On Track for Rule of Law

On Track for Rule of Law
Gerard Kay <gerry@gerardkay.com>
Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 5:29 AM
Reply-To: Gerard Kay <gerry@gerardkay.com>
To: Karen Hudes, "qjrpress@gmail.com" <qjrpress@gmail.com>, Gerard J Kay
Cc: Wolfgang Struck, "Mark J. Novitsky" intosai <intosai@rechnungshof.gv.at>, "mail@iosco.org"
<mail@iosco.org>, "trevor.pijper" <trevor.pijper@moodys.com>, Paul_Coughlin
<Paul_Coughlin@standardandpoors.com>, "sharon.raj" <sharon.raj@fitchratings.com>,
"rebecca.mirja@fitchratings.com" <rebecca.mirja@fitchratings.com>, "kbrubach@countyexecutives.org"
<kbrubach@countyexecutives.org>, "matt.leffingwell@mail.house.gov"
<matt.leffingwell@mail.house.gov>, "autumn.morley@mail.house.gov"
<autumn.morley@mail.house.gov>, "talia.dubovi@mail.house.gov" <talia.dubovi@mail.house.gov>,
"Tim_Rieser@appro.senate.gov" <Tim_Rieser@appro.senate.gov>, "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, DQ Quinn <dqx@cbsnews.com>, dan marks <dan.marks99@gmail.com>, eds01
<eds01@worldbank.org>, "eds02@worldbank.org" <eds02@worldbank.org>, "eds03@worldbank.org"
<eds03@worldbank.org>, "eds04@worldbank.org" <eds04@worldbank.org>, "eds05@worldbank.org"
<eds05@worldbank.org>, "eds06@worldbank.org" <eds06@worldbank.org>, "eds07@worldbank.org"
<eds07@worldbank.org>, "eds08@worldbank.org" <eds08@worldbank.org>, "eds09@worldbank.org"
<eds09@worldbank.org>, "eds10@worldbank.org" <eds10@worldbank.org>, "eds11@worldbank.org"
<eds11@worldbank.org>, "eds12@worldbank.org" <eds12@worldbank.org>, "eds13@worldbank.org"
<eds13@worldbank.org>, "eds14@worldbank.org" <eds14@worldbank.org>, "eds15@worldbank.org"
<eds15@worldbank.org>, "eds16@worldbank.org" <eds16@worldbank.org>, "eds17@worldbank.org"
<eds17@worldbank.org>, "eds18@worldbank.org" <eds18@worldbank.org>, "eds19@worldbank.org"
<eds19@worldbank.org>, "eds20@worldbank.org" <eds20@worldbank.org>, "eds21@worldbank.org"
<eds21@worldbank.org>, "eds22@worldbank.org" <eds22@worldbank.org>, "eds23@worldbank.org"
<eds23@worldbank.org>, "eds24@worldbank.org" <eds24@worldbank.org>, "eds25@worldbank.org"
<eds25@worldbank.org>, "sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, "tom.wickham@mail.house.gov"
Dear Karen
For the purpose of clarification, Dagong Credit (of China) downgraded the US earlier this year.
Universal Credit Rating Group (UCRG), of which Dagong is a founding shareholder, is currently
preparing its new rating methodologies and criteria and will hopefully be in a position to begin ratings
in the first half of 2014.
Additionally, Monsieur Dominique de Villepin is the Chairman of our International Advisory Council.
UCRG's Chairman is Mr. Guan Jianzhong.
I have just returned with our chairman from the World Islamic Banking Conference in Bahrain, for
which a very early stage version of a website was created. Those copied here may learn more about
UCRG from its contents, which will expand in due course:
Interested parties would also be welcome to connect with me via LinkedIn.
Kind regards
Gerard J Kay
Chief Strategy Officer
Universal Credit Rating Group
19th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
2 Queen's Road, Central
Hong Kong SAR
People's Republic of China
From: Karen Hudes <->
To: qjrpress@gmail.com
Cc: Wolfgang Struck <->; Mark J. Novitsky <->; gerry@gerardkay.com; intosai
<intosai@rechnungshof.gv.at>; mail@iosco.org; trevor.pijper <trevor.pijper@moodys.com>;
Paul_Coughlin <Paul_Coughlin@standardandpoors.com>; sharon.raj
<sharon.raj@fitchratings.com>;rebecca.mirja@fitchratings.com; kbrubach@countyexecutives.org; ma
tt.leffingwell@mail.house.gov; autumn.morley@mail.house.gov; talia.dubovi@mail.house.gov; Tim_Ri
eser@appro.senate.gov; "dquam@nga.org" <dquam@nga.org>; DQ Quinn <dqx@cbsnews.com>;
dan marks <dan.marks99@gmail.com>; eds01
<eds01@worldbank.org>; eds02@worldbank.org; eds03@worldbank.org; eds04@worldbank.org; ed
s05@worldbank.org; eds06@worldbank.org; eds07@worldbank.org; eds08@worldbank.org; eds09@
worldbank.org; eds10@worldbank.org; eds11@worldbank.org; eds12@worldbank.org; eds13@world
bank.org;eds14@worldbank.org; eds15@worldbank.org; eds16@worldbank.org; eds17@worldbank.
org; eds18@worldbank.org; eds19@worldbank.org; eds20@worldbank.org; eds21@worldbank.org; e
ds22@worldbank.org; eds23@worldbank.org; eds24@worldbank.org; eds25@worldbank.org; sekret
ariat.gp <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>;tom.wickham@mail.house.gov
Sent: Saturday, December 7, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: On Track for Rule of Law
Dear Jon Rapoport,
This is correspondence between the network of whistleblowers and the credit rating agencies.
I thought you guys would like to read this... It gets better as you read
The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed
The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <->
Date: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 10:54 AM
Subject: On Track for Rule of Law
To: gerry@gerardkay.com, intosai <intosai@rechnungshof.gv.at>, mail@iosco.org, "trevor.pijper"
<trevor.pijper@moodys.com>, Paul_Coughlin <Paul_Coughlin@standardandpoors.com>, "sharon.raj"
<sharon.raj@fitchratings.com>, rebecca.mirja@fitchratings.com
Cc: kbrubach@countyexecutives.org, matt.leffingwell@mail.house.gov, autumn.morley@mail.house.gov, talia.
dubovi@mail.house.gov, Tim_Rieser@appro.senate.gov
Things have come to a head on both the domestic and international fronts. We remain on track for the rule of
law, as predicted by the power transition model.
Domestically, the House Parliamentarian has an ultimatum over US Congress' refusal to convene a
Constitutional Convention as required under Article V of the US Constitution. (Dan Marks lives in Hawaii and
has been heading a taskforce for the Article V Convention) Also, yesterday I asked General Dempsey in a town
hall meeting about military readiness and the impending failure of the US dollar:
Question to General Martin E. Dempsey for his first Facebook Town Hall today from 1:45 to 2:15 PM
EST: https://www.facebook.com/GENDempsey
With the Federal Reserve Note weakening against other currencies, 25% of international trade no longer
denominated in US dollars, and the US credit rating on the verge of being lowered by the new Universal Credit
Rating Group, do you think it is time to accept the offer of the authorized signatory to the Global Collateral
Account to release the uncut dollars issued by the US Treasury department and back them with the 170,500
metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the Bank of Hawaii?
Internationally, the cabal contacted me last Wednesday, and requested my assistance in helping them to steal the
world's gold. Instead, Dr. Marek Belka, (the Chair of the 24 Ministers of Finance on the World Bank/IMF
Development Committee and President of the National Bank of Poland) and I must respond with one voice to
the cabal. Here is my latest correspondence with Dr. Belka.
The US credit rating will not tank so long as the United States opts for the rule of law. Roughly three-quarters
of the American public consistently prefers that the United States act jointly with other nations in foreign
affairs. News about the cover-up of corruption is reaching a growing audience in the United States.
http://usawatchdog.com/time-to-tell-these-crooks-theyre-fired-karen-hudes/ (135,228)
http://usawatchdog.com/gold-backwardation-the-meltdown-of-all-meltdowns-karen-hudes/ (103,037)
http://usawatchdog.com/u-s-not-a-super-power-and-not-credible-anymore-karen-hudas/ (31,286)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7E9SUwlooE (149,541)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hgA9j-4dB0 (359,608)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1vXhqO1_2A (10,675)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJwJENSGnhE (34,342)
Karen Hudes
From: Karen Hudes <->
To: Gerard J Kay <gerry@gerardkay.com>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 6:43 PM
Subject: RE: UCRG / Request for a Meeting with you by our CEO.
Dear Gerry,
Thank you so much for your email. I would be honored to meet with Mr. Richard
Hainsworth. I am optimistic that the US lens will clear as the US public becomes
increasingly aware. http://rt.com/shows/sophieco/world-bank-us-shutdown-820/
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 02:23:32 -0700
From: gerry@gerardkay.com
Subject: UCRG / Request for a Meeting with you by our CEO.
To: Dear Karen
Many thanks for circulating the interview with Dominique de Villepin. Much appreciated.
To give you a brief update on our progress:
- We're going through the motions to get our ratings license from Hong Kong's regulator, the
Securities and Futures Commission, which should take another 4-6 months.
- Between now and then we're going through a fundraising exercise. While the amounts we need to
get up and running (esp. given we have the high barrier to entry that de Villepin and our Advisory
Council are going to help climb (regulatory, perception, investor, etc.)
