Meiosis movie

Meiosis Video Activity
1. You will be demonstrating your knowledge of Meiosis by making a movie
presentation using the ExplainEverything app.
2. When you have completed your project ask to two other students from two
different groups to evaluate your project and give constructive suggestions.
This will count as part of their grade as well as yours. After making
adjustments to your project, upload final draft for grading. You also will
have to upload your two critiques of two others’ projects (in one file).
3. Your project must show three pairs of different size homologous
chromosomes (small, medium and large) (make each chromosome within a
pair a different color-example: dark/light blue). The chromosomes may be
drawn, made of clay, yarn etc., they may NOT be copied and pasted from a
photograph or diagram.
4. Terms: The following must be covered in your project:
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
Prophase II
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Cleavage furrow
Crossing-over (make sure the results continue to the succeeding slides)
Independent Assortment
Kinetochore microtubule
Segregation (Separation)
Activity 1
Look over the requested Meiosis presentation and leave at least four constructive
comments on how they might improve their presentation. The presenters will have
a day to make improvements. Upload your critiques to Moodle (in one pdf file):
Critiques on two Meiosis Videos – be sure to include the names of the presenters on
each critique.
Somewhere in your video answer these Meiosis Questions:
1. How many chromosomes did you start out with in each cell?
2. How many chromosomes did you end up with in each cell?
3. Why is meiosis called reduction division?
4. How does the amount of DNA that you started with in the first cell
compare with the amount of DNA in one of the last cells?
5. If this was a male, what do you call each of the cells at the end of meiosis?
6. If this were a female, where would meiosis be taking place?
7. At the end of meiosis, how do the chromosomes compare between the
four cells?
8. What is the result of meiosis 1? (List three things)
9. What is the result of meiosis 2? (List three things) (this is a repeat of #7)
10. List two ways in which meiosis lead to increased genetic variation.
11. How would the gametes be affected if a pair of chromatids failed to
separate in the second meiotic division?