Federalists Vs. Anti-Federalists Ratifying the Constitution Struggle for Ratification 1. After the Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, the fight for Ratification began. 2. 9 out of 13 states had to ratify the Constitution before it would go into effect. 3. Two factions (opposing groups) emerged: A. Federalists who supported the Constitution B. Anti-Federalists who opposed to the Constitution 4. These two groups argued for their position in newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets until the Constitution was ratified by the 9th and decisive state on June 21, 1788 5. Ideology of Factions Federalists AntiFederalists Supported removing some powers from the states and giving more power to the national government. Wanted important political powers to remain with the states. Favored dividing powers among different branches of government. Wanted the legislative branch to have more power than an executive. Proposed a single person to lead the executive branch. Feared that a strong executive might become a king or tyrant. Believed Constitution did not need a Bill of Rights Wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution Anti-Federalists 1. Led by Thomas Jefferson and included farmers and small landowners who believed nation’s future rested on agriculture. 2. Arguments made by Anti-Federalists A. The Constitutional Convention went beyond what they were charged to do. (illegal-Treason) B. A strong national government would destroy states’ rights. C. Resembled a monarchy with its concentration of power D. Did not have a Bill of Rights Federalists 1. Argued that the new nation needed an effective national government to handle the nation’s economy, establish its monetary system, promote justice, and protect individual liberty. 2. Took name “Federalists” show link to “Federalism” A. Federalism: government power is distributed among the states, but the power of the central authority outweighs the authority of the states. 3. Included Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison. 4. Wrote a series of letters/essays called the Federalist papers in support of the new constitution. The Federalist Papers 1. Written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John way under pen name Publius (Latin word for public). 2. A series of letters published in newspapers 3. Written for three reasons: A. To influence the vote in favor of ratification B. To explain the Constitution for future interpretation C. Outlined how the Constitution should be set up 4. Included 85 letters published from October 1787 to April 1788 and later bound in book form. Ratification 1. In the spirit of Compromise, the Federalists agreed to add a Bill of Rights which helped the document to be ratified. 2. Delaware was the first state to ratify the document on December 7, 1787. 3. New Hampshire was the 9th and decisive state. 4. North Carolina became the 12th state to ratify the Constitution whey they approved the document on November 21, 1789. Rhode Island was the last to ratify in 1790. 5. Once the document was ratified questions arose on how to put the Constitution into practice leading to the growth of political parties. Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities of Citizens The rights of citizens are guaranteed by the Constitution 1. To vote and hold elected office 2. To say what you think in speech or in writing 3. To practice your own religion 4. To have a fair trial 5. To be protected while in other countries The duties of citizens are legal rules 1. To obey society’s laws 2. To defend the nation against threats to peace and security 3. To serve on a jury or as a witness in court 4. To pay taxes 5. To attend school The responsibilities of citizens are expectations of society and are voluntary 1. To contribute to the common good 2. To learn about issues and take part in government 3. To help candidates with their election campaigns 4. To influence government by expressing opinions 5. To improve communities