Uses of the Subjunctive •Uncertainty •what might be •doubt •denial Uses of the Indicative •certainty •what is •statement of fact •simple recounting of details No creo que Juan vaya a la fiesta. I. Creo que Juan va a la fiesta. Subjunctive in noun clauses: a noun clause is a clause used as a direct object, subject of the verb or the object of a preposition. •Necesito que me dé un mapa de Colombia. •Necesito un mapa de (noun clause-direct object) Colombia. (noun-direct object) The noun clause has its own subject and verb and is most often connected to the main clause with que. II. Subjunctive to express volition: verbs of volition (will) express the wishes, preferences, suggestions, requests and implied commands of the speaker. When the verb in the main clause is a verb of volition the verb in the dependent clause is in the subjunctive. In other words the subject of the first clause tries to influence the behavior of the subject in the second clause. Verbs that are used to express volition: *aconsejar (to advise) *decir (to say, tell) desear ( to desire) insistir en (to insist upon) mandar ( to demand, command) necesitar (to need) *pedir (e>i) (to ask, order, request) permitir (to permit) prohibir (to prohibit) querer (e>ie) (to want) *recomendar (e>ie) to recommend sugerir (to suggest) If there is NO change of subject for the two verbs, there is NO noun clause…so you will use the infinitive NOT the SUBJUNCTIVE! Yo quiero ir. I want to go. Deseo pasar la clase. I want to pass the class. Sofia insiste en montar a caballo. Sofia insists upon horseback riding. BUT, if the subject changes: Carmen quiere que yo _____________________________ a la fiesta. (ir) ¿Necesitan que ella______________________________ (llevar) los libros? Mi novia desea que yo ____________________________ (recoger) las maletas. *Aconsejar/pedir/decir/recomendar require the use of an indirect object pronoun which refers to the subject of the dependent clause. *Le aconsejo que ________________________________ (nadar) en la piscina. (since le is used the subject of the second clause is él/ella/usted) Nos piden que ___________________________ (hacer) más ejercicio. (since nos is used the subject of the second clause is nosotros) Te recomiendo que ___________________________ (salir) temprano. (since te is used the subject of the second clause is tú) ** decir/escribir: when verbs of communication are used in the main clause and simply reporting information, the indicative is used (statement of facts) **Juan le dice a Ana que llegamos mañana. Juan tells Ana that we are arriving tomorrow. (because he is NOT telling her to arrive tomorrow but simply informing her that WE are arriving tomorrow.) ** Les escribo que volvemos el domingo. I am writing them that we are returning on Sunday. (statement of fact). III. Subjunctive with impersonal expressions: Use subjunctive in the dependent clause with impersonal expressions in the main clause (the subject of which is translated to the English word IT) UNLESS the impersonal expressions shows certainty) Some impersonal expressions: Es bueno Es indispensable Es común Es lástima (a shame) Es difícil (hard, difficult) Es malo Es dudoso (doubtful) Es mejor (better) Es extraño (strange) Es necesario Es fácil (easy) Es posible Es importante Es preciso (essential) Es imposible Es increíble (incredible) Es probable Es urgente Es malo que Ud. ________________________________ (tener) un resfriado. Es bueno que Paco ______________________________ (poder) ir. Es posible que Ana ______________________________ (llegar) a tiempo. Es dudoso que nosotros __________________________ (salir) a las ocho. BUT, if the impersonal expression is one that shows certainty THEN, we use the indicative. Es verdad Es evidente Es obvio Es cierto Es seguro no es dudoso Es verdad que ella es muy honrada. Es evidente que el jefe está en el edificio. Es seguro que ella viene para reparar el problema.