- While there is interest from large, well-capitalized banks to invest in us, some of them are (rightly)
afraid that our new model - which is not prejudiced by culture or politics - will have a huge positive
impact on the Big-3, who look at the world through a US lens. Large banks and other companies are
rightly afraid of that because of their day-to-day funding costs and the impact of even a news
comment by one of the incumbents could have on them. However, we are working on this problem.
- We were also mentioned in a hearing on rating agencies at the United Nations. Our Chairman (in
Beijing) would like to get closer to the UN, but I have reservations and would appreciate either and
guidance or good connections you might have in this regard. I can arrange for the former French PM
to meet with them if they are senior enough. His job is to help make an impact.
Lastly, I was wondering if you might be free to meet with our Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Richard
Hainsworth when he visits Washington in November too meet with the new head of the IFC (who is a
friend of mine).
Apologies for the length of this email. I realize that you're very busy.
Kind regards
From: Karen Hudes <->
To: "tkeeling25@yahoo.com" <tkeeling25@yahoo.com>
Cc: "kbrubach@countyexecutives.org" <kbrubach@countyexecutives.org>;
"ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov" <ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>;
"jeffrey.pray@act.nato.int" <jeffrey.pray@act.nato.int>; "bryan.whitman@osd.mil"
<bryan.whitman@osd.mil>; "pao@act.nato.int" <pao@act.nato.int>;
"james.stavridis@shape.nato.int" <james.stavridis@shape.nato.int>;
"dquam@nga.org" <dquam@nga.org>; "oag@oag.state.md.us"
<oag@oag.state.md.us>; "dllr@dllr.state.md.us" <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>;
"kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov" <kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov>;
"thomas_caballero@legal.senate.gov" <thomas_caballero@legal.senate.gov>;
"gerry@gerardkay.com" <gerry@gerardkay.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 8:27 PM
Subject: RE: I want to help you and "We The People" & I have a great idea
Dear Tiffany Keeling,
You're welcome. At the moment my whistleblowing has started to go viral, so I am not
available to brainstorm. More's the pity. Here is what I have been advising those who write
Let your Congressional delegation know you expect them to insist on my reinstatement in
the World Bank's Legal Department so that the terrible corruption that is affecting the US
credit rating and about to cause a currency war has ended. (I am enclosing correspondence
with a fourth credit rating agency that has been set up by Russia and China). Also, let your
county executive and Governor know that the people in your state want to be able to use
gold and silver as legal tender so long as the Fed is still issuing fiat dollars. It is also
important to get a state bank in your state similar to that in North Dakota's.
Finally, work together with others in your state to prepare for the upcoming Constitutional
Convention. http://www.quia.com/pages/libertyscript/page416
I am forwarding correspondence with the County Executives of America. You may also be
interested in my interview tomorrow with Russia Today TV.
Dear Karen
I trust this finds you well. I am now Chief Strategy Officer for
Universal Credit Rating Group and thought you might enjoy seeing
this (from my new boss) from an address he made yesterday in Hong
Part of my role, aside from connecting, lobbying and fund sourcing
(for the new venture), will be looking after the International
Advisory Council, of which M. de Villepin is Chairman.
Please feel free to share.
Kind regards
From: "kahudes@hushmail.com" <kahudes@hushmail.com>
To: gerry@gerardkay.com
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 8:30 PM
Subject: Credit Rating Agencies need competition
Thank you for contacting me. This article discusses how the credit
rating agencies have been impacted by the corruption I have been
It is a challenging endeavor to establish an independent credit
rating agency, but one that is definitely worthwhile.
Law Offices of Karen Hudes
Sent using Hushmail
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <->
Date: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:47 AM
Subject: Fwd: Philippine Ownership (In Confidence)
To: betlejewski@rdc.pl, "sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>
Cc: lars schall <larsspeschall@yahoo.de>, Wolfgang Struck <->, aefekete@hotmail.com
Dear Rafal,
Thank you for your assistance and update. This morning the "super entity" described in footnote 3 of Lars
Schall's study http://www.larsschall.com/2013/05/08/governance-issues-at-the-world-banka-security-risk-to-the-world-order/ informed Dr. Marek Belka and the rest of the world that they intend
to steal the world's gold. The World Bank Development Committee is answering with one voice.
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 2:24 AM, betlejewski <betlejewski@rdc.pl> wrote:
Dear Karen,
our conversation was on air on Saturday 16 Nov 2013 and it had a great response. People were surprised and I
did get some e-mails about it. Here is the link: http://www.rdc.pl/publikacja/miedzy-innymi-betlejewski-okorupcji-w-swiatowym-systemie-finansowym/
Here you will find the Polish transcript of the conversation: http://jason-happypolak.blogspot.com/2013/11/karen-hudes-swiatowa-gospodarka-rzadzi.html it's a political blog.
Thank you very much and good luck!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: Philippine Ownership (In Confidence)
To: Karen Hudes <->
Cc: Wolfgang Struck <->, Nicole Salisbury
<nsalisbury@americanguardservices.com>, eds02@worldbank.org, eds03@worldbank.org, eds04@worldbank.
org, eds05@worldbank.org, eds06@worldbank.org, eds07@worldbank.org, eds08@worldbank.org, eds09@wo
rldbank.org, eds10@worldbank.org, eds11@worldbank.org,eds12@worldbank.org, eds13@worldbank.org, eds
14@worldbank.org, eds15@worldbank.org, eds16@worldbank.org, eds17@worldbank.org, eds18@worldbank.
org, eds19@worldbank.org, eds20@worldbank.org, eds21@worldbank.org, eds22@worldbank.org, eds23@wo
rldbank.org, eds24@worldbank.org, eds25@worldbank.org, "sekretariat.gp"
<sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, sheriffmack@hotmail.com, staff@cspoa.org, countysheriffproject@admospheres.com
, "badnarik ."
<scholar@constitutionpreservation.org>, contact@oathkeepers.org, sheriff@rc.mt.gov, ken.blackburn@bighorn
countywy.gov, John MacHaffie <johnmachaffie@gmail.com>, Karen Hudes <>,gporfdr@gmail.com, iamthepeople.us@gmail.com, Tom Murphy <tom@reclamator.net>, Wes Brown
<browncorp@gmail.com>, Inquiry@dejurenation.org, showtips@infowars.com, DRUDGE@drudgereport.com,
ggilbertson@co.josephine.or.us, "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov, dllr@dllr.state.md.us,andrew.lippstone@state.de.us
They are only words. The USA does not have the assets. The World Bank does not have the assets. The People
of the Philippine Islands have the assets. Your 188 Nations do not have the assets. Show me something that
gives you the right over the assets of the People of the Philippine Islands in some or one brief document.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->
Date: Friday, 6 December 2013 4:27 pm
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Cc: Wolfgang Struck <->, Nicole Salisbury <nsalisbury@americanguardservices.com>,
<eds02@worldbank.org>, <eds03@worldbank.org>, <eds04@worldbank.org>,
<eds05@worldbank.org>, <eds06@worldbank.org>, <eds07@worldbank.org>,
<eds08@worldbank.org>, <eds09@worldbank.org>, <eds10@worldbank.org>,
<eds11@worldbank.org>, <eds12@worldbank.org>, <eds13@worldbank.org>,
<eds14@worldbank.org>, <eds15@worldbank.org>, <eds16@worldbank.org>,
<eds17@worldbank.org>, <eds18@worldbank.org>, <eds19@worldbank.org>,
<eds20@worldbank.org>, <eds21@worldbank.org>, <eds22@worldbank.org>,
<eds23@worldbank.org>, <eds24@worldbank.org>, <eds25@worldbank.org>, "sekretariat.gp"
<sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, <sheriffmack@hotmail.com>, <staff@cspoa.org>,
<countysheriffproject@admospheres.com>, "badnarik ." <scholar@constitutionpreservation.org>,
<contact@oathkeepers.org>, <sheriff@rc.mt.gov>, <ken.blackburn@bighorncountywy.gov>, John
MacHaffie <johnmachaffie@gmail.com>, Karen Hudes <->, <gporfdr@gmail.com>,
<iamthepeople.us@gmail.com>, Tom Murphy <tom@reclamator.net>, Wes Brown
<browncorp@gmail.com>, <Inquiry@dejurenation.org>, <showtips@infowars.com>,
<DRUDGE@drudgereport.com>, <ggilbertson@co.josephine.or.us>, "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, <ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>, <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>,
Subject: Re: Philippine Ownership (In Confidence)
Thank you for asking. Your proposal is a non-starter, coming from left field and based upon non-existent or
falsified documentation. Might does not make right, and at this moment you do not even have might. A
freeze has been put on the assets of the Combined International Collateral Account ever since the debacle in
the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The legitimacy of the federal government of the United
States in the wake of this false flag event, together with the credibility of mainstream media, was lost. It is
clear that no consensus exists to move to a one world currency or to consolidate the currencies in North
America into the Amero. Federal Reserve Notes are about to collapse after all demand has been exceeded by
months of irresponsible profligacy. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/usdollar1.pdf
How dare you purport to represent the interests of the Philippines' people when they have suffered a
retaliatory, HAARP induced typhoon of unprecedented scale? Now the world stands on the precipice of a
global currency war, that may be prevented only through the rule of law. Lars Schall has described an
accurate power transition model, which has guided the coalition for rule of law. (see footnotes 7,8 and 10
in http://www.larsschall.com/2013/05/08/governance-issues-at-the-world-bank-a-securityrisk-to-the-world-order/ I discussed the conclusions of this model with Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
in 2008 when he was Senator of Nebraska, and I am currently in contact with those in the Department of
Defense and NATO familiar with its accuracy.
