September 2010 NEWSLETTER Beautiful Savior Lutheran Pastor Matt Guse 10265 Bermuda Road, Las Vegas, NV 89183 Ph: 702-260-7660 / Fax: 702-260-7694 A Note From Pastor: “Bible Value” Special Interest Articles: • “Bible Value” “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16) • Preschool & Kindergarten News • Sunday School Begins September 12 Important Dates: Sept. 8th: Communication Committee Mtg. Sept. 13th: Confirmation Class Sept. 16th: Choir Practice Sept. 26th: Congregational Forum & Voter’s Meeting What would it take for you to start reading your Bible again on a regular basis? Would it take $10 and $20 dollar bills tucked away in its verses? The value of God’s Word has nothing to do with money, but everything to do with eternal riches. It is not about having a Bible in our homes, but everything to do with having God’s Word in our hearts. It is not about talking about how much we have read, but everything to do with meditating on and understanding what we have read. Our Sunday morning Child / Teen/ Adult Bible classes will begin Sunday, September 12th at 9:15am. Our Sunday school children will be taking a look at the power of God in the Old Testament. Our teens will be better understanding how to live their Christian faith in a secular world. Our adult class will start with a Bible and video series on Science with Creation. • Service Time Change! Sept. 12th: Bible Classes Begin others. He would never say that his Bible was not important, but by his actions, seeking God’s Word was not as important as seeking his earthly needs. When their son left for his freshman year at Duke University, his parents gave him a Bible, assuring him it would be a great help. Later, as he began sending them letters asking for money, they would write back telling him to read his Bible, citing chapter and verse. He would reply that he was reading the Bible--but he still needed money. When he came home for a semester break, his parents told him they knew he had not been reading his Bible. How? They had tucked $10 and $20 bills by the verses they had cited in their letters. A lot of times people treat reading the Bible like this young man. He probably took his Bible to college, because every Christian needs one in their dwelling, but never intended to read it. He would say he was reading it just to make it sound good before As we move through the different parts of the Bible this year, our goal is simply to get into God’s Word. When we do this, the Holy Spirit will build up personal faith, reveal the wonders of Christ’s love, unveil the mysteries of God’s power and mercy, and guide our feet to walk in the confidence of his promises. May the Word of God dwell in you richly this year! Pastor Guse Beautiful Savior Newsletter Page 2 of 10 Beautiful News (from the Preschool & Kindergarten) During the month of August, we received several more enrollments for the preschool. We thank God for the blessings of new and returning families to the school; it’s exciting to be able to share God’s Word with them. Please stop by and visit our school. It’s a wonderful ministry! Enrollment continues for Fall 2010. Please contact the office, 260-7660, if you have any questions. We appreciate your continued prayers! In Christ’s Service, Lisa DeBenon School Director As you’ve seen, the stores are all having sales on school supplies! If you would like to help with a donation of school supplies, we would greatly appreciate GLUE STICKS, SMALL PAINT BRUSHES AND WIDE-LINED WRITING TABLETS. We’re also looking for donations of colored tissue paper and small (2oz.-4oz.), covered containers. We thank you for your help and support. A note from the Education Chairman: My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From Sunday school, to Adult and Small Group Bible studies (Our G3 Network!), we The month of September is upon us and are offing something for all ages this fall. our children are getting back into the swing Don't miss out! Come grow in Christ of school – all eager to learn and grow. I with us! can just imagine all that they will learn this upcoming year… how exciting! Yours in Christ, I am also excited because of all that they will be learning about our Lord and Savior from our FABULOUS Sunday School programs this year! For that matter - I am also thrilled about all that you and I are going to learn this year about Christ's love with our OUTSTANDING Adult and Small Group Classes as well! We are very blessed this