WLit.KR.Week 17

Week 17
Do Now: Monday, December 15th
Get ready for Semester 1 Lexile Testing
 Clear your desk of EVERYTHING.
Raise your hand when finished
with Lexile testing.
SWBAT draft conclusion
paragraphs for The Kite Runner
Theme Analysis Essay
Conclusion Paragraph
A conclusion finishes off the essay and tells the
reader where the writer has brought them.
restates the thesis
It contains echoes of the introduction
and body paragraphs without listing
the points covered in the essay.
It creates a broader implication of the
ideas discussed and answers the
questions: so what? Or why do we
Anatomy of the Conclusion:
The conclusion begins with a restatement of the
thesis, not a repetition, and gradually widens toward a
final , broad statement of implication.
Borrows from the body paragraphs, without being
flatly repetitive or listing points already covered.
Creates echoes of the introduction and body
paragraphs to reinforce analysis/ ideas.
Moves outward with a statement that relates the
thesis to a broader implication so the reader can see
the analytical focus in a larger perspective or
Strategies for Composing Conclusions:
Strike a note of hope or despair.
 Give a symbolic or powerful detail/fact.
 Create an analogy that relates your topic to a
larger implication.
 Give an especially compelling example.
 Use a meaningful quotation. (If you used a
meaningful quotation in your introduction,
refer back to this quote and tie it in with your
overall analysis.)
Expand on the implications of your analysis: So
what? Why do we care about these ideas?
What’s so important about what you’ve
developed in your paper? Are there any other
applications for your ideas?
 The conclusion need not be longer than four
to six sentences, as with the introduction, but
must be adequately developed.
 Include the title(s), author(s), brief summary
once more.
Example Conclusion
Amir’s whole life was centered around his
friendship and brotherhood with Hassan.
Hosseini develops the theme of true
friendship through the triumphs and
tragedies of their friendship. From winning
the kite tournament, to the devastating rape,
to learning of their shared father, and
rescuing Sohrab, Amir and Hassan
demonstrate that true friendship runs
deeper and lasts longer than any event life
throws our way. Hosseini illustrates in The
Kite Runner that true friendship, when
found, transcends all expectations.
Revise your conclusion in The Kite
Runner Theme Analysis.
Continue revising/editing/finalizing The
Kite Runner Theme Analysis.
Do Now: Tuesday, December 16th
SWBAT revise and edit their
Kite Runner Theme Analysis
Kite Runner Theme Analysis Sentence
Read through your Theme Analysis.
 Code your Simple, Compound, Complex,
and Compound-Complex sentences.
Make sure you have a variety of different
kinds of sentences!
No weird spacing
 Correct capitalization
 Correct punctuation (commas, periods,
quotes, etc.)
 No misspelled words
Use the editing feature on GoogleDrive
or word!
Continue revising/editing/finalizing The
Kite Runner Theme Analysis.
Theme Analysis paper due HARD COPY &
turnitin.com on Thursday!
Do Now: Wednesday, December 17th
Continue revising/editing/finalizing The
Kite Runner Theme Analysis.
Theme Analysis paper due HARD COPY &
turnitin.com on Thursday!
Do Now: Thursday, December 18th
Winter Break Assignment: READ
Take a picture of yourself reading, and email it to
your teacher (Ms. VB./Ms. Mann/Ms. Byrd)
EXTRA CREDIT: Due December 30th
Scholars that finish a book may write a one page
summary & review for 10 points extra credit!
Multiple submissions = yes!