The testimony of the World Bank whistleblowers is in the UK and EU Parliaments:
House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of
the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here:
House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public
engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:
House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Complaints Do
They Make A Difference, published July 20, 2013, pages 186-7 (Elaine Colville, another World Bank
Whistleblower's testimony is on Page 178) available here
The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available
The Bretton Woods institutions provide an indispensible forum to prevent a permanent
backwardation in gold https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/fekete.docx which would interrupt
international trade and risk the largest destruction of fiduciary values in all history. The most important
function of the World Bank general counsel is to provide a proper interpretation of the Articles of the World
Bank. Lord Keynes, Chairman of the Delegation of the UK to the Bretton Woods Conference, recognized the
importance for lawyers to achieve clarity of vision, to call upon teamwork in reaching consensus, and “to
devise means by which it will be lawful for me to go on being sensible in unforeseen conditions some years
hence”. In his speech at the closing of the plenary session of the Conference, Lord Keynes said:
“We, the Delegates of this Conference, Mr. President, have been trying to accomplish something very difficult
to accomplish…It has been our task to find a common measure, a common standard, a common rule
applicable to each and not irksome to any. We have been operating, moreover, in a field of great intellectual
and technical difficulty. We have had to perform at one and the same time the tasks appropriate to the
economist, to the financier, to the politician, to the journalist, to the propagandist, to the lawyer, to the
statesman—even, I think, to the prophet and to the soothsayer….I am certain that no similar conference
within memory has achieved such a bulk of lucid, solid construction. We owe this not least to the indomitable
will and energy, always governed by good temper and humor of Harry White. But this has been as far
removed as can be imagined from a one-man or two-man or three-man conference. It has been teamwork,
teamwork such as I have seldom experienced. And for my own part, I should like to pay a particular tribute to
our lawyers. I have been known to complain that, to judge from results in this lawyer-ridden land, the
Mayflower, when she sailed from Plymouth, must have been entirely filled with lawyers. When I first visited
Mr. Morgenthau in Washington some three years ago accompanied only by my secretary, the boys in your
Treasury curiously inquired of him—where is your lawyer? When it was explained that I had none—“Who
then does your thinking for you?” was the rejoinder. That is not my idea of a lawyer. I want him to tell me
how to do what I think sensible, and, above all, to devise means by which it will be lawful for me to go on
being sensible in unforeseen conditions some years hence. Too often lawyers busy themselves to make
commonsense illegal. Too often lawyers are men who turn poetry into prose and prose into jargon. Not our
lawyers here in Bretton Woods. On the contrary they have turned our jargon into prose and our prose into
poetry. And only too often they have had to do our thinking for us[1] (emphasis added)
The existing coalition for rule of law expects you and your principals to respect the laws of bailment and the
legal authority of the signatory for TVM-LSM-666.
[1] Address by Lord Keynes, Chairman of the Delegation of the UK, at the Closing Plenary Session, July 22 9:45
pm, Document 542, Proceedings and Documents of the UN Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton
Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944, Vol. II, page 1242. Lord Keynes went on to say, .”We owe a great
debt of gratitude to Dean Acheson, Oscar Cox, Luxford, Brenner, Collado, Arnold, Chang, Broches and our own
Beckett of the British Delegation.”
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com> wrote:
I do not know what power or authority you operate under or what control you believe you have over the
Global Assets. If you can produce any dovcument that is valid I will have it reviwed with a response from the
Trustees. Meanwhikle, we have our instructions from the original owner who gifted everything to the People
of the Philippine Islands through many documents and deeds.
Part of those instructions is to approach the World Bank directly on a project by project basis using the Global
assets aforesaid. Once we access the Global accounts the World Bank are required to carry out a fresh Audit of
the Global accounts. This is expected to be early in 2014. Every time the Accounts are accessed the World
Bank Group needs to carry out an Audit. Please remember we are willing to share with the World on a 50-50
basis in accordance with the instructions which the International Court of Justice accepts 14th September
You seem to be the only one in recent times not to accept the People of the Philippine Islands' right to access
their own accounts. With respect, please provide your proof of any right you have to interfere forthwith.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->
Date: Friday, 6 December 2013 1:44 pm
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Cc: Wolfgang Struck <->, Nicole Salisbury <nsalisbury@americanguardservices.com>,
<eds02@worldbank.org>, <eds03@worldbank.org>, <eds04@worldbank.org>,
<eds05@worldbank.org>, <eds06@worldbank.org>, <eds07@worldbank.org>,
<eds08@worldbank.org>, <eds09@worldbank.org>, <eds10@worldbank.org>,
<eds11@worldbank.org>, <eds12@worldbank.org>, <eds13@worldbank.org>,
<eds14@worldbank.org>, <eds15@worldbank.org>, <eds16@worldbank.org>,
<eds17@worldbank.org>, <eds18@worldbank.org>, <eds19@worldbank.org>,
<eds20@worldbank.org>, <eds21@worldbank.org>, <eds22@worldbank.org>,
<eds23@worldbank.org>, <eds24@worldbank.org>, <eds25@worldbank.org>, "sekretariat.gp"
<sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, <sheriffmack@hotmail.com>, <staff@cspoa.org>,
<countysheriffproject@admospheres.com>, "badnarik ." <scholar@constitutionpreservation.org>,
<contact@oathkeepers.org>, <sheriff@rc.mt.gov>, <ken.blackburn@bighorncountywy.gov>, John
MacHaffie <johnmachaffie@gmail.com>, Karen Hudes <->, <gporfdr@gmail.com>,
<iamthepeople.us@gmail.com>, Tom Murphy <tom@reclamator.net>, Wes Brown
<browncorp@gmail.com>, <Inquiry@dejurenation.org>, <showtips@infowars.com>,
<DRUDGE@drudgereport.com>, <ggilbertson@co.josephine.or.us>, "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, <ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>, <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>,
Subject: Re: Philippine Ownership (In Confidence)
Dear Raymond Bennell,
The process that you have described is highly irregular, counterproductive and harms the People of the World
by usurping the authority of the 188 members of the World Bank's Board of Governors. You are invited to
desist until further notice.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com> wrote:
Thanks for your email. I have much of the proof on my website at www.ifgprojects.com for
transparency. However, I have blocked the site at present to the public as there is a lot of negativity in
it in respect of the Global Leaders which takes in your 188 Financial heads of Governments and their
desire not to assist the People of the Philippine Islands. All as provided to you with those letters I sent
you of the Secret meetings of the heads of Government 2nd June 1992 and 1st September 2006 with
Queen Elizabeth Windsor II as Chairperson wishing Anthony S. Martin “Died”. Who is alive and well
notwithstanding Wolfgang’s claim of he being fake.
The Trustees are anxious for me to display the proof to the World but I have held off with the thought
of not wanting to rub their noses in the proof while they are so against the People of the Philippine
Islands owning the Global assets. This belief is that we are at present proving the assets by physical
deeds as mentioned to you in previous emails. All I am asking you now to do is watch this space. In
that regard a new Foundation is being prepared with a new website (for transparency) to commence
making applications to the World Bank direct to assist the People of the World as set out in the
instructions using the cash and assets available. If you can offer any assistance or advice (with your
experience) in that regard we are willing to listen.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->
Date: Friday, 6 December 2013 9:40 am
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Cc: Nicole Salisbury <nsalisbury@americanguardservices.com>, <eds02@worldbank.org>,
<eds03@worldbank.org>, <eds04@worldbank.org>, <eds05@worldbank.org>,
<eds06@worldbank.org>, <eds07@worldbank.org>, <eds08@worldbank.org>,
<eds09@worldbank.org>, <eds10@worldbank.org>, <eds11@worldbank.org>,
<eds12@worldbank.org>, <eds13@worldbank.org>, <eds14@worldbank.org>,
<eds15@worldbank.org>, <eds16@worldbank.org>, <eds17@worldbank.org>,
<eds18@worldbank.org>, <eds19@worldbank.org>, <eds20@worldbank.org>,
<eds21@worldbank.org>, <eds22@worldbank.org>, <eds23@worldbank.org>,
<eds24@worldbank.org>, <eds25@worldbank.org>, "sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>,
<sheriffmack@hotmail.com>, <staff@cspoa.org>, <countysheriffproject@admospheres.com>,
"badnarik ." <scholar@ConstitutionPreservation.org>, <contact@oathkeepers.org>,
<sheriff@rc.mt.gov>, <ken.blackburn@bighorncountywy.gov>, John MacHaffie
<johnmachaffie@gmail.com>, Karen Hudes <->, <gporfdr@gmail.com>,
<iamthepeople.us@gmail.com>, Tom Murphy <tom@reclamator.net>, Wes Brown
<browncorp@gmail.com>, <Inquiry@DejureNation.org>, <showtips@infowars.com>,
<DRUDGE@DRUDGEREPORT.COM>, <ggilbertson@co.josephine.or.us>, "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, <ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>, <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>,
Subject: Re: Philippine Ownership (In Confidence)
Dear Raymond,
These are not "restrictions on my becoming involved", simply rules of transparency, regularity, and
proper conduct. Mr. Struck has made similar comments on the authenticity of your documentation.
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com> wrote:
Thanks for your email and note again your restrictions of becoming involved. As far as I can see, that
is a matter for you to resolve. I am only putting forward the facts to you so you can best use those
facts to achieve your aim. Otherwise we will go direct to the World Bank on a project by project basis.
