Love, Loyalty and Relationships Unit Thinking

ELA Unit Planning
Unit Title and Type
Unit Context
Exploring Loyalty, Love, and Relationships- multi-genre
Personal and Philosophical
Big Idea or Question
What role do love and loyalty play in your relationships?
Compose and Create
Comprehend and
Formative Assessment
-Writing: personal/ narrative essay, advice column, poem
(sonnet), short script writing.
-Representing: venn diagram, final projects, positive selfimage drawing.
-Speaking: radio plays (dramatic reading: scenes from
R&J), debate, articulate and explain personal viewpoint,
resolving conflict, dramatic reading
-Reading: R&J play, debate, lyrical poem,
-Listening: Interviews
-Viewing: dramatization of the positive/ negative effects of
peer pressure, pamphlet (includes cyber-stalking
prevention and parental tips)
-Formative rubrics (see attached)
-Peer editing and revising
-Reflections (self, peer and teacher)
-Entrance/ Exit cards
-Dramatic retelling of tale
Summative Assessment
-Criteria attached for: Personal/ narrative essay, advice
column, lyric poem, dramatic reading, assess and reflect,
comprehend and respond criteria (viewing, reading and
o Romeo and Juliet
o Crossroads:
 -Acceptance by Vidhya Sridharan p.33
(Short, short story) Self- image
 -Savitri and Satyvan by Madhur Jaffrey p.181
(Hindu myth) Debate
 -The White Stone Canoe by Henry Rowe
Schoolcraft (Ojibwa/Chippewa Tale) p. 176.
Dramatic retelling of tale(CC).
 -Someone Who Used to Have Someone by
Miriam Waddington p. 111 (poem). Articulate
and Explain personal viewpoint.
o Sightlines 9: Two Prisoners by Raymond Souster
p. 70 (poem) dramatization (CR)
 To My Son by Helen Fogwell Porter p.110
(poem)Articulate and explain personal
 The Masks of Love by Alden Nowlan p. 117
(poem) poetry writing(CR)
All by Leona Gom p.118 (poem) interviews
Instructions to my Mother by Marilyn Dumont
p.126 (poem) Resolving Conflict (CC)
To Christine by Susan Forde p. 146 (poem)
Articulate and explain personal viewpoint.
 Where’s Sommy? The Cyber-stalker Dodges
His Hi-tech Pursuers by Robert Brehl p.277
(news article)
Learning Plan