plant Species Sassafras Sassafras albidum Redbud Cercis canadensis 51 Temperate Deciduous Forest – Succession • orderly succession of communities to a climax community (biome) • two main types of succession: • primary succession: begins with bare rock exposed by geologic activity • secondary succession: begins on soil from which previous community has been removed (by fire, agriculture, etc.) • secondary succession can proceed much faster because the soil has been prepared by the previous community 52 Temperate Deciduous Forest Indicator Animal Species American Toad Bufo americanus Box Turtle 53 Temperate Deciduous Forest Indicator Animal Species Eastern Chipmunk Tamias striatus Eastern Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 54 Temperate Deciduous Forest Indicator Animal Species Yellow-breasted chat Icteria virens 55 Tundra • annual average temperature < 5 C • precipitation (mostly in the form of snow) < 100 mm/year • summer is brief • temperatures above freezing last only a few weeks at most • "warm" summer coincides with periods of almost 24 hour daylight, so plant growth can be explosive 56 Tundra Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska 57 Tundra – Indicator Plant Species Arctic Tundra Wildflowers - Alaska 58 Tundra – Indicator Plant Species Lichen Polytrichum Moss (photographed in Ohio, not on the Tundra) 59 Tundra – Indicator Animal Species Reindeer Rangifer tarandus 60 Tundra – Indicator Animal Species Caribou On Autumn Tundra Denali National Park Alaska 61 Savanna • rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees • found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome • not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests • found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests • warm temperature year round • very long dry season (winter): ~ 10 cm rain; none at all from Dec - Feb • very wet season (summer): ~ 35-65 cm rain 62 Savanna 63 Savanna – Indicator Plant Species Baobab Adansonia digitata Umbrella Thorn Acacia Acacia tortillis 64 Savanna – Indicator Animal Species Savanna Elephant Loxodonta africana Black Mamba Dendroaspis polylepis Lion Panthera leo 65 Chaparral • • • • winter: mild and moist, but not rainy summer: very hot and dry. annual temperature range: between -1° and 38° C annual precipitation: ~ 25-45 cm, mostly in the winter 66 Chaparral 67 Chaparral – Indicator Plant Species Blue Oak Quercus douglasii Common Sagebrush Artemisia tridentata Olive Tree Olea europaea 68 Chaparral – Indicator Animal Species Black-tailed Jackrabbit Lepus californicus Golden Jackal Canis aureus Spotted Skunk Spilogale gracilis 69 The Freshwater Biome • low salt concentration — usually less than 1% • plants and animals in freshwater regions are adjusted to the low salt content and would not be able to survive in areas of high salt concentration (i.e., ocean) • 3 different types of freshwater regions: • ponds and lakes • streams and rivers • wetlands 70 The Freshwater Biome – Ponds and Lakes From left: a view across Manzanita Lake toward Mt. Lassen, California; a forest pond near Donnelly, Idaho; a Great Blue Heron; Paranagat Lake, southeastern Nevada. 71 The Freshwater Biome – Streams and Rivers From left: McArthur-Burney Falls State Park, California; trout; Green River, Utah; Brooks River, Alaska. 72 The Freshwater Biome - Wetlands From left: Pescadero Marsh, California; coastal marsh at Umpqua Dunes, Oregon; trees and bogs on Esther Island, Alaska. 73 The Marine Biome • cover about three-fourths of the Earth's surface • marine algae supply much of the world's oxygen supply and take in a huge amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide • evaporation of the seawater provides rainwater for the land • 3 different types of marine regions: • oceans • coral reefs • estuaries 74 The Marine Biome - Oceans From left: mussels, worms, and a spider crab at a hydrocarbon seep community in the Gulf of Mexico; a sea fan and brain coral in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; a school of Atlantic amberjack off North Carolina. 75 The Marine Biome – Coral Reefs From left: reef life in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea; a reef at Fanning Island atoll in the central Pacific; a reef in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 76 The Marine Biome - Estuaries From left: Mangrove roots, south Florida; wetlands and tidal streams in the Ashe Island area, ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve, South Carolina; a salt marsh in Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, South Carolina. 77 Ecological Notes These are the biomes, in order of their productivity (highest first) 1. estuaries and tropical rain forest (highest) 2. temperate forest 3. agricultural land 4. temperate grassland 5. lakes and streams 6. coastal zone 7. tundra 8. open ocean 9. desert (lowest) 78 Ecological Notes In order to be productive and have a lot of living material standing around (biomass), an ecosystem has to have 4 basic necessities for plant life to thrive (if there are enough plants, the ecosystem will also support a lot of animals). The four things are: 1. Sunlight 2. Nutrients 3. Warm temperatures 4. Water 79 Biomes Video 80 Take-Home Message • Biomes are the major ecological communities of earth, characterized mostly by the vegetation present. • Different biomes result from differences in temperature and precipitation, and the extent to which they vary from season to season. 