[Bldg. U - Room 108]
Instructor: Mrs. Angel
Office Phone: None
Department Phone: 954-538-3700
Department Fax: 954-538-3714
The purpose of this course is to provide 6th grade middle school students with an introduction to the principles of Computers. Students are
introduced to the principles of business in the 21 st century while refreshing their keyboarding skills. This course should also help students to
use computers effectively in their lives. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Input and output devices
 Ethical use of computers
 Telecommunications concepts and use of the Internet
 Project planning and problem solving
 Productivity and multimedia tools Principles, concepts and processes of computer applications and their integration into projects
By the conclusion of the course, the student should be able to, but not limited to the following outcomes:
 Understand aspects of Word including creation, editing and printing of Word documents.
 Understand aspects of Excel including creation, editing and printing of Excel spreadsheet.
 Understand aspects of PowerPoint including creating, editing, and presentation of PowerPoint presentations.
1 Flash Drive (4 GB or greater)
Jump Drive (min. 4 GB USB storage device or lager)
Small antibacterial hand sanitizer
Pair of earbuds or headphones
Method of Instruction: The course consists of lectures, hand-on exercise, and in-class/home based lab exercises and assessments.
Syllabus: The syllabus (including preliminary schedule) is distributed to each student via Jupiter-Grades and posted on the Website and is
reviewed in its entirety. Students are responsible for printing their syllabus. This schedule is subject to change and any change will be announced
in class and through email notifications. The syllabus is the course contract and the student is responsible for reading and adhering to the
policies set forth within. By continuing attendance after the first class and signing the student contract, the student agrees to accept the syllabus
and comply with all of its rules and policies.
Backups: Students are REQUIRED to keep a backup copy of all their course work (both media & graded coursework) until the student is
satisfied their final course grade is accurately posted. If a grade is to be contested, the student is responsible for providing all graded work
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this assignment sheet. In the event that changes become necessary,
students will be notified through their Jupiter Grade Email accounts and/or during class.
Syllabus - - - - - Learning about computers and software takes time and practice. You must take responsibility for your own learning! - - - - - Page 1 of 5
(printed & media formats). All files will be compared to printed formats & all file date/time stamps must coincide with due dates in the
syllabus schedule. Contested grades must take place before the next assignment is due, otherwise it will not consider for review.
You are responsible for backing up your work (data) to another source. Doing so will secure your work in case of lost and or corruption of
your USB memory stick. Losing the data of your work will not constitute an excuse for late work or work not turn-in. Not having either one
during grading will not be considered a legitimate excuse and a zero will be given for grades.
Class Procedures:
Your daily task is to:
 Sign attendance clipboard upon entering lab
 Read bulletin board for any updates
 Begin assignment that will be posted on screen/board or continue working on current project due
 Collect all your printouts from the printer
 Log off/Shut down computer before leaving the lab
 Clean-up workstations
 If absent, See me prior to or immediately upon your return and review calendar/agenda.
 Email me to inform of absence and make-up work
 Keep up to date with Jupiter Grades for class work that must be completed and turned in.
 Submit assigned projects on time.
 Using the computer is limited to only class sponsored activities. You may NOT use the computer to, but not limited to, play games, surf,
listen or view videos without the direct approval from your instructor.
Accounts: Students are REQUIRED to maintain a school account via the school server to save or backup their work.
Attendance Policy: Class attendance and participation is especially important as it plays a fundamental role in the publishing of our newspapers
as well as the learning process. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. If you are not checked-in (signed-in) on the attendance sheet,
you are not in class. Students should not make travel plans during deadlines.
On-Time Policy: On-time arrival at class is imperative as specific instructions for software and hardware operations will be given at the
beginning of each session; a structured format will be utilized during the hands-on portion of class.
Online Submitted Work Policy: All our work is done online and save to your account class folder in the school server, keep your password to
yourself, do not share it or let someone else use it. Do not delete any files unless you have approval from your instructor.
Work Ethics:
 Work attitudes and characteristics
o Respect: Respect is necessary everywhere and to everyone. If you respect yourself -guaranteed- others will respect you. We will
be working together for 40+ weeks; please be considerate and have common courtesy for all.
o Responsibility: Responsibility is a big word with a huge task/duty. You are free to make choices, however, think first before you
act/react. Ask yourself what are the consequences? What will I gain or lose? How will it affect others? Will it be worth my time
and effort? Case scenario: You forgot to save your document and lost all your data. Will you punch/kick the computer or inform
the instructor (who may allot you extra time to complete the coursework) and patiently re-do your work?
 Clean-up your work station: Workstation consists of your computer terminal (Keyboard, CPU, Monitor, mouse & chair), which must be kept
in an orderly condition. Before exiting classroom, ensure that workstation is clean of any papers, binders &/or textbooks and chairs are
pushed in. Make sure that all cameras, memory cards, photos, contracts and newspaper articles have been properly secured and out of sight.
Classroom Conduct: The instructor will not respond to a student who “snaps” his/her fingers in order to obtain the instructor’s attention.
Any acts of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss with instructors the educational process
relative to subject content will not be tolerated, in accordance with the Academic Code of Conduct described in the Student Handbook.
Rules & Procedures:
1. Respect your peers, teacher, and classroom at all times.
2. Be prepared with required materials and ready to learn when the bell rings.
3. Ask permission before leaving the room, or to use the computers. Only one person may use the bathroom at a time.
4. Only closed water bottles will be permitted in the classroom. No other foods or drinks will be permitted.
5. Take care of the computer equipment. Please keep in mind they are school property and you are using them all year.
6. Please do not interrupt anyone – student, teacher, or guest speaker. Should you have a question, politely raise your hand.