There are several trillion dollars available with 50% for use and a further 50% reinvested for 30 years
to cause eternity accounts for the future. If you can’t deliver anything with the World Bank,
the People of the Philippines shall continue operating on their own as referred to above. Thanks for
your time in considering.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->
Date: Friday, 6 December 2013 9:01 am
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>, Wolfgang Struck <->
Cc: Nicole Salisbury <nsalisbury@americanguardservices.com>, <eds02@worldbank.org>,
<eds03@worldbank.org>, <eds04@worldbank.org>, <eds05@worldbank.org>,
<eds06@worldbank.org>, <eds07@worldbank.org>, <eds08@worldbank.org>,
<eds09@worldbank.org>, <eds10@worldbank.org>, <eds11@worldbank.org>,
<eds12@worldbank.org>, <eds13@worldbank.org>, <eds14@worldbank.org>,
<eds15@worldbank.org>, <eds16@worldbank.org>, <eds17@worldbank.org>,
<eds18@worldbank.org>, <eds19@worldbank.org>, <eds20@worldbank.org>,
<eds21@worldbank.org>, <eds22@worldbank.org>, <eds23@worldbank.org>,
<eds24@worldbank.org>, <eds25@worldbank.org>, "sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>,
<sheriffmack@hotmail.com>, <staff@cspoa.org>, <countysheriffproject@admospheres.com>,
"badnarik ." <scholar@ConstitutionPreservation.org>, <contact@oathkeepers.org>,
<sheriff@rc.mt.gov>, <ken.blackburn@bighorncountywy.gov>, John MacHaffie
<johnmachaffie@gmail.com>, Karen Hudes <->, <gporfdr@gmail.com>,
<iamthepeople.us@gmail.com>, Tom Murphy <tom@reclamator.net>, Wes Brown
<browncorp@gmail.com>, <Inquiry@DejureNation.org>, <showtips@infowars.com>,
<DRUDGE@DRUDGEREPORT.COM>, <ggilbertson@co.josephine.or.us>, "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, <ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>, <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>,
Subject: Re: Philippine Ownership (In Confidence)
Dear Raymond,
I have already refuted your arbitrary statements about expired timelines, estopped by laches. Moreover, it is
incongruous for the Trustees to rely upon role of the World Bank on one hand, and then with the other inflict
Allied Barton upon that institution against the will of the Development Committee and the Board of
Governors. I refer again to my email of November 28, 2013:
Before I can give any opinion, Allied Barton (the security guards of the World
Bank, owned by the same persons who have brought untold misery to humanity) will
need to step down peacefully, so that my agreement with 188 Ministers of Finance
can be implemented. I am copying Allied Barton's replacement, and expect that this
can be effected without further delay.
Any settlement involving the Collateral Account must proceed with regularity and transparently. You and the
Trustees have a conflict, therefore the propriety of "the Trustees claiming [any] right for the People of the
Phillipine Islands..." remains to be determined, as does any responsibility for the typhoon to which this People
has been subjected. The world's gold will ransom the world's people from servitude imposed by fiat banking
under the Bank for International Settlements.
Due to the Constitutional crisis, instructions for the United States must proceed from the Sheriffs, the County
Executives of America, the Council of Governors, and the state legislatures (whose request for a Constitutional
Convention is currently with the Parliamentarians of the United States Congress.) This procedure is also
required to provide a smooth transition from Federal Reserve Notes.
Karen Hudes
Law Offices of Karen Hudes
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com> wrote:
Thanks for your email. Firstly let me say there s no dispute with you by the Trustees claiming their right for the
People of the Philippine Islands’ ownership. As far as the Trust certificate for the 170,500 MT of AU made on
8th April 1982 and Laches you refer, there are many other documents that tie all of these accounts together
which have expired with timelines.
All of the other AU you (or Wolfgang) may refer to as being delivered to Foreign Countries (with Good London
Delivery), never occurred in fact. That includes the 381,136,675 MT mentioned in the SKR Wolfgang provided
me recently which the Trustees have in the correct and complete form. The point of raising these matters with
you is to ensure you understand I am talking facts to help the true owners.
As far as Wolfgang mentioning in his recent email to me, that he is living in the Philippines and no one knows
about the People of the Philippine Islands owning the Global Assets. That is true, very few people know, but
we have people on the Ground now as we speak getting the funds out for discussion to assist the Victims of
the recent Typhoon with the blessing of the Philippine Government (in the process of disclosure in
Under the current structure we are working to, there are substantial funds allocated by the alleged Audit of
the World Bank Group April 4, 2011 to be correct amounts of money for most of the Countries around the
World to be shared 50-50 with the People of the Philippine Islands. We are willing to bring the World Bank
into the loop to assist in that regard.
The most recent Audit document I have by the World Bank Group is dated March 30, 2012 with no money
showing in the Accounts apart from Account No. 7 to Citibank USA of almost USD600 Trillion. I have attached
below a screen shot of what is stated about the People of the Philippine Islands being the True Owners of the
funds as clearly shown in the last 2012 Audited Statement I mentioned above for your information.
These projects mentioned are identical to those mentioned in the Former President Marcos’ Will dated 20th
September 1989 when he gifted the total assets to the People of the Philippine Islands with many more
matching Agreements, title to the Philippine Islands and much more. As mentioned to you before. We are
willing to work with you if you can assist which may also assist your own cause.I also provided recently to
Wolfgang about the final determination of the International Court of Justice dated September 14, 2006 from
memory of which he was critical of as being snow pecked and not as clear as he would like.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->
Date: Friday, 6 December 2013 12:45 am
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Cc: Wolfgang Struck <->
Subject: Fwd: Article V Constitutional Convention
Dear Raymond,
The principle of laches applies so that there can be no talk about expiry of the gold certificate for the 170,500
metric tonnes of gold allocated to the currency of the United States of America. We will get back to you on
your other points.
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com> wrote:
That may be separate below in a matter to what I am not directly interested. My issue is with the People
of the Philippine Islands' ownership of the Global assets. If it is you trying to have things worked out with
the World Bank in respect of the Law is of your concern only., I appreciate the World may have problems
with the World Bank but that is what you are dealing in directly. I am only interested in getting the funds
out to the People of the World and I am under no contraints of the World Bank or any Governments only
the Law.
If you can get the World Bank to cooperate, we can make things happen much easier for the People of
the World. If you have any suggestions then I am happy to listen. As mentioned below to Wolfgang and
copied to you below.
On another note: As mentioned, you, the US Government can’t rely on the USD170,500 MT of gold on
deposit by way of a Trust Certificate which is not physical and yet expired to my understanding:
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <->
Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: Article V Constitutional Convention
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Cc: admin@articlev.org, ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov, "dquam@nga.org" <dquam@nga.org>,
Wolfgang Struck <->, "Mark J. Novitsky" <->, jmcpherson@naag.org, dllr@dllr.state.md.us, "sekretariat.gp"
<sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, eds01
<eds01@worldbank.org>,eds02@worldbank.org, eds03@worldbank.org, eds04@worldbank.org, eds05@worl
dbank.org, eds06@worldbank.org, eds07@worldbank.org, eds08@worldbank.org, eds09@worldbank.org, eds
10@worldbank.org, eds11@worldbank.org, eds12@worldbank.org, eds13@worldbank.org, eds14@worldban
k.org,eds15@worldbank.org, eds16@worldbank.org, eds17@worldbank.org, eds18@worldbank.org, eds19@
worldbank.org, eds20@worldbank.org, eds21@worldbank.org, eds22@worldbank.org, eds23@worldbank.org
, eds24@worldbank.org, eds25@worldbank.org, dan marks
<dan.marks99@gmail.com>,Tom.Scholar@hmtreasury.gsi.gov.uk, tom.wickham@mail.house.gov, dana.purca
rescu@diplomatie.gouv.fr, mike@waycoolsw.com, munihomeowners@gmail.com, matsu_taxpayers_assn@ya
hoo.com, ita@interiortaxpayers.org, crmoffett@yahoo.com, info@azfairtax.org, chairman@arizonataxrevolt.o
rg,kmccarthy@arizonatax.org, info@azfreeenterpriseclub.org, infoaz@afphq.org, johnkay@cox.net, frank@bc
friendsofthetaxpayers.org, alsegalla@calaverastaxpayers.org, karl@caltax.org, info@cctaxfighters.org, info@t
axwatchers.org, lb@cvtax.org, contact@joincitywatch.org, info@claremont.org, FFlavio@aol.com,krishunt@c
ocotax.org, info@encinitastaxpayers.org, ftcr@consumerwatchdog.org, webmaster@fullertontaxpayers.org, i
nfo@hjta.org, watchdog@suddenlink.net, info@jointventure.org, info@placertaxpayers.org, info@marintaxp
ayers.org, tsntlc@surewest.net, Phelps Hobart
<scclg@yahoo.com>, president@octax.org,info@sactax.org, info@sdcta.org, Richard Rider
<rrider@san.rr.com>, sbcta@cox.net, info@santabarbaracountyteaparty.org, solanotaxpayers@sbcglobal.net,
taxpayer@sonic.net, information@suttertaxpayers.com, infotax@taxreform2000.org, prop13man@aol.com,
vcta@att.net, holisticvet@direcway.com,info@actcolorado.org, infoCO@afphq.org, info@centerfortaxpolicy.