81 Challenge Question • Terrestrial biomes are determined by the temperature and precipitation amounts as well as whether those factors are constant or vary by season. • By contrast, how are aquatic biomes determined? 82 Energy and chemicals flow within ecosystems Energy flows from producers to consumers. 83 84 85 First Stop: Primary Producers 86 First Stop: Primary Producers • ecosystem: producers or consumers • primary producers: plants, algae (some), bacteria • convert light energy from sun into chemical energy through photosynthesis • chemical energy = food • consumers eat or absorb their food • energy stored in chemical bonds of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid molecules is captured and harnessed for consumers’ own movement, reproduction, and growth 87 Second Stop: Primary Consumers – the Herbivores 88 Third Stop: Secondary Consumers – the Carnivores 89 Fourth Stop: Tertiary Consumers – the “Top” Carnivores 90 Food Chain 91 Food Web 92 Food Web 93 Food Chains & Food Webs • A change in one link in a food chain will affect the other links. • The table on the next slide gives one example of a food chain and the trophic levels represented in it: 94 Food Chains & Food Webs GRASS GRASSHOPPER TOAD SNAKE HAWK BACTERIA IN GENERAL, AUTOTROPHS (PRODUCERS) HERBIVORES (PRIMARY CONSUMERS) CARNIVORES (2, 3, ETC.) DECOMPOSERS 95 Chain Reaction Game 96 97 Energy Flows through a Food Web • Losses at every “step” in a food chain • Inefficiency of energy transfers 98 A grasshopper eats a plant. A mouse eats the grasshopper. A snake eats the mouse. A hawk could eat the snake or the mouse. In this food web, how would we categorize the hawk? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Producer Primary consumer Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer Quaternary consumer 4 and 5 99 Take-home message • • • Energy from the sun passes through an ecosystem in several steps. First, it is converted to chemical energy in photosynthesis. Herbivores then consume the primary producers, the herbivores are consumed by carnivores, and the carnivores, in turn, may be consumed by top carnivores. 100 Take-home message • • Detritivores and decomposers extract energy from organic waste and the remains of organisms that have died. At each step in a food chain, some usable energy is lost as heat. 101 Energy and chemicals flow within ecosystems Energy pyramids reveal the inefficiency of food chains. 102 Biomass • biomass: total weight of all living organisms in a given area • only about 10% of the plants in an ecosystem is converted into biomass • Food Energy Pyramid • flow of energy through a food chain • trophic level: position that an organism occupies in a food chain - what it eats, and what eats it • African savannas and grasslands sustain more species of higher-order carnivores than any other terrestrial ecosystem 103 104 Food Energy Pyramids • • flow of energy through a food chain trophic level: position that an organism occupies in a food chain - what it eats, and what eats it 105 106 107 You go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. You have a salad, salmon, and for dessert ice cream! Which part of the meal was the most energy efficient food for you to eat? 1. 2. 3. 4. Salad Salmon Ice cream 2 and 3 108 Take-home message • • • • Energy from the sun passes through an ecosystem in several steps known as trophic levels. Energy pyramids reveal that the biomass of primary producers in an ecosystem tends to be far greater than the biomass of herbivores. The biomass transferred at each step along the food chain tends to be only about 10% of the biomass of the organisms being consumed, due to energy lost in cellular respiration. As a consequence of this inefficiency, food chains rarely exceed four levels. 109 Energy and chemicals flow within ecosystems Essential chemicals cycle through ecosystems. 110 Chemical Reservoirs • Each chemical is stored in a non-living part of the environment. • Organisms acquire the chemical from the reservoir, a non-living part of the environment. • The chemical cycles through the food chain (biogeochemical cycles). • Eventually, the chemical is returned to the reservoir. 