File - E-Portfolio: Miranda Baker

Instructional Plan
Miranda Baker
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 1
Needs Assessment
The local hospital and long term nursing care facilities are
reporting that certified nursing assistance (CNA) graduates lack
the skills necessary to support the mental needs of the patients.
Currently the CNA program offers a course, CNA 202 – Patient
Observation: Behavior Monitoring, on behavioral monitoring. The
class focuses mainly on physical signs that the patient may be
experiencing such as an altered mental state.
There needs to be a new class made available that focuses
exclusively on the mental support that patients need.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 2
Needs Assessment
To make sure that CNAs graduating from Northwest Valley
Community College can provide the mental support that patients
need not just how to recognize physical signs that the patient may
be experiencing a change in mental status.
The recommended solution is to add a new class called CNA 103Patient Care: Mental Support.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 3
Instructional Goal
• The goal of this course is to teach students what is needed to
provide mental support to the patients that they will be working
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 4
Performance-Based Objectives
• After completing this class, students will be able to recognize
and evaluate what mental support is and when mental support is
needed by passing a scenario based assessment with an 85% or
• After completing this class, students will demonstrate the ability
to communicate effectively and professionally with a diverse
group of people by writing a 1050 word paper about the
communication process.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 5
Summative Assessment and Learning
At the end of class, CNA-103 Patient Observation: Mental Support, a 25
question final exam will be given. The final exam will consist of multiple
choice, short answer, and scenario based questions. Each scenario
based question will require a 75-150 word response.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 6
Learner Characteristics
• The CNA class will consist of 12 women and 3 men. All students are
interested in the medical field with 10 planning to transfer to a nursing
• The students in the class will not vary much in ethnic background. The
student population mirrors that of the community population with the
main population being Caucasian and Hispanic.
• All but 3 students will have been raised in or close to Kelsey.
• Students in this class will have already completed CNA 101 and CNA 102
and have a combined GPA of 3.00. The majority of the students are
visual/verbal learners.
• Based off of the above characteristics there will be a need for visual aids
such as diagrams and pictures, as well as verbal instruction that
describes the diagrams etc.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 7
Learning Context
Instructional Setting
The class will take place in a classroom setting with the training
taking place face-to-face.
The setting will be that of a traditional directed learning
It will be necessary for the students to meet the objectives of
the class in order to perform appropriately on the job.
The focus will be to create a knowledge-centered environment.
Knowledge-centered is needed to give the students the
foundation needed to develop and implement plans to provide
mental support to the patients.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 8
Learning Context
Application Setting
The teaching will be done directly.
Students will be active participants.
Students will be exposed to instructional simulations where they
are given scenarios to work through.
Instructional games will be used to practice skills needed to
evaluate the type of mental support that a patient needs.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 9
Learning Context
When developing the remainder of the instructional plan it will be
necessary to ensure that the direct learning is tied in with active
participation opportunities. That the knowledge-centered learning is
tempered to include aspects of the learner-centered learning. Learnercentered will be used to evaluate and share experiences, thoughts, and
understandings about different scenarios that will be used throughout the
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 10
Delivery Modality
• CNA 103 – Patient Care: Mental Support will be delivered in a
classroom setting.
• The class will be instructor led and will be taught in a classroom
located in the college.
• This mode works the best for this class because the ability to
recognize nonverbal cues will be important when determining when
mental support is called for. In a virtual environment the recognition
of nonverbal cues would not be able to be taught as effectively.
• The ability to communicate face-to-face with health care providers,
patients, and their families will be taught more successfully in a
face-to-face classroom environment.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 11
Instructional Strategies
Mental Support
• Define
• Ask students what the words mental support means to them
• Build off of definition(s) provided by students (Lecture)
• Different types of mental support (Lecture)
• Group Activity
• Develop a presentation on one of the types of mental support
covered in the lecture. Discuss the type your team chose. How is
it similar and different from the other types.
• Depression and Mood Changes (lecture)
• How to identify depression from sadness?
• Verbal and nonverbal cues
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 12
Instructional Strategies Cont.
Mental Support
• Activity have a few volunteers role play with each other. One will
act being sad and one will display clues of depression. Each
volunteer will be given a paper that has both verbal and
nonverbal cues to use.
• The class will then determine who was sad and who was
depressed and how the choice was made.
• Other mood changes (Lecture)
• Signs and symptoms (Encourage note taking)
• Aggression
• Hallucinations
• Alzheimer's
• Bipolar
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 13
Instructional Strategies Cont.
Mental Support
• Group activity
• The class will be divided into 4 groups and will research one
of the topics above looking for ways to support someone
dealing with the mood change they were given.
• Research additional materials that could help them determine
whether a patient is experiencing a mood change. (i.e. online
• Share information with the class.
• Debrief activity
• Answer any questions
• Tie what was learned back to job
• Have class share what they learned
• Assessment
• Scenario based assessment on what was learned. Passing
score is 85%
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 14
Instructional Strategies Cont.
• Defining the communication process (brief lecture and overview)
• Diversity and its impact on communication (lecture)
• Group Activity
• Students will be divided into 4 groups. The goal will be to
provide more in depth knowledge on the area and teach back
to the class what they learned. Creativity is a plus.
• Diversity Wheel
• Sender
• Receiver
• Message
• Debrief the activity
• Asking students questions what they learned and how they
will use what they learned.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 15
Instructional Strategies Cont.
• Communicating verbally in a professional manner
• Ask students what this means to them.