org, flostahl@snet.net, matt@bethelactioncommittee.org, FStndt@aol.com, jlfleishellcga50@aol.com, info@f
armingtontaxpayersassoc.org, fctopresident@aol.com, webmaster@hebrondollarsandsense.com, csp371@ho
tmail.com, president@whta.org,membership@westshoretaxpayers.org, westonfiscalresponsibility@yahoo.co
m, doug@axthetax.org, info@baytaxpayers.org, info@floridataxpayersunion.org, echoy@floridataxwatch.org,
admin@mctaxpayers.org, questions@taxpayersassociation.us, info@waltontaxpayers.org, info@doughertyco
tpa.com,info@douglastaxes.com, fctf1@bellsouth.net, sbh@lava.net, tfh@tfhawaii.org, Admin West Maui
Taxpayers Association <wmta@maui.net>, idtaxreform@yahoo.com, questions@atitaxinfo.com, beta@betaonline.us, techsource12@comcast.net, mail@thechampion.org, ITEF@ntui.org, ntui@
ntui.org, dwb70@aol.com,info@samadamsalliance.org, Brian Costin
<bmcosti@gmail.com>, t.emert@insightbb.com, chavens@sbcglobal.net, info@propertytaxrepeal.com, mike@modernmaterials.net, Melyssa Donaghy
<melyssa.donaghy@gmail.com>, Ryan McCann
<ifi@hoosierfamily.org>, ifpi@indianafiscal.org, info@inpropertytaxrepeal.com,halrey@earthlink.net, teamha
mmond@yahoo.com, cmcofer@mchsi.com, itr@taxrelief.org, OsceolaCountyTaxpayers@yahoo.com, jriese@
assocmgmt.com, public.interest.institute@limitedgovernment.org, info@afpks.org, brettg@fuse.net, staff@lapar.org, John Roberts
<johnkriii@cox.net>, info@meleads.org,JWIBBY@maine.rr.com, info@reformauburn.org, spearlib@comcast.n
et, info@marylandtaxeducation.org, mta@rstarmail.com, president@mctaxpayersleague.org, schwaab@earth
link.net, kestrel6@comcast.net, info@centerforsmallgovernment.com, chathamct@comcast.net, cltg@cltg.or
g, info@framinghamtpa.org,masshightechcouncil@mhtc.org, main@newtontaxpayers.org, tripp@gis.net, san
dwichtaxpayer@yahoo.com, info@westfordtaxpayers.org, "AFPMichigan ." <infoMI@afphq.org>, Joe
<cheneygun@gmail.com>, campaign@recallalice.com, garrisongm@juno.com, stoptaxes@yahoo.com, leon@
mitaxpayers.org,info@taxpayersunitedmi.org, Rose Bogaert
<WCTaxpayers@comcast.net>, harold@anokacountywatchdog.com, toddakruse@gmail.com, info@mntax.org
, tlm@taxpayersleague.org, howie@mississippiforward.org, Ray McCarty
<rmccarty@aimo.com>, tandj.martz@gmail.com, infoMO@afphq.org, phyatt@montax.org,taxreformer@taxr
eformmontana.org, perc@perc.org, liba@liba.org, dnabity@nebraskalliance.com, nebtax@binary.net, netaxp
ayers@cox.net, groenta@charter.net, info@catslv.org, info@nevadataxpayers.org, gopgeorge@earthlink.net,
mingemanson@charter.net, info@derrytax.org, president@portsmouthtaxpayers.org,webmaster@atkinsonta
xpayers.org, info@barringtontaxpayers.org, BedfordTaxpayers@webtv.net, NH TeaParty
<webmaster@cnht.org>, info@concordtaxpayers.org, info@dovertaxpayers.org, mail@granitestatetaxpayers.
org, webmaster@hennikertaxpayers.org, info@hopkintontaxpayers.org, jbartlett@jbartlett.org,info@laconias
purse.com, info@lancastertaxpayers.org, webmaster@merrimacktaxpayers.org, webmaster@monadnocktaxp
ayers.org, webmaster@plainfieldtaxpayers.org, info@raymondnhtaxpayersassociation.com, info@rochesterta
xpayers.org, webmaster@sanborntontaxpayers.org, info@straffordtaxpayers.org,tips@winchester-informedcitizen.org, info@windhamtaxpayers.org, infoNJ@afphq.org, cezirkle@verizon.net, lvtnj@optonline.net, middl
etaxpayers@hotmail.com, jcantrell@njtaxes.org, dporter@supremebrands.net, info@summittaxpayers.org, in
fo@givemeliberty.org, philbest@adelphia.net, my2crows@hughes.net,dkcwj@optonline.net, concernedtaxpa
yers@charter.net, info@ctmw.org, jwierc8977@aol.com, info@evanstaxpayersunited.org, rue@lakejoseph.co
m, freenys@plainvillefarms.com, gwtca@msn.com, nfo@hvpropertytaxreform.org, townofpotsdamtaxpayersa
ssoc@gmail.com, unytea@yahoo.com, edelaine@optonline.net,info@afpnc.org, tpdewitt@johnlocke.org, r.cn
elson@702com.net, infoOH@afphq.org, rob@daytonohioteaparty.com, rickyocum@earthlink.net, ldonoho@c
olumbus.rr.com, "AFPOK ."
<infoOK@afphq.org>, spaulwallace@yahoo.com, webmaster@termlimits.com, ocpa@ocpathink.org, taxabuse
@aol.com, info@cascadepolicy.org,bill@otu.org, oia@oia.org, media@teleport.com, jsears@yctc.us, jjgable@
comcast.net, joanfalcone@dejazzd.com, president@scrantontaxpayers.org, Karen Morgan
<bobkat4346@gmail.com>, chairman@voicepac.org, aipp@alleghenyinstitute.org, rmbolger@comcast.net,
"bh1228 ." <bh1228@earthlink.net>, Yolanda Goldsack <goldteaparty@gmail.com>, Shana Schmoyer
<info@delcochamber.org>, bill@pafairtax.org, rshaulsee@verizon.net, Bob Logue <ucblogue@verizon.net>,
David Pool
<nopropertytaxes@yahoo.com>, bradfordctyconcernedcitizens@gmail.com, crg@citizensforresponsiblegover
nment.net, oleytaxpayers@hotmail.com,info@responsible-ed.org, David Baldinger
<pataxpayers@gmail.com>, Anthony Santore
<aasnazz@verizon.net>, concernedislandtaxpayers@hotmail.com, info@lincolntaxpayers.org, taxpayers@cox.
net, info@ocgri.org, info@righttax.org, info@riscri.org, WoonTaxCo@aol.com, infoSC@afphq.org, caussc@gmail.com,johnbraund@dcta.org, info@wethepeopl
eofhorrycounty.org, joinus@nohometax.org, whcgearman@charter.net, jmccaulley@rr.sc.com, eas659@bells
outh.net, hailes@bellsouth.net, gpd@scpolicycouncil.com, propertytaxnetwork@sc.rr.com, infoSD@afphq.org
, mail@sdfamily.org, tax@tennesseetaxpayers.org,info@tnchamber.org, tennesseetaxrevolt@yahoo.com, info
@fairtax.org, bjklein@swbell.net, concernedtaxpayers@yahoo.com, cctaxcap@hotmail.com, pvenable@cse.o
rg, "afptx ."
<texas@afphq.org>, info@texaspolicy.com, ttara@ttara.org, admin@bastroptaxpayers.org, runningnranch@n
etzero.com, hta@htasa.org,mikeford@quik.com, info@citizensfortaxfairness.org, info@icatutah.com, si@suth
erlandinstitute.org, taxwatch@utahtaxpayers.org, ATTA2008@gmail.com, atu@atuonline.org, AFP Virginia
<infoVA@afphq.org>, info@acta.us, richardfalknor@roadstarinternet.com, cvilletaxpayers@embarqmail.com,
mailroom@cats.org,webmaster@fcta.org, President@forwardfairfax.com, henricotaxpayers@nekomusume.n
et, LoudounTAG@aol.com, navygray@cox.net, rhendrix@comcast.net, jtaylor@tertiumquids.org, "Robert K.
<robertkdean@cox.net>, Kwhite9472@aol.com, jeff@deathtaxrepeal.com, chairman@votors.org, dwren@oly
mpus.net,cannonwintong@msn.com, wvquest@ma.rr.com, infoWI@afphq.org, BCTA@execpc.com, kdpsrp2
@aol.com, rpender@frontiernet.net, forum@publicpolicyforum.org, racinetaxpayer@hotmail.com, mail@tax
payersnetwork.org, wistax@wistax.org, wyotax@wyotax.org, Pete Sepp <pressguy@ntu.org>, Alex Tabarrok
<Tabarrok@gmu.edu>, HARD TRUTH PAC <hardtruthpac@gmail.com>
Dear Raymond,
Thank you for responding. I copied you on my email in an attempt to inform the "super entity" referred to in
footnote 3 of http://www.larsschall.com/2013/05/08/governance-issues-at-the-world-bank-asecurity-risk-to-the-world-order/ about the Constitutional crisis in these United
States http://my.firedoglake.com/danielmarks/2013/11/16/convention-to-propose-constitutionalamendments-considered-by-houses-of-congress/ so that peaceful alliances between the United States and the
rest of the nations of the world are not unduly strained in this transistion to asset-backed currencies
underpinned by the gold in the collateral account.