Netiquette: In all online communication, it is expected that all students will follow rules of online “netiquette.” Netiquette is a set of rules for
polite behavior that all members of this class is expected to follow. See details at Basically, these
rules say, “be respectful and be polite to each other.” In addition, “be patient and considerate of others.” No one is perfect and we all have
different approaches to life, work, and school.
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this assignment sheet. In the event that changes become necessary,
students will be notified through their Jupiter Grade Email accounts and/or during class.
Syllabus - - - - - Learning about computers and software takes time and practice. You must take responsibility for your own learning! - - - - - Page 2 of 5
Individuals who violate the netiquette policy or engage in disruptive online behaviors such as flaming, (posting disrespectful or hostile
comments,) posting inappropriate comments, or shouting (posting messages all in capitals letters) may have their course access
privileges revoke and/or they may be referred to the Grade Administrator’s office.
Those, whom continue to engage in unacceptable online behavior even after being warned, may be permanently denied access to the
course and/or may receive an F for the course.
Electronic Devices: There is absolutely no use of cell phones or other electronic forms of communication devices during class. Cell phones
will be turned-off and put away during class. Students caught using their cell phone (e.g.; texting or reading messages) during class will be
ask to leave the classroom. At no time during an exam will students access their cell phones. Violation of this will result in an automatic zero
on the exam for the student and immediate student removal from the classroom. Use of cell phone inside the classroom will consist of a 3 tier
consequence, which is as follows:
Warning – The Instructor will politely ask the student to put the cell phone away.
Possession of Property – The Instructor will stay in possession of the student’s cell phone until the end of the class
Detention – Upon exhaustion of tier 1 and 2, the Instructor will give the student a detention and other possible
repercussions may be handled with Administration.
Projects: Normally one or two weeks’ notice will be given for any given projects and / or assignments. If you are absent during this
period, the projects and / or assignments will still be due on the original due date. Student should consider emailing or sending their
project with a friend. Under certain conditions, projects may be due upon the day the student returns to school.
Jump Drives (Memory Cards): All your work should be saved to your jump drive and your school “H” drive. Not having either one
during grading will not be considered a legitimate excuse and a zero will be given for grades.
The total number of points earned on all homework assignments and examinations as a percentage of the total possible points determines the
final course grade. Grades are computed to 1 decimal place and are not rounded up. Students must obtain the next highest score in order to receive
the respective grade.
Grade Category % Breakdown
Classwork & Participation
Exit Cards & Quizzes
Grades, once assigned, cannot be changed except in case of administrative errors.
Grades will be posted in Jupiter-Grades and made available to students. If a score is disputed, the student must inform the instructor by the next
class after the posting of the grade. After final grades are posted, grade disputes will not be accepted by the instructor.
Extra credit work is not offered in order to improve your grade.
The following table defines the grading scale for this course:
Letter Grade
90 – 100 %
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
50 – 59%
Incomplete Policy: Incomplete grades are not given except in extreme circumstances in which the student must submit a “contract” on
completing the course. Students must also submit documentation supporting the need for an incomplete. The instructor reserves the right to accept
or reject the documentation and reason.
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this assignment sheet. In the event that changes become necessary,
students will be notified through their Jupiter Grade Email accounts and/or during class.
Syllabus - - - - - Learning about computers and software takes time and practice. You must take responsibility for your own learning! - - - - - Page 3 of 5
[Bldg. U - Room 108]
Instructor: Mrs. Angel
Student Contract
Read, sign and date, print this sheet, and return it to me on Tuesday, August 19, 2014.
I, ________________________________ thoroughly reviewed this syllabus on ________________, 2014.
Put a check mark in each available box below:
I have a very good understanding of the components of this syllabus.
I am aware of what is expected of me in order to be successful based on the weekly schedule of course material and course
I am aware of and will make every effort to meet all the assignment deadlines.
I understand the grading criteria as outlined.
I have acquired or will be shortly acquiring the required course materials.
I agree with and I am willing to adhere to the course expectations.
I agree with and I am willing to adhere to the course policies on attendance.
I agree with and I am willing to adhere to the course online submitted work policy.
I agree with and I am willing to adhere to the course on professional behavior.
I agree with and I am willing to adhere to the course policies on punctuality.
I agree with and I am willing to adhere to the course policies on class participation.
I understand that by signing this contract, I acknowledge that I have read and will adhere to the conditions, expectations and policies
stated on this syllabus.
I have downloaded the Syllabus, read it; my parents and I have signed it and agree to abide by its terms.
Student Signature: _______________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________
Student Print Name: ______________________________________
Parent Print Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________
Date: __________________________
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this assignment sheet. In the event that changes become necessary,
students will be notified through their Jupiter Grade Email accounts and/or during class.
Syllabus - - - - - Learning about computers and software takes time and practice. You must take responsibility for your own learning! - - - - - Page 4 of 5
[Bldg. U - Room 108]
Instructor: Mrs. Angel
Computer Research Wheel
 Neatly complete information below: By signing below, I certify that I have read all the documentation given
to us and agree to abide by it.
Personal Information
Student Name ________________________________________________________________
Home Address _______________________________________________________________
Home Phone _________________________ Student Cell Phone Number ________________________
Student E-mail address _________________________________
Mother’s Name _____________________________
Father’s Name ________________________
Work Phone _______________________________
Work Phone __________________________
E-mail address _____________________________
E-mail address ________________________
Student’s signature ________________________________________ Date _____________________
Parent’s signature _________________________________________ Date _____________________
Course Schedule
Class Period
A or B
Room #
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this assignment sheet. In the event that changes become necessary,
students will be notified through their Jupiter Grade Email accounts and/or during class.
Syllabus - - - - - Learning about computers and software takes time and practice. You must take responsibility for your own learning! - - - - - Page 5 of 5