year by the work that our Education Committee is doing to offer some outstanding programs. We are going to learn more about our God and strengthen ourselves and our knowledge with God's living word. Our programs this year will be the best yet and all of us will have opportunities that will help us to grow in faith and understanding. Keith Brewer, Education Chairman P.S. – A personal THANK YOU to everyone involved with the education committee for all the hard work and planning this summer. Your love and dedication for Christ and his Church have sure shown through and I know that there will be many people form our community that will become closer to Christ because of all your efforts. We are very blessed to have you all working so hard for us here at Beautiful Savior! Page 3 of 10 Beautiful Savior Newsletter Upcoming Events: Sunday School Begins The role of "teacher" in a child's life is first and foremost given to parents. In Deuteronomy 11:18-19, God instructs parents to "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." How blessed we are to have a Sunday school program at our church to help parents do just that. Sunday School registration will begin August 22. You can fill out a registration card at church or visit the church website to register online at: September 12, First Day 9:15 - 9:25 Attend with your child to celebrate your commitment to this important ministry. view the curriculum meet the teachers 9:25 Children head off to their classrooms for their first day of Sunday School. Lead by example. Show your children that you value their Christian education! "Bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" Ephesians 6:4 Sunday School is encouraged for everyone: members, non-members, and visitors! If you are interested in being a Sunday School aide (no planning or experience necessary) please contact Amber Pedote at: or 368-6692. CREATIVE MEMORIES @ BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR Hello Ladies! Looking for some time to get away and work on your photo projects? Want an excuse to socialize with old friends and make some new ones? Want to see all the latest ways Creative Memories can make a difference in how you preserve and celebrate your memories? Maybe pick up some fresh ideas and new techniques? Then please join me at my next Workshop! I'll provide the space and uninterrupted time for you to work on whatever projects you'd like - organizing your printed or digital photos, creating a traditional scrapbook or working on your next digital photo book. All of this for simply $20, which includes a donation to the Church, a gourmet lunch, drinks and a seat favor. Stop by and get some work done. Stop by and catch up with good friends. Or just stop by to see what's new. Either way, you're sure to have fun and get something accomplished. TIME TO PRAY Sounds like a good call to me! Let me know by 9/4/2010 of any products you'd like to order so I can have them there for you. You can shop and order on my Personal Web Site by clicking the link below. It will be great when you come. It will be even better when you bring a friend! Please RSVP today to save your space. See you there! Warmly, Stacy Matthews CM ID # 65927455 Your Creative Memories Consultant 702-371-7830 Date: Time: Host: Place: 9/18/10 9:00am – 9:00pm Galen Brewer Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church A pastor asked a little boy if he said his prayers every night. 'Yes, sir.' the boy replied. 'And, do you always say them in the morning, too?' the pastor asked. 'No sir,' the boy replied. 'I ain't scared in the daytime.' Beautiful Savior Newsletter Page 4 of 10 Announcements: Our Service Times are Changing! Beginning September 12th, the 8:15am service will be changed to begin at 8:00am. This will give us a little more time in between services to greet each other and get settled into the Bible hour. The God Squad The God Squad is an outreach group focused on getting our church’s name and information into the hands of new residents to our community. We meet two nights a month. One night we have a catered dinner, discuss issues, and plan for future visits. The second night we meet and divide into groups to make new resident visits. It is a great way to get to know our brothers and sisters and also carry out the Lord’s great commission. Come and join us. It will be a positive aspect of your Christian life and faith. Please contact Carlos Padilla for more information. Watch the