The problem is not with the signature authority of Wolfgang Struck to represent TVM-LSM-666. The reason
for the delay is the refusal of the super entity to respect the rule of law and the authority of the Board of
Governors of the World Bank. This is the same reason that Allied Barton is refusing to recognize the decision
of the World Bank's Development Committee to qualify for the US contribution to the capital increase of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development under § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74)
[ http://aworldchaos.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/putin-prepares-to-arm-texas-separatists-as-iran-orders50000-troops-to-syria/ refers ]
Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Karen Hudes <->,
"dquam@nga.org" <dquam@nga.org>,
Wolfgang Struck <->,
"Mark J. Novitsky" <->,
I do not know why you bothered to copy me your email below. There is no gold in Hawaii you refer. That
document is a Trust Certificate only which has expired and now belongs to the People of the Philippine
Islands. I do not know why you want to talk about Uncut USD. They are in the philippines as we speak,
beloning to the People of the Philippine Islands. You are talking about the Governors and the “Super
Entity” and the Authorised Signatory. I don’t know what she or he is going to do by way of signing. If any
one on your side could sign for it why aren’t they doing that now as it has matured since 2005. If they
had signing rights, they would be doing it immediately.
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->
Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2013 6:29 pm
To: <admin@articlev.org>
Cc: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>, <ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>,
"dquam@nga.org" <dquam@nga.org>, Wolfgang Struck <->, "Mark J. Novitsky" <->,
<jmcpherson@naag.org>, <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>
Subject: Fwd: Article V Constitutional Convention
To Dan Marks,
Occupy Wall Street says "Hudes' story is easily the most interesting, compared to major financial
scandals, surveillance, etc. The American public, indeed the whole world, would unify with an
understanding of a rigged world for a few."
There is 170,500 metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the vaults of the Bank of Hawaii, which the
authorized signatory over the collateral trust account has allocated to underpin US dollars issued by the
US Treasury. This is what John F. Kennedy had accomplished (under the Green Hilton
Agreement http://www.scribd.com/doc/157112633/Social-Justice-Doctrine-the-New-World-Order-andOperation-Heavy-Freedom ) ten days before he was assassinated.
I have been in contact with the Governors of the 50 states, (as well as the Council of
Governors established under Executive Order 13528 http://nga.org/cms/CoG ), the state attorneys
general, the county executives of America, the authorized signatory of the Collateral Accounts
containing the world's gold and uncut US dollars, as well as the "super entity" identified
by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston: “The network of global corporate
control“, ETH Zurich, http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf ,on this agenda
item, necessary to accomplish before the imminent planned collapse of the Federal Reserve Note.
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <->
Date: Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: Article V Constitutional Convention
To: dana.purcarescu@diplomatie.gouv.fr, mike@waycoolsw.com, munihomeowners@gmail.com, matsu
_taxpayers_assn@yahoo.com, ita@interiortaxpayers.org, crmoffett@yahoo.com, info@azfairtax.org, cha
irman@arizonataxrevolt.org, kmccarthy@arizonatax.org, info@azfreeenterpriseclub.org,infoaz@afphq.o
rg, johnkay@cox.net, frank@bcfriendsofthetaxpayers.org, alsegalla@calaverastaxpayers.org, karl@caltax
.org, info@cctaxfighters.org, info@taxwatchers.org, lb@cvtax.org, contact@joincitywatch.org, info@clar
emont.org, FFlavio@aol.com, krishunt@cocotax.org, info@encinitastaxpayers.org,ftcr@consumerwatch
dog.org, webmaster@fullertontaxpayers.org, info@hjta.org, watchdog@suddenlink.net, info@jointventu
re.org, info@placertaxpayers.org, info@marintaxpayers.org, tsntlc@surewest.net, Phelps Hobart
<scclg@yahoo.com>, president@octax.org, info@sactax.org, info@sdcta.org, Richard Rider
<rrider@san.rr.com>, sbcta@cox.net, info@santabarbaracountyteaparty.org, solanotaxpayers@sbcgloba
l.net, taxpayer@sonic.net, information@suttertaxpayers.com, infotax@taxreform2000.org, prop13man
@aol.com, vcta@att.net, holisticvet@direcway.com, info@actcolorado.org, infoCO@afphq.org,info@cen
terfortaxpolicy.org, flostahl@snet.net, matt@bethelactioncommittee.org, FStndt@aol.com, jlfleishellcga
50@aol.com, info@farmingtontaxpayersassoc.org, fctopresident@aol.com, webmaster@hebrondollarsa
ndsense.com, csp371@hotmail.com, president@whta.org, membership@westshoretaxpayers.org, westo
nfiscalresponsibility@yahoo.com, doug@axthetax.org, info@baytaxpayers.org, info@floridataxpayersuni
on.org, echoy@floridataxwatch.org, admin@mctaxpayers.org, questions@taxpayersassociation.us, info
@waltontaxpayers.org, info@doughertycotpa.com, info@douglastaxes.com, fctf1@bellsouth.net,sbh@l
ava.net, tfh@tfhawaii.org, Admin West Maui Taxpayers Association
<wmta@maui.net>, idtaxreform@yahoo.com, questions@atitaxinfo.com, beta@betaonline.us, techsource12@comcast.net, mail@thechampion.org, ITEF@ntui.org, n
tui@ntui.org, dwb70@aol.com, info@samadamsalliance.org, Brian Costin
<bmcosti@gmail.com>, t.emert@insightbb.com, chavens@sbcglobal.net, info@propertytaxrepeal.com, mike@modernmaterials.net, Melyssa Donaghy
<melyssa.donaghy@gmail.com>, Ryan McCann
<ifi@hoosierfamily.org>, ifpi@indianafiscal.org, info@inpropertytaxrepeal.com, halrey@earthlink.net,te
amhammond@yahoo.com, cmcofer@mchsi.com, itr@taxrelief.org, OsceolaCountyTaxpayers@yahoo.co
m, jriese@assocmgmt.com, public.interest.institute@limitedgovernment.org, info@afpks.org, brettg@fuse.net, staff@lapar.org, John Roberts
<johnkriii@cox.net>, info@meleads.org, JWIBBY@maine.rr.com,info@reformauburn.org, spearlib@com
cast.net, info@marylandtaxeducation.org, mta@rstarmail.com, president@mctaxpayersleague.org, schw
aab@earthlink.net, kestrel6@comcast.net, info@centerforsmallgovernment.com, chathamct@comcast.
net, cltg@cltg.org, info@framinghamtpa.org,masshightechcouncil@mhtc.org, main@newtontaxpayers.o
rg, tripp@gis.net, sandwichtaxpayer@yahoo.com, info@westfordtaxpayers.org, "AFPMichigan ."
<infoMI@afphq.org>, Joe Sylvester
<cheneygun@gmail.com>, campaign@recallalice.com, garrisongm@juno.com, stoptaxes@yahoo.com,le
on@mitaxpayers.org, info@taxpayersunitedmi.org, Rose Bogaert
<WCTaxpayers@comcast.net>, harold@anokacountywatchdog.com, toddakruse@gmail.com, info@mnt
ax.org, tlm@taxpayersleague.org, howie@mississippiforward.org, Ray McCarty
<rmccarty@aimo.com>, tandj.martz@gmail.com,infoMO@afphq.org, phyatt@montax.org, taxreformer
@taxreformmontana.org, perc@perc.org, liba@liba.org, dnabity@nebraskalliance.com, nebtax@binary.
net, netaxpayers@cox.net, groenta@charter.net, info@catslv.org, info@nevadataxpayers.org, gopgeorg
e@earthlink.net, mingemanson@charter.net,info@derrytax.org, president@portsmouthtaxpayers.org,
webmaster@atkinsontaxpayers.org, info@barringtontaxpayers.org, BedfordTaxpayers@webtv.net, NH
<webmaster@cnht.org>, info@concordtaxpayers.org, info@dovertaxpayers.org, mail@granitestatetaxpa
yers.org,webmaster@hennikertaxpayers.org, info@hopkintontaxpayers.org, jbartlett@jbartlett.org, info
@laconiaspurse.com, info@lancastertaxpayers.org, webmaster@merrimacktaxpayers.org, webmaster@
monadnocktaxpayers.org, webmaster@plainfieldtaxpayers.org, info@raymondnhtaxpayersassociation.c
om,info@rochestertaxpayers.org, webmaster@sanborntontaxpayers.org, info@straffordtaxpayers.org, ti
ps@winchester-informedcitizen.org, info@windhamtaxpayers.org, infoNJ@afphq.org, cezirkle@verizon.net, lvtnj@optonline.net,
middletaxpayers@hotmail.com, jcantrell@njtaxes.org,dporter@supremebrands.net, info@summittaxpa
yers.org, info@givemeliberty.org, philbest@adelphia.net, my2crows@hughes.net, dkcwj@optonline.net,
concernedtaxpayers@charter.net, info@ctmw.org, jwierc8977@aol.com, info@evanstaxpayersunited.or
g, rue@lakejoseph.com, freenys@plainvillefarms.com,gwtca@msn.com, nfo@hvpropertytaxreform.org,
townofpotsdamtaxpayersassoc@gmail.com, unytea@yahoo.com, edelaine@optonline.net, info@afpnc.o
rg, tpdewitt@johnlocke.org, r.cnelson@702com.net, infoOH@afphq.org, rob@daytonohioteaparty.com,
rickyocum@earthlink.net, ldonoho@columbus.rr.com, "AFPOK ."