• Build off of their answers guiding them to a description that
includes proper word choice, grammar, voice tone, rate, pitch
and adapting them to the audience. (i.e. you would use
different word choice when speaking with a nurse than with a
patients family member)
• Small group activity
• Divide class into groups of 3. In each group one person will
be the CNA, one will be the patient, Dr., nurse, or family
member, and the third person will be the observer who give
feedback on how the process went. In this case only a
general topic will be given to the person being a CNA.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 16
Instructional Strategies Cont.
• Communicating in writing
• Ask students what this means to them.
• Build off of their answers guiding them to a description that
includes proper word choice, grammar, spelling, tone, font
size. (i.e. you would use different word choice when speaking
with a nurse than with a patients family member)
• Discuss email etiquette and letter writing (Lecture)
• Individual Activity
• Each student will complete a series of online simulations that
consist of emails, reports, typed letters, notes and messages
that have common errors. They will need to recognize those
errors and answer how to correct them. The simulations will
give immediate feedback.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 17
Instructional Strategies Cont.
Communication Written Assessment
• At the end this sections students will demonstrate the ability to
communicate effectively and professionally with a diverse group
of people by writing a 1050 word paper about the communication
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 18
Plan for Implementation
• The delivery of the class, CNA 103 – Patient Care: Mental
Support, will begin in May of 2014.
• The first class will run from May 19th to June 27th on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 4:00pm – 6:00pm for a total of 24 hours.
• The class is a 4 credit class.
• Facilitator
• Students
• Activities
• Hand outs that accompany lecture
• Notepaper and pens for first day
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 19
Plan for Implementation Cont.
• The implementation will begin in March 2014 in conference room
3 at the Northwest Valley Community College.
• The plan will begin with the facilitators that will be teaching the
class. One will be chosen to teach the first class.
• Professors that currently teach the CNA certification program will
be involved as subject matter experts.
• The plan will be communicated verbally and in writing.
• Interest will be built by having representatives from local
facilities come in and build up the importance of the class.
• The participants will be a mix of current students who have just
finished CNA 102, and students who have just started their
clinical portion of the training.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 20
Instructional Resources
• Computers for facilitator and learners
• Messaging system (i.e. Lync or quick connect) that allows for
sharing of information on students screen with the class or with
the facilitator, and the facilitator can share with the class.
• Overhead projector and screen
• Simulations
• Microsoft Office 2013
• Whiteboard
• Markers
• Paper or smaller white boards
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Formative Assessment
• Design review could be utilized to check the instructional plan is
complete before it goes further.
• Expert review: having subject matter experts review the content.
• Ongoing evaluations: to check data at the end of the class, 60
days out, and then again at 90 days post class.
• One-on-one evaluations prior to the class starting to have point
of reference.
• Usability: have other staff or professionals observe the class and
provide feedback.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 22
Evaluation Strategies
There are a number of evaluations that will be done to evaluate
this instructional design plan.
• A SME and CNA Teacher will be asked to evaluate the
instructional plan and the curriculum throughout the process.
• At the beginning of the class a evaluation will be done to get a
base line of the students current knowledge.
• Learner evaluations will be completed through out the class
and then a summative assessment will be completed at the
• At the end of the class a summative assessment will be given
to the students. The results will be compared to the baseline.
• A additional survey will be sent to supervisors of students at
60 and 90 days post class to see if there is an improvement in
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 23
Outcome Review
Design goals
• Achievement will be determined by the performance of the students
as they complete their assessments and from feedback from the
supervisor surveys.
Performance-Based Objectives
• Achievement will be determined by two different assessments.
• The first assessment is scenario based and a score of 85% will
be needed to pass.
• 1 = did not answer the question
• 2 = answered the question correctly. (as expected)
• 3 = answered the question correctly included specific
details and examples.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 24
Outcome Review Cont.
Performance-Based Objectives
• The second assessment is a written exam that will consist of a
1050 word paper about the communication process.
• A rubric will be used to evaluate the paper. The rubric will
evaluate the following
• How well the student addressed the topic
• Use of correct grammar and spelling
• Word choice appropriateness for audience
• Professionalism
• Ease of reading
• Use of correct APA format
• Points of 1-4 will be used based off of criteria in the rubric.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 25
Outcome Review Cont.
Learning Outcomes
• A summative assessment will be done.
• The final exam will consist of multiple choice, short answer, and
scenario based questions. Each scenario based question will require
a 75-150 word response.
• A scoring guide will be used to evaluate the students responses.
• Multiple choice questions that are correct are worth 3 points.
• Each short answer/scenario questions will be scored on a 1-3
• 1 = did not answer the question
• 2 = answered the question correctly. (as expected)
• 3 = answered the question correctly included specific
details and examples.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 26
• CNA 103 – Patient Care: Mental Support should be added to the
curriculum of the nursing assistance certification program.
• The students showed a increase in knowledge from the
preinstruction assessment to the end of class assessment.
• The students struggled with the first assessment because of this the
curriculum will need to be reviewed and adjusted to fit the
objectives better.
• One idea will be to add additional scenario based activities into
the curriculum to help students better prepare for the scenario
based assessment.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 27
Recommendations Cont.
• Based on the 60 to 90 day supervisor assessments it has been
determined that the students skills are much better when compared
to past students.
• In the near future the class may be opened to recent graduates
of the CNA program.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 28
Brown, A., & Green, T. (2006). The essentials of instructional design: connecting
fundamental principles with process and practice. Retrieved from
The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Continuing education workforce training: nursing assistant. (2013). Retrieved from
Gardenswartz, L., & Rowe, A. (2003). Diverse Teams at Work. Burr Ridge, Il: Irwin
Professional Publishing.
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 29
Northwest Valley Community College. (2011). About us. Retrieved from
Schaeffer, H. (2013). CT CNA certification training. Retrieved from
Instructional Plan for CNA 103- Patient Care: Mental Support | Slide 30