weekly bulletin for our next scheduled meeting. Communication Committee: The Communication Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with the following tasks: Special Concerts/Events LWMS Member Picture Board Member Mailboxes Church Directory Bulletin Boards Birthday/Anniversary List Marketing/Worship Events On Friday evening, October 8th, Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church will be hosting a “spaghetti dinner/game night” for the women attending this year's LWMS Golden West Circuit Fall Rally being held on October 9th at Mt Olive Lutheran Church. We invite all women of Beautiful Savior to come meet your sisters and brothers in Christ and enjoy an evening of fun food & games. Anyone interested in volunteering their time & talents to prepare for this event, please contact Mary Atkins, Alison DiMilte or Norma Laurie." More information will come following the communications meeting in August. We look forward to seeing you at the dinner and the fall rally! Norma Laurie will be taking family photos each Sunday (between 1st & 2nd services) to update our Member Picture Board. Please see her in the church kitchen if you need to have your family’s photo taken! Altar Flowers: Anyone interested in donating flowers to beautify our Alter, please contact Linda Juetten at 702-217-6690, or sign up on the flower chart located in the front entryway. Flowers can be donated to commemorate anniversaries, birthdays, special occasions, or in memory of loved ones. Prices vary, depending on selection of flowers. Page 5 of 10 Beautiful Savior Newsletter Look at the Opportunities: Sunday, September 12th is our education kick-off Sunday. Here is a list of the Sunday morning Bible study opportunities: Adult Bible Class Meets 9:15am in the Sanctuary. “Science With Creation” (A Bible Video Series) Beginning Sunday, September 12th, at 9:15am: Beginning Sunday, September 19th, at 9:15am: Sunday School (Nursery – 5th Grade) Meets 9:15am in the Kindergarten Room. “The Old Testament Power of God” Teen Class Meets 9:15am in the Modular Unit. “My Life and Walk With God” Communicating Christ (A new member course) Meets 9:15am in the Fellowship Area This course is designed to take a closer look at what Beautiful Savior teaches and believes. Do you think... “Small Groups are too traditional” “Bible Study is too much like a class” Join the only G3 Network for Growth The Word Fellowship A Purpose G3 Network God’s Growth Groups Sign Ups Begin Sunday, September 19th. At Church or online at G3 Network-God’s Growth Groups Fall Semester Study-Eight Weeks Beginning October 3rd Learn the answers to these important questions: Why do we do what we do the way we do it? Do I need to go to church? Do I have a purpose? Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18 Beautiful Savior Newsletter Page 6 of 10 Confirmation Class 2010-2011 Confirmation classes for all 7th & 8th graders will begin on Monday, September 13th at 3:00pm. Please talk with Pastor about enrolling your children so all the materials can be ordered for the year. Congregational Forum and Special Voters Meeting On Sunday, September 26th at 9:15am we will be hosting a congregational forum in the church sanctuary. This forum is open to all, and all members are encouraged to attend. The purpose of this forum is two-fold. We will be presenting the revised and final budget for the fiscal year 2010-2011. This updated presentation was asked for by our voters’ assembly back in June 2010. The second purpose is to give an updated look at the ongoing ministry of our church. Certain areas of ministry will speak and certain programs and events will be highlighted. Immediately after the congregational forum, a brief voters meeting will be held to approve and adopt the revised and final budget. 