<infoOK@afphq.org>, spaulwallace@yahoo.com, webmaster@termlimits.com, ocpa@ocpathink.org, tax
abuse@aol.com, info@cascadepolicy.org, bill@otu.org, oia@oia.org, media@teleport.com, jsears@yctc.
us, jjgable@comcast.net, joanfalcone@dejazzd.com, president@scrantontaxpayers.org, Karen Morgan
<bobkat4346@gmail.com>, chairman@voicepac.org, aipp@alleghenyinstitute.org, rmbolger@comcast.n
et, "bh1228 ." <bh1228@earthlink.net>, Yolanda Goldsack <goldteaparty@gmail.com>, Shana Schmoyer
<info@delcochamber.org>, bill@pafairtax.org, rshaulsee@verizon.net, Bob Logue
<ucblogue@verizon.net>, David Pool
<nopropertytaxes@yahoo.com>, bradfordctyconcernedcitizens@gmail.com, crg@citizensforresponsibleg
overnment.net, oleytaxpayers@hotmail.com, info@responsible-ed.org, David Baldinger
<pataxpayers@gmail.com>, Anthony Santore
<aasnazz@verizon.net>,concernedislandtaxpayers@hotmail.com, info@lincolntaxpayers.org, taxpayers
@cox.net, info@ocgri.org, info@righttax.org, info@riscri.org, WoonTaxCo@aol.com, infoSC@afphq.org, caussc@gmail.com, johnbraund@dcta.org, info@wethe
peopleofhorrycounty.org, joinus@nohometax.org,whcgearman@charter.net, jmccaulley@rr.sc.com, eas
659@bellsouth.net, hailes@bellsouth.net, gpd@scpolicycouncil.com, propertytaxnetwork@sc.rr.com, inf
oSD@afphq.org, mail@sdfamily.org, tax@tennesseetaxpayers.org, info@tnchamber.org, tennesseetaxre
volt@yahoo.com, info@fairtax.org,bjklein@swbell.net, concernedtaxpayers@yahoo.com, cctaxcap@hot
mail.com, pvenable@cse.org, "afptx ."
<texas@afphq.org>, info@texaspolicy.com, ttara@ttara.org, admin@bastroptaxpayers.org, runningnran
ch@netzero.com, hta@htasa.org, mikeford@quik.com, info@citizensfortaxfairness.org,info@icatutah.co
m, si@sutherlandinstitute.org, taxwatch@utahtaxpayers.org, ATTA2008@gmail.com, atu@atuonline.org,
AFP Virginia
<infoVA@afphq.org>, info@acta.us, richardfalknor@roadstarinternet.com, cvilletaxpayers@embarqmail.
com, mailroom@cats.org, webmaster@fcta.org,President@forwardfairfax.com, henricotaxpayers@neko
musume.net, LoudounTAG@aol.com, navygray@cox.net, rhendrix@comcast.net, jtaylor@tertiumquids.
org, "Robert K. Dean"
<robertkdean@cox.net>, Kwhite9472@aol.com, jeff@deathtaxrepeal.com, chairman@votors.org, dwren
@olympus.net,cannonwintong@msn.com, wvquest@ma.rr.com, infoWI@afphq.org, BCTA@execpc.com,
kdpsrp2@aol.com, rpender@frontiernet.net, forum@publicpolicyforum.org, racinetaxpayer@hotmail.c
om, mail@taxpayersnetwork.org, wistax@wistax.org, wyotax@wyotax.org, Pete Sepp
<pressguy@ntu.org>, Alex Tabarrok <Tabarrok@gmu.edu>, hardtruthpac@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <->
Date: Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Article V Constitutional Convention
To: John De Herrera <john@cc2.org>, 1uberrimaefidei@gmail.com, thomas.wickham@mail.house.gov,
"sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, ihoven <ihoven@worldbank.org>, emiagkov
I refer to my telephone conversation today with the office of the House Parliamentarian, which I
understand is convening the Constitutional Convention under Article V.
I also refer to my conference call yesterday with a group of Americans who were looking for a lawful way
to put the Constitution into effect. I learned yesterday for the first time that their actions may have put
them into jeopardy when a participant on the call informed me about a conversation they had with the
Department of Defense. Since the US Congress has been derelict ever since 1929 in calling the
Constitutional Convention, I believe this group should be granted amnesty if for this fact alone.
As you may know, in Sacramento there is a mock Constitutional Conference tomorrow.
I hope that this is helpful. As you know, I have been involved in protecting the international reserve
currency status of the US dollar, and am forwarding relevant correspondence.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Yes Karen, the simulated Article V Convention is taking place in the capitol
building tomorrow. If you know anyone who might be interested in
post-production funding of documentary, please let them know my number:
Thank you for submitting your comment:
A major problem with fiat currencies is that BIS members are charging interest on nations' currencies. This is
unnecessary, and compounds nations' debts. Another problem is with legal tender laws preventing trading
partners from contracting and settling payments on their own terms.
Eric Galletta has it wrong. I am NOT stern with the "so-called elitists." I do not think it is strategic to threaten
them. I do not threaten them. I only want them to release the uncut dollars issued by the US Treasury and the
170,500 metric tonnes of gold in the Bank of Hawaii that is allocated to the United States by the authorized
signatory on the Global Collateral Account as is required under applicable laws of bailment. It is incumbent
upon the "so-called elitists" to do this before the Federal Reserve Notes
collapse. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/usdollar1.pdf
As I matter of fact, I am urging leniency as an incentive for the due DESIGNATION to the United States of
170,500 metric tonnes of gold in the vaults of the Bank of Hawaii allocated by the authorized signatory of the
Global Collateral Account in accordance with the laws of bailment as well as the prompt release of the uncut
US dollars issued by the Treasury.
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 04:15:22 -0800
Subject: Re: Hello Karen
From: eric.galletta@gmail.com
To: Karen Hudes
Dear Karen
Please listen to Dr. Michael Van de Meer as I captured his voice on this recording of him reading a letter he
wrote to the Black Pope .https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Dr.+Michael.m4a At first it was for my own
learning and private, however I feel that his voice resonates along with yours and felt that you should hear
Every time I see your videos and your brave stand for the people of the world I think of my dear friend Dr.
Michael who always spoke of his work and life endeavor being for the world and the people. He suffered
greatly for standing up to the corruption in the world.
In the memory of Dr. Michael, here he speaks.
God Bless you always.
your friend
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Eric Galletta wrote:
Dear Karen
That is great news you speak of!
Yes Dr. Michael had a reckoning with all of those so called elitists who have been riding the gravy train. I can
assure you not one of them got past Dr.Michael with their shenanigans as he was very stern with all of them
and put them in their rightful place as you do!
I look forward to following your posts as much as possible. I look forward to the change that you are ushering
in as well.
God bless you always.
By Eric J. Galletta
On Nov 15, 2013, at 12:12 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:
Thank you for your compliment. The accounts are going to be released, but it will despite and not because of
the efforts of top royalty, the federal reserve, and the other masters of deception whom you mentioned.
Subject: Re: Hello Karen
From: eric.galletta@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:46:07 -0800
To: Karen Hudes
He was a dear friend of mine. He was also in the Philippines for 19 years until his so called accident.
This is how I know much of what has been taking place with the GCA as he was spear heading the release and
change needed in this world,
He was negotiating with all the top royalty, diplomats presidents, federal reserve and others.
A true humanitarian and compassionate soul who had hopes of turning deserts green, free energy
developments,helping humanity , healing aids patients and eliminating cancer, thru the release of these
I miss him dearly.
I just wanted to say that you are a very special lady who I highly respect on the same level.
God Bless you in your endeavors always. If there is anything I can do to help or share let me know.
I have a recording of his voice reading a letter to the BP as he was in contact with him.
Perhaps you would like to hear that recording?
All the best Karen
Sent from my iPhone
By Eric J. Galletta
On Nov 15, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:
Dear Eric,
Yes, I have heard of Michael Van De Meer, his prediction of the collapse of the Federal Reserve Note, and his
untimely death. Why do you ask?
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:44:58 -0800
Subject: Hello Karen
From: eric.galletta@gmail.com
To: This is regarding Dr. Michael Van De Meer
I was just wondering if you knew him or of him?
Thank you for all you are doing!
Eric J. Galletta
From: To: Facebook Friend
Subject: RE: Short question
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 19:40:07 -0500
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 20:58:54 +0100
Subject: Re: Short question
From: Facebook Friend
To: Dear Karen,
Please let me be sure about that I clearly understand that you say:
The collapse is nearer than we imagined?
And You hope that the Federal Reserve will issue a more stable backgrounded dollar before the collapse
Yours, Facebook Friend :)
2013/12/1 Karen Hudes
Dear Facebook Friend,
Yes, the Federal Reserve Notes are close to collapse:https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/usdollar1.pdf
I am hoping that US dollars issued by the Treasury will be replacing them before that happens. This matter is
now before the 188 Ministers of Finance and the US (wait until my comment
Please note: Your comment will be reviewed by Forbes staff before appearing on the site.
