click here - What is Death?

Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Multi-media Text Set Annotated Bibliography
APA full reference of text:
Advameg, Inc. (2014).
Encyclopedia of death and dying.
Boyne, J. (2006). The boy in the
striped pajamas. Oxford, UK:
David Fickling.
Kind of Text
Keywords of Text Related
to MTS Topic
Death; dying; definitions;
literal; information
Chapter book
Fiction; holocaust;
concentration camps;
nonfiction; fable; child’s
Summary of text
Related CCSS Standards
Online encyclopedia that explores
all content related to death and
Exploration of the Holocaust and
Auschwitz through the eyes of a
young German boy named Bruno.
Through his POV we see his
naivety of the situation.
I did not find any specific
standard that this website
would relate to.
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
CCSS. RL.7.6
Analyze how an author
develops and contrasts the
points of view of different
characters or narrators in a
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Bunting, E. (1992). The wall.
Boston, MA: HMH Books for
Young Readers.
Picture Book
Historical Fiction
Grandparent’s death;
memorial; loss of a relative;
remembrance; after death
A little boy and his father visit the
Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in
Washington D.C. to find the
grandfather’s name.
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
Burton, T. & Abbate, A.
(Producers) & Burton, T. &
Johnson, M. (Directors). (2005).
The corpse bride [motion picture].
USA: Warner Bros.
Visual Text
Afterlife; fear of death;
grieving; bereavement;
moving on; coping
A young man named Victor
accidentally proposes to a corpse
bride as he practices his wedding
vows in the woods. He is then
dragged to an underworld where a
wedding is expected to be carried
out. Will he marry his living bride?
Or the one that is dead?
CCSS. RL.7.6
Analyze how an author
develops and contrasts the
points of view of different
characters or narrators in a
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Name: Taylor Fleming
Charleston obituaries. Retrieved
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Obituary; nonfiction; after
Czernin, P. (Producer) & Parker, Visual Text
O. (Director). (2012). Now is good Fiction
[motion picture]. UK: BBCFilms. Movie
Firsthand accounts of death in the
community can be observed. One
is able to see how death is
essentially made public.
Cancer; terminal; bucket list; Based off the novel Before I Die.
dying; facing your own
Tess is dying of cancer and
death; dying young;
decides to create a bucket list to
acceptance; love; coping;
complete before she dies. She is
fear of death
determined to complete the list,
but can her struggling body keep
Dewey, A. (Producer) &
Clements, R. & Musker J.
(Directors). (1997). Hercules.
USA: Disney.
Visual Text
Gods; afterlife; underworld;
souls; Hades; fates; facing
death; death of a loved one;
sacrifice, LLC. (2014).
Downham, J. (2009). Before I Die.
New York: Ember.
Chapter Book
Dictionary; definitions;
synonyms; audio
Cancer; terminal; bucket list;
dying; facing your own
death; dying young;
acceptance; love; coping;
fear of death
Hercules, son of Zeuss, was made
partially mortal by Hades, god of
the underworld. It is Hades’ goal
to kill Hercules and an adventure
ensues as he tries to do so. But
Hercules keeps winning every
This is a dictionary website that
provides definitions of words.
Tess is dying of cancer and
decides to create a bucket list to
complete before she dies. She is
determined to complete the list,
but can her struggling body keep
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
I was not able to find a
specific standard that this
website relates to.
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Draanen, W. (2011). The running
dream. New York: Alfred A.
Chapter Book
Near death experience; loss
of a limb; death of a dream;
coping; grief; figurative
death; amputee; moving on;
facing obstacles
Edmonds, M. (2009). How dying
works. Retrieved from
Extraordinary animals: The grim
reaper dog part1 [video file].
Retrieved from
Youtube video
Visual Text
Balfour’s test; reversibility;
brain death; accidental
death; natural death; violent
death; algor mortis; rigor
mortis; suicide; death rattle;
clinical death; biological
Dog; grim reaper; predicting
death; miniature schnauzer;
nursing home
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Running is what Jessica lives for.
But after losing her leg in a bus
accident she fears that she will
never run, or even walk, ever
again. Will she be able to revive
her dream?
CCSS. RL.7.6
Analyze how an author
develops and contrasts the
points of view of different
characters or narrators in a
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Online article explores, very
literally, what happens to the body Analyze the interactions
after death as far as
between individuals, events,
decomposition. There is also
and ideas in a text
information provided about what
happens to the body as it
approaches death.
A small dog is thought to possess CC.RI.7.3
the ability to know when a person Analyze the interactions
will die. The dog becomes
between individuals, events,
attached to an individual and then and ideas in a text
the person dies not too much
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Ferraro, T., Ryan, L., Maslansky,
P., & Turtle, J. (Producers) &
Carlei, C. (Director). (1995).
