Concept Note Application Instructions

The Population and Reproductive Health Capacity Building Program
Concept Note Application Instructions
Concept Note Application Instructions:
Please use the Concept Note Application form to complete your application.
The concept note should be written in English. Please do not adjust the margins of any pages or tables.
Page size should remain 8 ½ x 11 inches. Responses should be single spaced, using font style Calibri in
font size 12. The file should be in MS Word Document format.
The PRHCBP will support grants between the amounts of US$50,000–US$100,000. Awarded grants will
fund projects for the period January 1, 2014 –December 31, 2014. Organizations will need to provide a
copy of their certificate of registration and audited financial statements for the last two years. If selected
the organization will undergo a financial assessment and additional documentation may be required
such as the financial manual. All documents must be in English. Please note that the Bank account
number must be in the name of the organization applying for the grant.
Page limit for the listed sections
 Basic Information
- Organization information
1 page single-sided
- Authorized Signatory
- Primary Contact
- Primary Contact at the Country Level
1 page single-sided
 Project Details
 Budget at-a-glance table
1 page single-sided
 Other partners table
No page limit
 Project Budget table
Total length= 3 pages + Project Budget
Project Details:
1. Project Title
2. Goals and Objectives:
State in 1-2 sentences what long-term overall goal the project will help to accomplish (not necessarily
the expected outcome of the 12 month grant period).
List the specific objectives of the project. Objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable,
Attainable/Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound (achievable within the 12 month grant period). The
objectives detailed in the concept note must be outcome objectives (outcome objectives are
measureable objectives that focus on improvements to a system, changes in policy, knowledge transfer,
and changes in attitudes or behavior).
Process objectives (measurable objectives that focus on activities to be completed during the grant
period such as participants involved in the project, number of interactions during the project period, and
The World Bank
The Population and Reproductive Health Capacity Building Program
Concept Note Application Instructions
number of activities) should NOT be included at this stage. However, if your application is selected to
continue to Stage 2, detailed process objectives will be required in the full proposal.
3. Country(s) of Project Implementation and Target Group(s):
List the country(s) where the project will be implemented and provide information on group(s) that will
be targeted by the project.
4. Expected Results:
List specific results anticipated during the 12 months of the project and give details on how the
measurements (including a baseline) will be obtained.
5. Value Added:
Considering the expected results, what is the overall value added of this project? What makes your
project unique from what has been done by your organization or others? Irrespective of this grant,
would the project’s work proceed? Why or why not?
6. Innovation and Significance of Partnerships:
Preference will be given to proposals that catalyze new and existing partnerships with key players at
both country and regional levels (e.g.: other NGOs, government, private companies). All concept notes
must clearly articulate how the activity relates or contributes to on-going efforts by other donors and
how the project contributes to the country(s) national goals for reproductive health.
7. Local Capacity Building:
Preference will be given to concept notes that clearly detail how capacity building (local community,
NGO/CSO, government, and/or global) will be achieved with this project. Specify whose capacity will be
strengthened and how will they use and maintain this newly developed capacity beyond the 12 month
grant period? How will building this capacity contribute to the achievement of desired reproductive
health outcomes in the country?
8. Sustainability:
What financial resources and partnerships are in place to ensure the continuation of the project after
the 12 month grant period? If your organization does not receive funding through the PRHCBP grant,
how will your organization support this project?
9. Project Budget
Use the templates provided for preparing the budget. These are included in the Concept Note
Application Form. No cell should be left blank. If the funding source is not applicable for a particular
itemized expense, please enter N/A in the cell.
The World Bank
The Population and Reproductive Health Capacity Building Program
Concept Note Application Instructions
Required Attachments
At the concept note stage (Stage 1), required attachments include the certificate of registration and
financial statements for the past 2 years.
Submission of Concept Note
Please submit the completed package as an attachment in a single email. Please do not send multiple
Please submit completed concept note application package via email:
Subject: [name of your organization]/2014 DGF PRHCBP concept note application
Submission Checklist
Incomplete concept note applications will not be considered. Please ensure that the following
attachments are included in your email:
Completed concept note application form
Proof of registration for the organization
Audited financial statements for the last two years
The World Bank