3rd Annual Oktoberfest!!! Our 3rd Annual Oktoberfest event will be held on Saturday, October 16th from 12:00pm – 4:00pm (rain date: 1023-10). The goal of the Oktoberfest has always been to open the doors of our church to the members of our community. Oktoberfest provides a fun and safe carnival atmosphere with live music, food, bounce houses, Clark County Fire Department, kid's games and crafts, raffles, bingo, cake walk, and too much more to list! There will be free activities and low cost food, allowing everyone to participate. Our Fundraising Committee is still accepting donations from individuals and businesses in the form of products, raffle items, gift cards, or cash donations. If you are able to help seek donations from a local business, our donation letter and 501(c)3 form are located on the office counter. Our committees and their chairs are working hard on the Oktoberfest planning. As one of our committee members put it, "I can't believe we have this many people working on this together! I can't wait to show our church and carnival to our neighbors on Oktoberfest." If you would like to join an Oktoberfest committee, or volunteer to help - call Debbie Carroll #526-3945. Thank you and keep us in your prayers! THANK YOU thus far to: KLAS TV 8, United Way of Southern Nevada, Sky High Marketing, Sportco, and Thrivent Financial for their early Oktoberfest support. Page 7 of 10 Beautiful Savior Newsletter Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church – Financial Position Report as of July 31, 2010: "Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it." -- Malachi 3:10b (NIV) CURRENT CASH POSITION Cash in General Fund: Checking Account $ Savings Account 1,293.70 3,584.51 $ 4,878.21 $ 80,733.02 $ (75,854.81) Current Payables: To Vendors $ 69.12 To Church Extension Fund 76,663.90 Unearned Income/Receipts 4,000.00 Net Cash Position RESTRICTED FUNDS AND LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS Restricted Funds: Jesus Provides Fund (1) $ Salaries & Wages Fund (4) $ 1,161.00 5,827.02 Church Extension Fund(2) 5,000.00 Building Fund (3) 2,928.84 Flower Fund 133.76 Capital Improvements 595.00 Debt Reduction Emergency Reserves Keyboardist - Music Memorial Tree BSLS Contribution in Adv. Total Restricted Funds 2,358.43 700.00 750.00 4,000.00 $ 23,454.05 Long Term Debts Mortgage Payable $2,539,870.33 Notes to the Financial Position Report 1. Jesus Provides Fund is our tithe and offering to the Synod Missions. 2. Church Extension Fund consists of restricted funds to pay a portion of our $11,965 monthly mortgage. 3. Building fund consists of restricted funds to pay taxes, utilities, liability insurance and contracted services for repairs/maintenance. 4. For salaries, wages, and benefits for church staff and pastor. Congregation Giving Summary through the July 31,2010 (4 offerings to date) Through 4 offering periods of the fiscal year (2010-2011), contributions from the congregation increased by 20.5% over the same period last year. Unfortunately, total contributions for the new fiscal year are below the required amount by $3,193.63. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. As God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” -- 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (NIV) Beautiful Savior Newsletter Care Committee: Page 8 of 10 1 Peter 4:9-10: Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have many gifts and talents to offer to our growing congregation. The Care Committee members provide the following assistance to members in need: Meals Rides to medical appointments, church functions, etc. Visitations Prayer Chain Members in need of the Care Committee’s services should contact Dave Heiny at 702-513-5898. If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents, please contact Linda Juetten at 702-217-6690 or join us at our next meeting. Please watch the weekly bulletins for our next scheduled meeting. Those whom we are keeping in our prayers this month: Linda Langston, Jennifer Heiny’s step mother, is undergoing chemo treatments for breast cancer. Karen Callahan, a friend of Krista Mashack, is recovering from a serious accident on June 25th. Mary Becker, spouse of a co-worker of Chris Mashack, was in a coma following by-pass surgery, and is still suffering from fluid in her lungs. Daniel, David Coil’s step-son. David asks for prayers of peace for Daniel, as his family is going through a difficult time. Chuck Wells, a friend of the Searl family who, following removal of a tumor from his brain, was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Steve Lynch, Lauren Carroll’s boyfriend, has been deployed to Afghanistan. The family requests prayers for his safety, and prayers for all our troops serving overseas. Adam Dibattiste, a friend of Stacy Jo Tiffany, he is 29 years old and has been diagnosed with cancer. Walter DiMilte, John DiMilte’s father, who is suffering from dementia. Chuck LaMothe, our church President, has been diagnosed with rectal cancer and is recovering from surgery. Kris LaMothe, Chuck LaMothe’s wife, has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is