Fluke. USA: MGM.
Visual Text
Coping; grief; moving on;
afterlife; reincarnation; car
crash; loss of a parent; dogs;
A father dies in a car crash, but is
reincarnated as a dog named
Fluke. As a dog he re-experiences
life and looks after the family that
he had to leave behind.
Grabianowski, E. (2006). How
near death experiences work.
Retrieved from
Green, J. (2012). The fault in our
stars. New York: Dutton
Pure bright light; out of
body experiences; the
tunnel; subjective;
supernatural explanations;
scientific explanations;
spirits; realm
This article discusses various
claims of near-death experiences
and how those who experienced
them described it. Both scientific
and supernatural explanations are
Chapter Book
Cancer; grief; coping; facing
your own death; dying
young; love; diagnosis
Cancer patient Hazel has bought
herself some time with a medical
miracle, but there is no denying
the fact that she is terminally ill.
Things begin to look up as a boy
named Augustus enters her life at
a support group.
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
CCSS. RL.7.6
Analyze how an author
develops and contrasts the
points of view of different
characters or narrators in a
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Grollman, E. (1990). Talking
about death: A dialogue between
parent and child. Boston: Beacon
Types of death; seeking
help; talking to children;
denial; being honest; coping
Specific sections relevant to the
adolescent are presented. Provides
insight into how the child may
feel after a death and how they
cope both negatively and
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Harris, W. (2009). How the grimreaper works. Retrieved from
/science-vs-myth/ strangecreatures/grim-reaper.htm
Accepting mortality;
psychopomps; Hades;
Valkyries; the great Plague;
the Black Death; scythe;
Grim-reaper origin story;
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Harry Potter and the deathly
hallows part 1: Dobby dies scene
[video file]. Retrieved from
Youtube Video
Visual Text
Loss of a friend; death;
innocence; pop culture;
This online source explores the
origin of the grim-reaper and the
associations we make with him (or
her?). Other death-related
symbols such as the hourglass and
scythe the reaper carries, are
Pop culture icon Harry Potter
faces the death of yet another
close friend. He decides to
dispose of Dobby’s body through
burial, using no magic.
CCSS. 7.7
Compare and contrast a
written story, drama, or
poem to its audio, filmed,
staged, or multimedia
version, analyzing the
effects of techniques unique
to each medium (e.g.,
lighting, sound, color, or
camera focus and angles in a
(but this is based on the idea
that students will have read
the Harry Potter series)
Name: Taylor Fleming
Hercules: The fates [video file].
Retrieved from
Topic: What is Death?
Youtube video
Visual text
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Hades; underworld;
Hercules; after death; gods;
the fates
The fates of past, present, and
future are seen cutting a string
that represents human life. Hades,
god of the underworld enters the
scene to speak with them.
I was not able to find a
specific standard that this
individual clip relates to.
Maruki, T. (1982). Hiroshima no
Historical Fiction
pika. New York: Lothrop, Lee, & Picture Book
Tokyo; Hiroshima;
bombings; reactions;
aftermath; fear
A visual depiction of the bombing
of Hiroshima. The characters of a
little girl and her parents
experience the bombing.
Mummifying an apple [video
file]. Retrieved from
Mummify; apple; science;
hands-on; after death
A science teacher has posted a
tutorial on how to create an apple
mummy man and actually
mummify him!
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
I was not able to find a
specific standard that this
individual clip relates to.
Visual Text
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Myers, W. (2002). Patrol: An
American soldier in Vietnam. New
York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Historical Fiction
Picture Book
War; fear of death; enemy;
killing; weapons
Paterson, K. (1997). Bridge to
Terabithia. New York:
HarperCollins Publishers.
Chapter book
Loss of a friend; dying
young; coping; grief;
acceptance; friendship;
Grade Level: 7th Grade
A young American soldier waits
for the enemy in Vietnam. He is
unsure whether or not to shoot,
but he also does not want to be
shot at. What will he do and when
will it end?
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
Jesse befriends the new girl in
CCSS. RL.7.6
town, Leslie, and they create an
Analyze how an author
imagined realm calmed Terabithia. develops and contrasts the
But one day Leslie goes to swing
points of view of different
across the creek into Terabithia
characters or narrators in a
alone and falls in to drown. Jess
learns to handle the death of
Leslie and carry on the rule of
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Name: Taylor Fleming
Raymond, C. (2013). 12 Deathrelated Apps for iPhone and iPad.
Retrieved from
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Afterlife; apps; gravestone
navigation; death
summaries; weird ways to
die; ancestry; odds of death
There are 12 different apps
presented that relate to the theme
of death. Some are more serious
than others. Some present
nonfictional material while others
serve more as a game of sorts.
