Biomes of the World: Shoebox Diorama Project Science Grade 7 The objective for this project is to learn about different biomes of the world and the features specific to them through research and investigation. Requirements: Each student will be given a specific biome and must construct a shoebox diorama (hmm, what’s that…see below) of the biome. The diorama will include features unique to that biome such as the geography and/or landscape, the plants and animals of the ecosystem, and finally, the interaction between the biotic and abiotic things. What is a Shoebox Diorama? A diorama is a small model of a real-life scene that has life like details and a realistic background. The box should be shoebox size or larger. Grading Policy: Grades will be determined by the following: Biome-in-a-Box Diorama: 50 POINTS -At least 3 animals species found in your biome/diorama -At least 3 plant species found in your biome/diorama -Should realistically represent with geographical features such as mountains, streams, rivers, etc. -A background on the back and sides of your box. -BE CREATIVE!! Other Requirements: Needs to be constructed out of a shoebox or some sort of box Needs to be 3 dimensional Need to complete and turn in Biome Research page (50 POINTS) and PRESENTATION Research MUST be turned in to Mr. Hacker. Have Fun!!! Needs to be turned in by TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15TH for a TEST Grade!!! Sources: You may use your textbook, class notes, encyclopedias, and the following Internet websites: MUST HAVE AT LEAST 3 SOURCES! NO PLAGIARISM! DO NOT JUST COPY FROM THE SOURCE! Biomes of the World 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tundra – Arctic or Alpine Taiga (Coniferous or Boreal Forest) Desert Temperate Deciduous Forest Tropical Rain Forest Grassland- Savanna or North American Prairie Marine- Ocean or Coral Reef Note: We will be spending a couple of days in class to research and to collect information regarding your biome. However, construction of diorama will take place outside of class (ie. At home or before/after school). The Diorama is worth a maximum of 50 points. The Biome chart (research page) and presentation of biome are worth a maximum of 50 points. Together a maximum of 100 points is available! Use the rubrics provided to help you with designing and researching. I will use the rubrics to grade your diorama and your research. You must turn in your rubrics with your project. Due Biome in a Box Diorama Rubric Category NAME:_________________ 10 8 Display box is very attractive. Display box is somewhat attractive. Display box is messy and unattractive. and Creativity Display box is very attractive and creativity is evident. Accuracy of Animals More than 3 animals are accurately shown. At least 3 animals are accurately shown. One animal is inaccurately shown. More than one animal is inaccurately shown. Accuracy of Plants More than 3 plants are accurately shown. At least 3 plants are accurately shown. One plant is inaccurately shown. More than one plant is inaccurately shown. Background is very neatly depicted and present on all three sides. Background is neatly depicted and present on all three sides. Background is present on all three sides. Background is not present on all three sides. All components of assignment are present. Most (1 item missing) components of assignment are present. Some (2 to 3 items missing) components of assignment are present. Few (more than 3 items missing) components of assignment are present. Attractiveness Background Completeness Points earned: _____ Points from Diorama:_______ Points from Research:________ FINAL GRADE: _________ _____ 6 ______ 5 ______ Biome Research Rubric Category Presentation Quality of Information X2 Internet Use Mechanics Points earned: NAME:_____________________ 10 8 6 5 Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time. Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time. Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost. All information is accurate to chosen biome and is clearly organized. Most information is accurate to chosen biome and is clearly organized. Most information is accurate to chosen biome. Organization is unclear. Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and worked well during time allotted. Moderately successful at using suggested internet links to find information and worked well during time allotted. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Successful to moderately successful at using suggested internet links to find information but was off task during the time allotted. A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Most information is inaccurate to chosen biome and organization is unclear. Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or was disruptive to others during time allotted. _____ ______ _____ Total points for Biome Chart: _______ Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. ______