Karen Hudes
23 hours ago
The authorized signatory over the world's gold in the Global Collateral Account hasallocated 170,500
metric tonnes in the Bank of Hawaii to support dollars issued by the US Treasury (as John F. Kennedy had
authorized in the Green Hilton Agreement 11 days before his assassination)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/157112633/Social-Justice-Doctrine-the-New-World-Order-and-OperationHeavy-Freedom. There are uncut dollars issued by the Treasury, also in a secret account. If the US
Congress doesn't start smelling the roses, the people in these United States will give them what for. The
US Congress has to call a Constitutional Convention under Article V of the US Constitution now.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/CREC-2013-10-24-pt1-PgH67756+(1).pdf andhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/congressionalrecord-pp64-highlighted+(1).pdf
----- Forwarded Message ----From: Brett Q. <bqphilippines@yahoo.com.ph>
To: "wolfgangstruck@yahoo.com" <wolfgangstruck@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, 6 December 2013, 22:17
Subject: Fw: Article V Constitutional Convention
On Thursday, December 5, 2013 6:21 PM, Raymond Bennell
<bennell@ifgprojects.com> wrote:
I had this discussion with you previously and and you were not interested in what I am
saying. Now with respect you talk pure dribble below. It is proof you do not know what you
are talking about. You have to remember that Marcos knew he was going to die and that the
US Government wanted to get rid of him. So what would you have done? Change the
accounts of course. Then there was the burnt accounts so no other accounts can exist. But
now you are learning that an other set of accounts exist. The People of the Philippine People
have those accounts and they are now ready for release to help the people of the World. If
your people can sign those accounts for release you are a magician.
However, The People of the Philippine Islands do not intend to keep those Global assets for
themselves. They want to share with the World on a 50-50 arrangement for projects/ventures
directly with the World Bank (if it wants to participate). Karen has shown that a great deal of
corruption exist with the World Bank. That makes the People of the Philippine Islands
Notwithstanding the People of the Philippine Islands are holding out to the World to
participate if the World Bank can clean up its act. If that can help Karen, so be it!
Raymond Bennell (Senior Partner)
Direct Phones: +852 8120 3701; +61-2 8003 5080; +1 (302) 261 5228;
Skype Name: raymondbennell
From: Wolfgang Struck <->
Date: Thursday, 5 December 2013 8:01 pm
To: Raymond Bennell <bennell@ifgprojects.com>
Cc: "Karen Hudes (GMail)" <->, <admin@articlev.org>, "ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov"
<ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "dquam@nga.org" <dquam@nga.org>, "Mark J. Novitsky"
<->, <jmcpherson@naag.org>, <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>, <tasklink@hotmail.com>, Craig Whitaker
<teachingeagle@gmail.com>, <bqphilippines@yahoo.com.ph>, John <mail@johnstruck.de>
Subject: Re: Article V Constitutional Convention
Do we appreciate the fervor of the ifgproject. I do not know where dear Raymond gets his
information. I have been living in the Philippines from 1988 to 2006 and from 2009 until
today and I have not met one Filipino who knows other than that Marcos stashed the gold in
Swiss banks. How can it belong to the Filipino people, if they do not have any knowledge of
it? China, Japan, Korea have invited the Philippine President and he knows nothing about
it.The BSP governors old and new deny the existence of any gold, they even deny that they
are born. So, of course, they will deny the existence of the attached Delivery Receipt issued
by the Central Bank of the Philippines.
So, dear Raymond, before you jackjack about the gold of the Philippines show us, please,
where it is and you how you intend to work it out. Here in the Philippines, I can tell you that,
they are scanning the earth, digging deep holes here, there, and everywhere in the search for
the mysterious Yamashita gold, silently, secretly as they want to enrich themselves and tell
nobody about it. They give a damn in rights and justice from old contracts. They don't even
want to know how and why Yamashita had the gold in Singapore before he ordered it buried
in the 172 Japanese garrisons.
I tell you a secret. Do not tell anybody else. The SS had knowledge of the bonded
warehouses of the Jewish banks where they held the gold of the royal families, the old gold
from before 1919. They stole the gold and shipped it to Singapore, unloaded, and turned back
immediately. How they could do that? The other gold, assembled in the Vatican after 1919
and still the gold of the royal families, was entrusted to one Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz, son of
Prince Julian Mcleod Tallano, owner of the Philippine Islands through O.C.T. 01-4.
When he was still Dr. Jose P. Rizal, he had two sons, one in Vienna from Klara Poelzl,
Adolf, and one in Tokyo from Princess Keiko. Now the three of them were silently on top of
the gold of the world. Adolf Hitler and Tomiyuki Yamashita were half-brothers, sons of a
royal blood British. Singapore was British Crown Colony, all in the family. Can you
imagine? They stole the gold from the Jewish banks who had stolen it from the royal families
who had stolen it from their colonies. The Jews got very angry with AH.
Anyhow, not to worry, the Alllied Forces have signed a BILATERAL MINESFIELD
BREAKTHROUGH AGREEMENT on August 11, 1950 declaring that after 50 years plus
five the owner of the gold should be code name TVM-LSM-666. That was supposed to be
Marcos but he was dead already, so nothing happened. The gold is still were it protected by
the BAILEE and protected by the BIS that has nothing else to do but check that the accounts
and deposits are still there.
In the end, the Jewish bankers have it all. They own the banks and the banking system. They
couldn't care less about the gold. They know where 1,715,000 MT are deposited in Special
Trust. Check those too big to fail, the usual suspects, all owned by Marcos TVM-LSM-666.
The gold in Hawaii, in the vault or as Trust Certificate only, is one tenth of it and I assume
the "old boys" knew why they chose Hawaii during Reagan time when also the Uncut
Dollars where given against the gold.
Greetings from Manila
Wolfgang Struck
Representing TVM-LSM-666 (as long as nobody else comes up)
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <->
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 4:03 AM
Subject: Re: Your Good Work Continues
To: paul.j.fleischer@gmail.com
Cc: Nicole Salisbury <nsalisbury@americanguardservices.com>
Dear Paul,
Gerald did not publish my article.
On the other hand, today I was contacted by a group that claims to be Trustees
(without specifying whom they are Trustees for), asking my opinion about distribution
of Global Wealth, proposing to share the wealth 50-50 with the People of the World.
Perhaps they have gotten the message. I have informed the New York Missions to
the United Nations, the Council of Governors established under
Executive Order 13528, issued in 2010
, the US Department of Defense, the County Executives of America, and the
Constitutional Sheriffs
I am blind copying the person who sent me this proposal. Before I can give any
opinion, Allied Barton (the security guards of the World Bank, owned by the same
persons who have brought untold misery to humanity) will need to step down
peacefully, so that my agreement with 188 Ministers of Finance can be
implemented. I am copying Allied Barton's replacement, and expect that this can be
effected without further delay.
Law Offices of Karen Hudes
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Gerald Celente <gcelente@trendsresearch.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: "Sting Operation in Bretton Woods Institutions"
To: Karen Hudes <->
Cc: Alex Silberman <alexsilberman@hvc.rr.com>
Hello Karen,
My apologies for the delay in not getting back to you. Our Exec. Editor, Alex Silberman responded to
my query with the following (see below).
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
----- Original Message ----From: Alex Silberman
To: Gerald Celente
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: "Sting Operation in Bretton Woods Institutions"
I did get back to Karen. Perhaps my note went to junk mail. Please forward or
include this from a Trends Institute mail box.
Dear Karen,
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look at your Bretton Woods Institutions
article. Interesting and revelatory as it is, our new format does not yet accommodate
articles of this length and complexity. Do keep us posted.
Thank you,
Alex Silberman
Senior Editor
Trends Journal
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: karen hudes <->
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 2:41 AM
Subject: Out of Time Featuring Karen Hudes
To: karen hudes <->
From: Rick Shoop <shoop3d@gmail.com>
Subject: Out of Time Featuring Karen Hudes
Message Body:
Hello Ms Hudes,
Please enjoy a video I made feature you Karen Hudes and my friend Moe Bedard. I
hope you will enjoy have a great Thanks Giving
Rick Shoop
Here's the video: http://youtu.be/qJrbVH5Epm0
-This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:34 PM, karen hudes <-> wrote:
From: Paul J. Fleischer <paul.j.fleischer@gmail.com>
Subject: Your Good Work Continues
Message Body:
I'm listening to you speaking to Freedom Central.....Good work! You're still keeping at it. I hope you
did a good job for Gerald. You and Gerald really understand where we need to go.
This is just my personal opinion but I have studied....This will come to blows Karen...Otherwise it will
never be settled....I really, really understand your desire to pronounce our problems as solvable
without force...and I applaud you like all the others for taking this stance. It should really be a matter
of shaming but unfortunately those authoritarians have no shame. I will, like you, continue to force
the agenda with peaceful revolution but the more we expose them peacefully, the more they will beat
us with clubs so they can then pretend that we became violent first (and then put in their little
You are really an Angel of humanity and I continue to appreciate you and your endeavors ...
Paul J. Fleischer
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Todd Swanson
Want you to know that I am praying for you and the battle you are engaged in. I graduated MCL with a 3.9 in
Financial Accounting, passed all four parts of the CPA exam in 1993 in one sitting and by 2000 I was writing
opinion letters and traveling the country to talk about the fraud in the banking/mortgage industry as it relates
to the bkkg entries and the endorsements of the prom. notes. After several years, the hammer came down
and my life was hell for 3 years as our fine 3 letter agencies that I thought fought for the truth turned out to be
tools of intimidation used by the bankers.... Lost both my NC & SC licenses in 2005/2006. My trial/hearing
before the LLR was completely rigged (longest hearing in their history), there was Ex-Parte comunication b/t a
board member and the state's attorney and that same board member also offer "mortgage brokerage
services" from her CPA office. Currently I'm unemployed but eagerly awaiting the GCR. Do you know Dr. Larry
Bates former congressman from TN?