I was not able to find a
specific standard that this
standard ties to.
Rivera, J. (Producer) & Docter, J. Movie
(Director). (2009). Up [motion
Visual Text
picture]. USA: Pixar animation
Coping; moving on;
adventure; grief; loss of
spouse; death of a dream;
fear of death
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Russo, M. (2005). Always
Picture Book
remember me: How one family survived Historical Fiction
WWII. New York: Atheneum
Books for Young Readers.
Holocaust; before and after;
family; survival; fear of
After losing his wife, Ellie, Carl
becomes a home-body and gives
up on his dream of traveling the
world. But something sparks Carl
to try again and he starts off on an
adventure with a boy named
Russell, a dog named Doug, and a
bird named Kevin.
A young girl named Rachel
explores picture albums with her
grandmother. The albums cover
times both before and after
WWII. She learns of what her
grandmother, her mother, and her
aunts went through and how they
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Schaefer, D. & C. Lyons. (2010).
How do we tell the children? New
York: William Morrow
Coping mechanisms; death
of friend; death of pet;
death of family member;
Takes a look into how we cope as
individuals as well as how to assist
a child in coping with a death.
Explores the ways in which a
child might react depending on
both who died and how they died.
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Schumaker, T. (Producer) &
Allers, R., Minkoff, R.
(Directors). (1994). The lion king.
USA: Disney.
Visual Text
Lions; circle of life; guilt;
tricked; running away; death
of a parent; coping; grief;
death of resources and land;
Simba is a young lion whose uncle
tricks him into believing he is the
cause of his father’s death. Simba
runs away to escape the guilt, but
is eventually found by his
childhood friend who informs
him that his uncle has taken over
the lands and the pride needs
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Simon, L. & J. (1998). Drantell.
A music I no longer heard: The early
death of a parent. New York:
Simon and Schuster.
Essays; child POV; loss of a
parent; facing loss early
Contains a set of interviews with
those who lost a parent before the
age of 19. Explores how children
react to the loss of a parental
figure as well as how they cope in
different ways.
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Teens talk grief [video file].
Youtube Video
Visual text
Death; grief; coping;
counseling; not alone; death
of a loved one; teens
Real teens talk about the
experience of losing someone
close to them and how they are
coping. They are in general
support of counseling and
working with others that have
shared experiences.
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Thagard, P. (2012). Should we
fear death? Psychology today.
Retrieved from
Tsuchiya, Y. (1997). Faithful
elephants. Boston, MA: HMH
Books for Young Readers.
Online Magazine
Fear of death; rational;
reasonable; pain; disability;
the unknown; religion
The article rationalizes while it is
reasonable to fear death, we
should not. The argument is
presented that the human mind is
simply the human brain.
Analyze the interactions
between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text
Historical Fiction
Picture Book
War; results; death;
bombings; Tokyo
White, E. (1952). Charlotte’s web.
New York: HarperCollins
Chapter Book
Facing your own death;
death of a friend; grief; loss;
coping; circle of life; fear of
The bombings of Hiroshima led
zookeepers to kill the animals for
fear of them escaping and
wreaking further havoc. Three
elephants are paid close attention
to in this text because of their
“refusal” to die. This explores
their story and the zookeepers
that had to starve them.
Wilbur the pig befriends Charlotte
the spider who literally weaves his
fate in her web. While she is able
to save his life, he is unable to
prevent hers.
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
CCSS. RL.7.6
Analyze how an author
develops and contrasts the
points of view of different
characters or narrators in a
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Name: Taylor Fleming
Topic: What is Death?
Yolen, J. (1988). The devil’s
arithmetic. London, UK: Puffin.
Chapter book
Holocaust; sacrifice; Jewish;
reincarnation; coping; fear
of death
Zevin, G. (2007). Elsewhere. New
York: Square Fish.
Chapter Book
Afterlife; reincarnation;
Liz is a 15 yr. old girl who has
dying young; structure in the died and finds herself in a place
afterlife; coping; love
called Elsewhere. Instead of
growing older you grow younger
until you can be sent back to
Earth. You never get sick, and
there are even jobs for the dead.
Grade Level: 7th Grade
CCSS. RL.7.9
Compare and contrast a
fictional portrayal of a time,
place, or character and a
historical account of the
same period as a means of
understanding how authors
of fiction use or alter
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text;
provide an objective
summary of the text.
CCSS. RL.7.6
Analyze how an author
develops and contrasts the
points of view of different
characters or narrators in a
NOTE: I used a separate list of standards for this list of texts than I did for the activity of creating the website.