Week#8 - mrmilewski

AP Human Geography Week #8.
Fall 2015
AP Human Geography 10/26/15
• OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate mastery of Chapter#3Migration. APHugII-C
• Language objective: Write about migration and culture.
• I. Administrative Stuff
-Attendance & Test Directions
• II. Chapter#3 Test
• III. Journal#20
-Chapter#4 Vocabulary
• Homework: Read p.110-116
• Notice: Midterm Exam Wednesday Nov 4th
When Tests Are Out
• 1.) No Phones
• 2.) No Phones
• 3.) If your phone is
out, you will get
negative 100
points on the test!
To qualify to take the Ch#3 Retake Test
• 1.) Print guided readings for Chapter#3 from Mr.
Marjanovich’s website (Week#6):
• 2.) Report to the review session with the guided
– SST tomorrow 10/27
3.) Report to afterschool November 2nd with a
completed Guided Reading to take the Ch#3
Retake Test
1.) Culture
• The sum total of the
knowledge, attitudes,
and habitual behavior
patterns shared and
transmitted by the
members of a society.
(hundreds of others
• Examples- French
Culture, American
Culture, British Culture,
2.) Pop Culture
• Popular Culture –
Cultural traits such as the
dress, diet and music
that identify and are part
of today’s changeable,
urban-based, mediainfluenced western
• Example - MTV
3.) Local Culture
• Group of people in a
particular place who see
themselves as a collective or
community, who share
experiences, customs, and
traits, and work to preserve
those traits and customs in
order to claim uniqueness
and to distinguish
themselves from others.
• Examples- Frankenmuth
4.) Material Culture
• The things a group of
people construct, such
as art, houses, clothing,
sports, dance, and
• Example:
5.) Hearth
• The area where an idea
or cultural trait
• Example- Crocs &
• Gangnam Style
6.) Commodification
• The process through
which something is given
monetary value. Occurs
when a good or an idea
that previously not
regarded as an object to
be bought and sold is
turned into something of
value in a market
• Example - Tebowing
7.) Authenticity
• In the context of local
cultures or customs, the
accuracy with which a
single stereotypical or
typecast image or
experience conveys an
otherwise dynamic and
complex local culture or
its customs.
• Example: Lafayette v.
American Coney
8.) Placelessness
• Every place looks
like the next. Loss
of uniqueness.
• Example – Look
anywhere in
Rossville, Minnesota-a suburb of
St. Paul-it could be anywhere in the
9.) Nonmaterial Culture
• The beliefs,
practices, aesthetics,
and values of a
group of people.
• Examples-religion,
language, traditions
& customs
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic
Church Wyandotte, MI
10.) Assimilation
• The process through
which people lose
original traits (dress,
speech, mannerisms)
when they come in
contact with another
society or culture.
• Example:
Homework Tonight
• Read p.110-116
AP Human Geography 10/27/15
• OBJECTIVE: Continue examination of culture. APHugIII-A.1
• Language objective: Write about culture.
• I. Journal#21 pt.A
-Mexican priest offers shelter for Central American
migrants on a perilous path
• II. Quiz#13
• III. Return of Ch#3 Test
• IV. Journal#21pt.B
-notes on culture
• Homework: Read p.117-124
• NOTICE: Midterm Exam Wednesday November 4th
Cultural Systems
• What we eat, when we eat and how we eat is an
example of cultural differences
– Some Asian cultures eat with the right hand, East Asian
cultures use chopsticks, Western cultures use knife, fork
and a spoon.
– Certain foods are considered delicacies by some cultures,
unclean and unfit for consumption by others. E.g. shrimp,
snails, worms, insects, etc.
• Voice-tone and level are very culturally specific.
• Body gestures-Japanese bowing, Western shaking
hands, tipping of the hat
• Various marriage customs-intermarriage is accepted
in some societies, but not others
• Chapulines (grasshoppers) in the Market in Oaxaca, Mexico
• Habit-a repetitive act
by an individual.
• Custom-when an
entire group does it.
• Tradition-the same as
a custom-the term
implies longevity.
• Folk culture-the
enduring, traditional
practices of a people.
• Popular culture-the
rapidly changing tastes
and customs of a
Pop Culture Summer 1984
Folk or Local Culture
A group of people in a
particular place who see
themselves as a
collective or a
community, who share
experiences, customs,
and traits, and who work
to preserve those traits
and customs in order to
claim uniqueness and to
distinguish themselves
from others.
Homework Tonight
• Read p.117-124
AP Human Geography 10/28/15
• OBJECTIVE: Continue examination of culture.
• Language objective: Write about culture.
• I. Journal#22 pt.A
-Watch the following:
-American Hand Gestures in Different Cultures
-Gestures, meanings and cultures
• II. Journal#22 pt.B
-notes on culture
• Homework: Read p.125-130
• NOTICE: Midterm Exam Wednesday November 4th
Hutterite Colonies
in North America
The Hutterites
are an example of a
local culture.
Hutterites are the only
Anabaptist group that lives
communally in a colony of
about 100 people. Unlike the
Amish, the Hutterites readily
accept technologies that help in
Why are
they are?
Popular Culture
A wide-ranging group of
heterogeneous people,
who stretch across
identities and across the
world, and who embrace
cultural traits such as
music, dance, clothing,
and food preference that
change frequently and
are ubiquitous on the
cultural landscape.
Madonna wearing a red
string Kabbalah bracelet.
Distance Decay v. TimeSpace Compression
• With Distance Decay, the
likelihood of diffusion
decreases as time and distance
from the hearth increases.
• With Time-Space
Compression, the likelihood
of diffusion depends upon the
connectedness among places.
• Which applies more to popular
How are hearths of popular culture traits
• Typically begins with an idea/good and contagious
• Companies can create/manufacture popular culture.
(ie. MTV)
• Individuals can create/manufacture popular culture.
(ie. Tony Hawk)-video games involving extreme
sports popularized skateboarding and other sports.
Homework Tonight
• Read p.125-130
• Study for Midterm
AP Human Geography 10/29/15
• OBJECTIVE: Continue examination of culture.
• Language objective: Write about culture.
• I. America By the Numbers
-Our Private Idaho
-25 notes on the film
• II. FRQ Day#7
-2012 FRQ#3 Answer
• Homework: Review for Midterm Exam
• NOTICE: Midterm Exam Wednesday November 4th
Homework Tonight
• Read up to p.130
• Study for Midterm
AP Human Geography 10/30/15
• OBJECTIVE: Examine the history of Halloween.
• Language objective: Write about culture.
• I. Administrative Stuff
-Attendance &FRQ Collection
• II. Quiz#14
• III. Film: The Haunted History of Halloween
-questions on The Haunted History of Halloween
• REMINDER: Midterm Exam Wednesday!
Homework Tonight
• Read up to p.130
• Study for Midterm
• Happy Halloween &
Go Lions!!!