Lesson 7 - Church of Christ

Walking With God
Lesson 7
Levels of Prayers
What is prayer to you? Do you
pray only when you have a
need or do you pray like Daniel,
on a regular basis? Daniel 6:10
We often teach how we should
pray - ie. with faith, according
to God’s will etc. but not about
the levels of prayer
Many Christians take prayer for
granted and11am
do not
in this
to Call
Here areDiscussion
7 levels of
prayers for your
1. Confession
- Luke 18:13 And the publican,
standing afar off, would not lift up
so much as his eyes unto heaven,
but smote upon his breast,saying,
God be merciful to me a sinner.
- First contact: cleanse us from
our sin before meeting a holy God
- Romans 8:35 tells us that
nothing can separate us from
to Call– our
God; there is
one How
11:15am Discussion
12pm Summary
2. Supplication
1. Confession
- Matthew 6:11 Give us this day
our daily bread
- Basic: asking for our needs
- Prayer is not so much for us to
seek gifts, as it is for us to seek
the Giver
- God is not a genie in a lamp that
we give homage to in order for
11am How to Call
Him to grant
us our every whim
11:15am Discussion
and wants 12pm Summary
3. Petition
1. Confession
2. Supplication
- 1 Samuel 12:23 Moreover as for
me, God forbid that I should sin
against the LORD in ceasing to
pray for you:
- For what are men better than
sheep or goats that nourish a blind
life within the brain, if, knowing
God, they lift not hands of prayer
both for themselves – A. Tennyson
11am How to Call
- Something
wrong if all
we pray for is12pm
for ourselves
4. Thanksgiving
1. Confession
2. Supplication
3. Petition
- 1 Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore,
that, first of all, supplications,
prayers, intercessions, and giving
of thanks, be made for all men
- At this level, we move from
looking at self to look up towards
- Even in severe circumstances,
yes even death,
the child of God
11am How to Call
is always thankful
12pm Summary
5. Adoration
1. Confession
2. Supplication
3. Petition
4. Thanksgiving
- Luke 11:2 And Jesus said unto
them, When ye pray, say, Our
Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done
- Adoration is the natural outcome
of a thankful heart
- If you do not walk with God, your
adoration will be brief, curt and
11am How to Call
11:15am Discussion
12pm Summary
6. Watch
6. Memorize the Word:
1. Confession
2. Supplication
3. Petition
4. Thanksgiving
5. Adoration
- Mark 13:33 Take ye heed, watch
and pray: for ye know not when
the time is
- To watch is to sense the spiritual
condition of self, the church and
the world
- God’s people are those who
mourn because of the lost state of
the world
11am How to Call
11:15am Discussion
12pm Summary
7. Wait
1. Confession
2. Supplication
3. Petition
4. Thanksgiving
- Psalms 130:5 I wait for the
LORD, my soul doth wait, and in
his word do I hope.
5. Adoration
6. Watch
- The most difficult thing for a
person to do is to wait without a
- Only the person who submit to
God’s agenda can wait in hope
and not be worn out waiting
11am How to Call
- Isaiah 40:31
But they
that wait
upon the LORD…
12pm Summary
1. Confession
2. Supplication
3. Petition
4. Thanksgiving
5. Adoration
6. Watch
7. Wait
Which of these do you dwell
upon most in your prayers:
petition, intercession,
confession, adoration or
thanksgiving? Why?
How would you rate your
personal prayer life?
Describe the ways that your
prayer level has grown.
11am How to Call
11:15am Discussion
12pm Summary
1. Confession
2. Supplication
3. Petition
4. Thanksgiving
5. Adoration
6. Watch
7. Wait
It has been said that prayer is
something we talk about more
than we actually practice. Do
you agree? In what ways can
you “pray without ceasing” (I
Thess. 5:17)
Since prayer is so powerful, do
not stop praying for family
members and friends who are
out of Christ. With man it may
11am How
to Call
be impossible,
but not
with God
12pm Summary