Gods and Goddesses

By Aingaran,Sam,Joesph,Luke,George,
Mason and Arian
The ancient Maya had over 150 gods. They have 5 extremely
important gods
Here are the top 5 gods:
Itzamn because he is the lord of heaven.
Cach because he is the god of rain.
Ah Mun because he is the god of corn and agriculture.
Ah Puch because he is the god of death.
Ek Chuah because he is the god of war and human sacrifice.
Their most important god is Itzamn.
Kukulcan was a powerful snake god whose name means “Feathered
Serpent”. He was the primary god of the Itza people in the latterpart of
Maya civilisation. He is often drawn as a dragon.
The Maya belived some gods were more powerful then others. The most
important Maya god was Itzamn. Itzamn was the god of fire and who
created Earth. He was ruler of heaven as well as day and night. It is
thought that his name means “lizard house”.
Chac is the bringer of the rains.He is the Mayan sky god and is the god
responsible for thunder,lighting and rain. Because of his role as the rain
god, Chac also is considered a god of argriculture. In surviving Mayan
artwork,Chac is often depicted as having the form of a human and
covered in scales.
The Maya are a native Mesoamerican people who developed
one of the most sophisticated cultures in the Western
Hemisphere before the arrival of the Spanish. Mayan religion
was characterized by the worship of nature gods (especially
the gods of sun,rain and corn), a priestly class, the importance
of astronomy and astrology, rituals of human sacrifice, and the
building of elaborate pyramidical temples.
Some aspects of Mayan religion survive today among the
Mayan Indians of Mexico and Central America, who practice a
combination of traditional religion and Roman Catholicism.
Mayan religion was the subject of much discussion leading up
to December 21, 2012.
The Maya had a large pantheon of godsthat often had different
aspects (the combination of young and old characteristics or
human and animal forms) and fulfilled different functions. The
supreme deity was Itzam Na, who pervaded all aspects of life,
and represented iconically as an old man; he was the inventor
of writing and patron of learning and sciences. His wife was
IxChel-old goddess of weaving, medicine and childbirth, who
was also the old moon Goddess.
How many Gods are there?
What are the names of 3 main Gods?
Who is the most important God?
Where are the Maya from?
They are a native group of people from where?