September 2015 NORTH-CENTRAL DISTRICT # 8640 I hope that everyone survived through Hot August! September is here and we are halfway through our Elks year. It is time that we reflect and look back on what we have accomplished the first part of the year. It’s time to reevaluate, make corrections and move forward with our goals to finish the second half with a bang. I would like for all officers to review their responsibilities, meet with their committee chairpersons and make certain that they are on course to meet the goals of the Lodge. It is important that we allow as many Members are involved as possible. Do not allow one person to chair too many committees. When one Member heads too many projects, other Members do not get involved a sound Lodge is when everyone pitches in and works together to achieve a common goal. Allow your Members to take responsibility, make mistakes if necessary. As the old saying goes, we learn from our mistakes All Officers and past Officers should be looking and preparing new Members to be Leaders in the Lodge. I cannot think of a better way than to allow them to take charge. I would like to congratulate Grapevine Lodge for their hospitality and for a wonderful fellowship at Inter-Lodge. Above and beyond the call of duty, thank you. Our District team worked very hard putting together programs that we hope gave you good ideas to use at your Lodge. We are always trying to improve our presentations and materials given out at Inter-lodge. Any ideas that you may have that will improve our Inter-lodges, please share. My team and I will be making our visits through November. I ask that you be prepared, have all materials at hand allowing the meeting to run efficiently. It is our goal to build a positive rapport with all of the Lodges in our District. We want all Members to know that we are working for them to make our District the best in the State. Any positive suggestions that you may have, I ask you to write them down, send me an e-mail, or bring them to the January Inter-lodge. When we work together, we will prevail. Happy Labor Day! If anyone needs to reach me, my cell phone number is 817-721-7457 and my e-mail address is Fraternally Yours, George Paradise District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler There is nothing wrong in change, if it is in the right direction. To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often. Winston Churchill RED PIG & SWEETHEART DONATIONS The current RED PIG donations stand at $483.24, the SWEETHEART fund is at $194.00 thanks to all who have made donations and please keep up the great job!!! $483.24 September 2015 ENF The Cleburne Lodge has applied for and received the Beacon Grant. This is a $2000 grant from the Elks National Foundation Community Investment Program. Our Lodge was awarded this grant last year for the first time. With the money from this grant the Lodge will have a Halloween party and dance for the adults with disabilities. We will have music for dancing , pizza to eat and a gift bag for all the clients who attend. Everyone had a great time last year, so put October 30th on your calendar for a fun filled evening. For new members: we have a book exchange room near the ladies lounge. Books are 50 cents each and all the money goes to the ENF. If you like to read check out this room. Sharen Rotenberry ENF Chairperson Notice: I am giving the MESSAGE FROM VETERANS AFFAIRS We would like to remind you that the annual “Fall Festival” will be on September 16th from 10:30 till 1:30 at the VA Hospital in Waco and that the 1st Cavalry will have their demonstration at 9:30A.M. that same morning. Please come to volunteer and support our lodge in helping our veterans have a great time. We would like to thank all members who contribute to our veteran’s donation boxes, with your coffee, clothes, CD’s and current magazines, keep up the good work. “God Bless our Troops”, Veterans Chairman, Tim McKinna & assistant, Arthur Anderson Cleburne Lodge notice that this is my last year of being ENF Chairperson and the Grants Cocoordinator. I have held these positions for 10 years, so it is time for another Cleburne Elk to take over these important jobs. They are appointed by the ER, but the ER needs to know who would be interested in these important jobs. If no one steps up, the Grants could become a thing of the past. I would be willing to work with anyone this year so they would know what to do in the 20162017 year. Sharen Rotenberry MESSAGE FROM THE LODGE SECRETARY Since the last newsletter, we have had two more Elks pay their dues, but we still have 45 members who still haven’t submitted theirs’yet. I’ve asked that the sponsors of these delinquent members who have been Elks from 2 years to 56 years to contact these individuals. They need to realize the lodge has already had to pay their Grand Lodge and State dues . If you are one of those individuals and you no longer want to be an Elk and help those less fortunate, It is requested, that you please submit your unpaid dues as soon as possible and I will put your name on a total demit list at the end of this year, that being the 31st of March 2016 and you will be dropped from the ELKS ROSTER. Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Secretary, Ted Blixt September 2015 TESA Vice President North Central District #8640 Jon Perry Back to School Children are back in school, so please be especially careful when driving. This is also the time for Lodges to gear up for Drug Awareness, Hoop Shoot and other children initiatives. If you haven’t done so already, make your contacts in your school district for these important programs. Even though it’s down the road, be thinking about Scholarships. Who are your points of contact in the schools? Are they the same contacts? Membership This is a good time to be proactive and go through your Lodge’s membership roster. When was the last time your members came to a Lodge meeting or function? Do they have an assigned mentor? “People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society.” ~ Vince Lombardi We win and retain our members by understanding “their needs” and matching them to the good work we do both inside and out of Lodges. Socially, fraternally and in our community, we should be involving all of our Elks. This is the time to look at your membership, attendance and participation. If you don’t, then you will almost certainly have an unmanageable Delinquent list at the end of the year. If you are not sure where to start, then please call me. There are many resources in our District and State that would love to help. 62nd Annual Homecoming – Helping Children With Disabilities This year’s Homecoming in Ottine, Texas is September 18th and 19th. Homecoming is for you to come and see what YOU have accomplished, have fun, raise funds for TECSI (Texas Elks Children Services Inc) and the First Lady/Dude’s project, visit with other Elks and Friends to exchange ideas, and to take pride in our state major project! There’s a BBQ cook-off, chili cook-off, golf tournament, Best Dressed Dog Contest and much more! Go to for more information. I am very much looking forward to the VP visits at our District Lodges! Warm Regards, Jon Perry Cell : 817-825-7185 Sickness & Distress: Embry Hutto Opal Johnson Marvin Forsyth Vernon Husky Earl Lutz Bobby Benne Chuck Turner Fish Fry Come participate in the fish fry fundraiser to benefit the Cleburne Elks Lodge, Tri Cities VFW and Johnson County Police association. $12 per person for all you can eat fish, fries, hush puppies, baked beans and cole slaw. Starts @ 7pm till ?? Tickets are being pre sold so there will be enough food for everyone. See ER Arthur Anderson for info or tickets. Elks #811 Newsletter “A Fraternal Organization” Cleburne Elks Lodge P.O. Box 21 Cleburne, Texas 76033 NON-PROFIT POSTAGE PAID CLEBURNE, TEXAS 76033 Permit #121 COMING EVENTS September 7th September 16th September 18th – 19th October 2nd October 13th October 30th Labor Day Farm Festival @ Waco VA Homecoming At Ottine Fish Fry Visit from DDGER & VP Beacon Grant Halloween Dance for Special needs Adults We encourage your attendance to the second and fourth Tuesday Night Lodge Meetings. Please come and support your Lodge. God bless and protect our service men and women wherever they serve our country around the world. We appreciate their sacrifice and service to America September 2015 Can you believe it, August is over and summer is almost over September is here. Temperatures will be cooling down, so it's time to get back to work and get this Lodge back to where it should be. August was a Ho-hum month with not much going on. But we do have a very busy fall. The farm festival at the Waco veterans hospital is on September 16th our lodge runs three black jack tables witch is the most popular game at the festival. We will need several volunteers so come on down and help. Also you can watch the Texas Calvary perform, which is very impressive. We have a fish fry on October 2nd where we will need a lot of help. On October 13th. We have a visit from Jon Perry DVP and George Paradise DD from the north Central District. I would like to see you at the meeting. th October 30 we Host the adult special needs Dance. This is very heartwarming so come out and help. ALL THIS BEING SAID , WE NOW HAVE TO WORK TO BUILD OUR OWN LODGE WITH PARTICIPATION AT MEETINGS AND VOLUNTERRING FOR VARIOUS COMMITTEES. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ALL YOUR HELP. ARTHUR ANDERSON :EXALTED RULER The September “Elk of the Month” is Jimmy Ned Wallace. He always goes above and beyond what is asked of him. He is a trustee, chairman for Bingo, and chairman of the Board. September 2015 SS Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 5 Cowtown BOG/BOD Meeting 6:30 PM 6 7 Labor Day 8 Regular Meeting 7:30 pm Saturday Country Ramblers 7-10 pm 9 10 11 12 Cody Dell Akridge & Loose Reins Band 7-10pm 13 14 15 16 17 Deal Blackjack @ Waco VA 18 19 Homecoming at Ottine Homecoming at Ottine Never To Late 7-10pm 20 21 22 23 24 25 Michael Cote ’ 7-10 pm Regular Meeting 7:30 PM 27 28 29 26 30 1 October 2 October 3 October CB Sutton & the Outcasts 7-10 pm Lodge Hours Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Closed Closed 2nd/4th 5:00 – 11:00 pm Closed Closed Closed 3:30 – 12:00 pm Newsletter Information: Please email newsletter articles to