receiving chemo treatments. Carlos Padilla, our Evangelism Chairperson, continues to fight off a blood infection affecting his kidneys spleen & internal organs. Deanna Woolworth’s dad, who was admitted to the hospital for a heart condition. He suffered two major heart attacks last year and has heart disease along with diabetes. Sandra Weber, Linda Juetten’s mother, fell and broke her arm in two places and injured her knee. Chris and Winona Jungman, friends of Cindi Lawson. Winona has a mass on her pancreas, however, they do not have a specific diagnosis as yet. PRAYER: Lord Jesus, in you I take refuge. You are my Support, my Strength, my Stronghold, my Salvation. You proved this when you said to the wind and waves, "Quiet! Be still!" You proved this when you cast out demons. You proved this when you withstood the devil's temptations. Even more, you proved this when you rose victorious from the dead. Forgive me for taking refuge in myself when I doubt your love and worry about things going on in my life. Instead daily lead me to flee to you for refuge for you. Keep my eyes fixed on you today as I strive to honor you by doing what is right and saying things that build others up. In your powerful name I pray, amen. (Please submit your prayer requests to Dave Heiny at or call 702-513-5898.) Council Members: President: Elders Chairman: Education Chairman: Stewardship Chairman: Evangelism Chairman: Chief Financial Officer: Chuck LaMothe David Heiny Keith Brewer Peter Drotning Carlos Padilla Ralph LePore Church Guild: Guild Coordinator: Care Committee: Fellowship Committee: Refreshment Committee: Communication Committee: Nursery: Kitchen: Altar Guild: Cleaning: Joanne Miller Linda Juetten Cindy Keane Joanne Miller Norma Laurie Amanda Holzknecht Silvana Fuchs Kris LaMothe Michelle Walker/Tanya Busse Page 9 of 10 Beautiful Savior Newsletter September 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Oktoberfest Mtg. 6:30pm 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 Outreach 6pm Bunco 6:30pm Communication Committee Mtg. 6:30pm 12 Sunday Worship 13 Birthday 14 15 16 17 8:00 & 10:30am Lunch 12:30pm 18 Creative Memories Workshop 9:00am-9:00pm (at church) 24 25 5 Communion Sunday 6 Worship 8:15 & 10:30am 9:15am Sunday School & Teen/Adult Bible Class Choir Practice 7:00pm Confirmation Class 3:00pm Potluck after last service Outreach 6pm 19 Communion Sunday 20 Worship 8:00 & 10:30am Confirmation Class 3:00pm 9:15am Sunday School & Teen/Adult Bible Class 26 Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:30am 22 27 28 Confirmation Class 3:00pm Outreach 6pm Nursery: 09/05 Amanda Holzknecht 09/12 Heidi Guse 09/19 Leah Carroll 09/26 Tanya Busse 23 Choir Practice 7:00pm Outreach 6pm 9:15am Sunday School & Teen/Adult Bible Class 9:15am Congregational Forum 21 29 Sunday School Teacher Mtg. 6:30pm Cleaning: 09/05 Mashack C/Carroll 09/12 Richardsons/Paetzke 09/19 Brewer/Bolwin L 09/26 Campbell/Walker Ushers: 8:00am 09/05 Jason Busse/Joseph Watson/Peter Drotning/Chuck LaMothe 09/12 Dave Keane/John Juetten/John Laurie/Peter Drotning 09/19 Joseph Watson/Peter Kruschel/John Juetten/Chuck LaMothe 09/26 Joseph Watson/Jason Busse/Peter Drotning/John Laurie 30 Choir Practice 7:00pm Refreshments: 09/05 Crabb/Wedemayer 09/12 Padilla/LePore 09/19 Greenwood/Lis 09/26 Kruschel/Reimer 10:30am David Heiny/Ralph LePore/Keith Brewer/Dom Casey Keith Brewer/Ralph LePore/David Heiny/Scott Heiny David Heiny/Ralph LePore/Dom Casey/Scott Heiny Keith Brewer/Ralph LePore/David Heiny/Dom Caesy Beautiful Savior Ev. Lutheran Church 10265 Bermuda Road Las Vegas, NV 89183 PHONE: 702-260-7660 FAX: 702-260-7694 Beautiful Savior Newsletter Page 10 of 10 Birthdays and Anniversaries this Month: 09/03 09/13 09/19 09/20 09/21 09/25 09/30 Jennifer Heiny Gwen Harvey Heidi Guse Logan Woolworth Amber Pedote Marissa Bagasao Rob Campbell 09/08 Perry & Cindi Lawson E-MAIL: We’re on the Web! See us at: About Our Church… Our Mission: As a gathering of believers, who through the love of Christ, have committed ourselves: To grow in faith through the unchanging Word of God, To unite in Christ’s love to worship and serve our Savior, To boldly proclaim Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sin to those of our community. Sunday Service Times: 8:00am Worship 9:15am Bible/Fellowship Hour BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR Ev. Lutheran Church & School 10265 Bermuda Road Las Vegas, NV 89183 . 10:30am Worship