111 The Most Important Chemical Cycles 1) 2) 3) 4) Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur 112 113 Carbon Cycle Game 114 Fossil Fuels • • • created when large numbers of organisms die and are buried in sediment lacking oxygen In absence of oxygen, at high pressures, and after very long periods of time, organic remains are ultimately transformed into coal, oil, and natural gas burning coal, oil, and natural gas releases large amounts of carbon dioxide • increases average CO2 concentration in the atmosphere • current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is the highest it has been in almost half a million years 115 Global CO2 levels are rising in general, but they also exhibit a sharp rise and fall within each year – why? 116 117 Fertilizers • Because it is necessary for the production of every plant protein, and because all nitrogen must first be made usable by bacteria, plant growth is often limited by nitrogen levels in the soil. • For this reason, most fertilizers contain nitrogen in a form usable by plants. 118 119 120 121 Sulfur Cycle • • • • component of protein cycles in both a gas and sedimentary cycle source : earth's crust enters the atmosphere as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during fossil fuel combustion, volcanic eruptions, gas exchange at ocean surfaces, decomposition 122 Sulfur Cycle • • • H2S is immediately oxidized to sulfur dioxide (SO2) SO2 + water vapor H2SO4 (falls to earth in rain) sulfur in soluble form is taken up by plant roots, incorporated into amino acids such as cysteine • travels through food chain • eventually released through decomposition 123 How is carbon recycled back to the atmosphere in the carbon cycle? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It is “fixed” by bacteria. It is a product of cellular respiration. Burning of fossil fuels. 2 and 3. All of the above. 124 Why do commercial fertilizers usually contain usable forms of nitrogen and phosphorous? 1. These chemicals are not efficiently recycled in the soil. 2. Nitrogen and phosphorous need to be “fixed” by bacteria or the plant. 3. Nitrogen and phosphorous are found at high levels in the atmosphere but not in the soil. 4. Nitrogen and phosphorous only enter the soil through erosion. 125 Take-home message • • • Chemicals essential to life—including carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus—cycle through ecosystems. They are usually captured from the atmosphere, soil, or water by growing organisms; passed from one trophic level to the next as organisms eat other organisms; and returned to the environment through respiration, decomposition, and erosion. These cycles can be disrupted as human activities significantly increase the amounts of the chemicals utilized or released to the environment. 126 Symbiotic Relationships • • • • • • • Symbiosis: close relationship between organisms of two different species At least one participant gains some sort of benefit (usually nutritional) Types of symbiosis: Parasitism Commensalism Mutualism Predation 127 Parasitism • • Parasite derives nutrition from the host This harms the host but a true parasite does not usually kill its host (directly) 128 Ectoparasites Remain outside the host Ticks, fleas, leeches 129 Endoparasites Live inside the host’s body Tapeworms, malarial parasites 130 Parasite Transmission • • Many parasites live on or in a single organism Some will alternate between 2 or more host species • Vertical transmission – from mother offspring • Horizontal transmission – between members of a population • Direct contact (head lice) • Vectors (mosquitos) 131 132 Commensalism • • • • Neither species is totally dependent on the other One benefits – no effect on the other Feeding or protection Porcelain anemone crabs and anemones 133 Mutualism • • • • • • • • • Both species benefit Food or shelter Examples: Plants and microbes (rhizobium in root nodules) Plants and fungi (orchids and mycorrhizae) Protists and fungi (lichen) Plants and insects (pollination) Animals and bacteria (ruminants) Animals and other animals (crocodiles and plover birds) 134 Rhizobium Rhizobium in root nodules of certain plants convert nitrogen in soil to usable form. 135 Orchid/ Mycorrhizae Fungi aid the plant in the uptake of nutrients. Fungi ingest some of the food from plant photosynthesis 136 Lichen Most of the lichen is composed of fungal filaments, but living among the filaments are algal cells, usually from a green alga or a cyanobacterium. The lichen fungus provides its partner(s) a benefit (protection) and gains nutrients in return. 137 Ruminants Ruminants are characterized by their four-chambered stomach and "cud-chewing" behavior. Cud is a food bolus that is regurgitated, rechewed, and reswallowed. The rumen is a large fermentation vat containing billions of microorganisms, including bacteria and protozoa, which allow ruminants to digest fibrous feeds such as grass and hay that other animals cannot efficiently utilize. 138 Crocodiles & Plover Birds The bird gets into the crocodile's mouth and picks out the tiny bits of food stuck in his teeth, then eats it (the tiny bits). This cleans the crocodile's teeth and keeps his mouth fresh and free from infections. 139 THANK YOU TO… • • • • • s.html • • ailsWindow?displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=fal se&prodId=SCIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&document Id=GALE%7CCV2644030753&mode=view&userGroupName=cathol iccenhs&jsid=71a9d03928f7c22aa5cc70824a0bbc99 140