safe places to go

Gender Equality continued
3 Major theories review
Gender in the media-assignment #7 (do not turn in until the end
of class)
Abusive Relationships
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able
to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
Gender Roles and 3 Theories
How is something
helpful or hurtful in
society? Jobs
perform and how
society functions.
Conflict Theorist
Inequality and looks
for groups that might
be taking advantage
of other groups.
Haves vs Have Nots
Symbolic Interactionist
Influence of social
groups, labels, and
meanings of symbols
Structural-Functional Theory:
Traditional division of labor is functional
Conflict Theory:
Women’s disadvantaged roles benefits men
Conflict Theory:
Disadvantages of men are often overlooked
• Stifled emotions
• Domestic violence
Symbolic Interactionism:
Gender roles learned through socialization
expressive roles
nurturing and supportive
instrumental roles
task orientated
What are the expectations?
Quick Write
What emotions/actions are more acceptable for
men to exhibit than women?
What emotions/actions are more acceptable for
women to exhibit than men?
Why? View News Report -Boys Socialization and
Gender in our society
1. Work in a group of 3-5
2. Put yourself in order of birthday (not year, just month and day)
3. Starting with the earliest birthday, each person will share their
image and their analysis
(2 minutes per image max)
Turn in the image at the end of class with your name on it to get
credit (put in red folder)
Extra Credit Power Point (or Option:
Sociologists to Know Extra Credit
5 minutes
Select a sociologist (sign up in class)
4 points possible
Samples and details on website
Due April 8th Tues/Thurs class, Due April 14th Mon/Wed class
Unhealthy relationships
Break The Cycle
Warning Signs
Early indicators a relationship is headed in the wrong direction.
Extreme jealousy
Constant put-downs
Financial Control
Possessiveness or controlling behavior
Making false accusations
Isolation from family and friends
History of abusive behavior
Big mood swings
Explosive temper
Belief that abuse is acceptable in relationships
Cycle of Abuse
Cycle of Abuse
Tension Building
· Victim feels things could blow up at any moment.
Abuser starts fights for no reason·
Outburst intense emotional, verbal, sexual, physical abuse.
· Hit slam against wall· Scream yell · Humiliate
Abuser apologizes, tries to shift the blame
· Says “I love you.”
· Promises that it will never happen again.
· Buys flowers/gifts.
Cycle of Abuse
Tension Building
• Length of each phase differs
• Explosions can become
more violent and dangerous
What prevents some people from getting help?
Young people face unique obstacles
• Difficulty recognizing abuse
• Hoping the abuser will change
No one likes to be abused… abuse is unwanted
behavior or contact.
Safety Planning-What to have before leaving?
Safe time to go
Safe place to go
Taking a leave from work/school
Protective order, save evidence (texts, photos of bruises, e-mails)
Self-defense classes
Avoid contact, change phone number, change e-mail, change or
delete Facebook profile
More info
(866) 331-9474
Prejudice or discrimination based on gender
“Women need to…”
“Women need to…”
Gender in the workplace today
Sexual Harassment:
• unwelcome sexual advances
• requests for sexual favors
• hostile or offensive work environment
Obstacles to justice
Why might a women
experiencing sexual
harassment hesitate to
ask for help?
Why might a man
experiencing sexual
harassment hesitate to
ask for help?
Violence Against Women Act 1994
• Funding for services, medical exams
• Increase penalties for repeat sex offenders
• “Rape shield law,” prevent victims’ past sexual
conduct from being in court
• National Domestic Violence Hotline
Sexuality and Laws
Many states do not prohibit employment
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation and gender identity.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Proposed bill to make it illegal nationally
Marriage recognition
Provides same sex couples:
-employment based health benefits
-right to sue for wrongful death
-ability to make medical decisions
14 states in the U.S. that recognize same-sex marriage
(Oct 2013)
Legal same-sex
1 Netherlands
2 Belgium
3 Canada
4 Spain
5 Norway
6 Sweden
7 South Africa
Harassment in Schools
Survey of LGBT students ages 13–20
-64% feeling unsafe, verbally harassed
-38% physical harassment
Hate Crimes
Murder of :
Matthew Shepard college student, Wyoming
Hate crimes =
Harsher punishments for crimes motivated by
bias (race, religion)
2009: federal protection for gay individuals
under hate-crime laws
About Research Paper
Due April 16th (MW) April 10th (TTH)
15 points
2 ½ - 3 pages typed
Use scoring RUBRIC, this is how I grade the paper
Use the OUTLINES on the website
Before next class:
• Turn in gender image before leaving
• Read article on website Why Chinese Mothers Are
• Look at Research Paper topics on website
From the paper rubric
Inclusion of
Analysis &
The author has taken the ideas and made them "his/her
own" by connecting them to personal experiences
and/or knowledge of world events.
All examples are specific and detailed.
Examples come from personal experience, news, or
Examples are not general/hypothetical or the same as
those presented in class or in the text.
Weak body paragraph
Strong body paragraph. Example with specific details.
Robert Park refers to
the minority feeling
bonded to the culture
they came from. My
parents both apply to
this because they still
follow their cultural
Robert Park describes the assimilation experience for
three generations of immigrants. Park states that first
generation immigrants often hold on to many aspects of
their culture (class notes). This is true for my parents in
many ways. For example, it is a tradition in Japan for
people to take off their shoes before entering the home.
Even though we have lived in the United States since I
was four years old, my parents have always taught my
sisters and I to take our shoes off as soon as we come
home. We have a little bench right in our entry way just
for this purpose. Anyone who visits our home must also
take off their shoes. We do the same when visiting other
Japanese families as well.
Papers that earned 15/15:
1. Followed the scoring rubric provided on the website and discussed
in class
2. Answered the question with specific detailed examples (from
personal experience, research studies, history, news, world events)
3. Did not have errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation
4. Demonstrated a strong understanding of the concept
5. Introduction had a strong, clear thesis previewing the 3 examples
Educating young people about warning signs and their
Break The Cycle is a non-profit organization focused on
dating violence
Speakers visit high schools and colleges to provide
What prevents some people from getting help?
Young people face unique obstacles
1. Difficulty recognizing abuse
2. Lack of resources. Money, transportation, or safe places to go.
3. Fear of abuser/family/ friends
4. Fear of sending abuser to jail
5. State laws- applying for restraining without parent or guardian.
6. Children with abuser
No one likes to be abused…
7. Embarrassment
abuse is unwanted behavior
8. Low self esteem
or contact.
9. Hoping the abuser will change
10. Cultural religious reasons
Safety Planning-What to have before leaving?
Contact person, code word
Safe place to go
Safe time to go
Financial planning
Important paperwork
Taking a leave from work/school
Protective order, save evidence (texts, photos of bruises, e-mails)
Self-defense classes
Avoid contact, change phone number, change e-mail, change or
delete Facebook profile
10. Share tips for support on with family/friends
Violence Against Women Act 1994
• Judy Greene
• Created a job placement firm for
victims of domestic violence
• Second Chance Employment Services