Warm UP (PG 50-51) Repealed- to do away with. To cancel. Patriot- Someone who desired independence. Loyalist- Someone who was loyal to King George. Writs of Assistance- search warrants that allowed royal troops to search peoples homes whenever they wanted. Boycott- To refuse to buy something in protest. Weekly Agenda Monday-No School Tuesday- Causes of the American Revolution Timeline Homework: Complete the first half of the packet Wednesday- Stamp Act/Project Thursday- The Boston Massacre Homework: Finish the second half of the project Friday- Finish Project Essential Question How did British economic policies after the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution? Timeline Navigation Acts (1650-1700s) Stamp Act 1765 Proclamation of 1763 Townshend Acts 1767 Quartering Act 1765 Boston Massacre 1770 Coercive Acts (Intolerable) 1774 Tea Act 1773 Boston Tea Party 1773 The First Continental Congress (1774) Navigation Acts- 1650 A law that restricted trade in the 13 colonies to ensure that England received as much wealth as possible. . French an Indian war was in 1754-1763,it was a conflict between France and British in North America over the Ohio River Valley, west of the Appalachian Mountains. The French and Indian war ended with the Treaty of Paris, 1763. The treaty gave England land from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River. How did the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution? Proclamation of 1763 Proclamation of 1763-The British law prohibiting colonial settlement west of the Appalachians to avoid costly wars with natives. •King George III passed the Proclamation to keep from having expensive wars with Indians. Sugar Act of 1733 (don’t write) The Sugar Act imposed new duties (taxes) on American commodities such as sugar, molasses, textiles, coffee and indigo. “No Taxation without Representation.” Textiles Stamp Act of 1765 . Stamp Act - The British decree (law) taxing all legal papers issued in the colonies. Colonists boycott paper •. goods. This act is repealed due to protest. Quartering Act 1765 Allowed royal troops to live in colonists’ homes. Writs of Assistance allowed soldiers to search homes •While living in people’s homes, the soldiers were given food, clothing, and a place to sleep. This was an attempt to save money by King George III. Townshend Acts of 1767 Taxes on glass , paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea. Colonists Boycotted these goods. •. Boston Massacre - 1770 British troops fire into a crowd of protesting colonists. Crispus Attucks is the first casualty. Committees of Correspondence spread propaganda about the event. The colonists in Boston were tired of the presence of the British troops and the taxes. The Townshend acts were repealed (cancelled) after the Boston Massacre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iloGkp5f_Hk&feature=relmfu Samuel Adams John Adams Cousins Leader of the Sons of Liberty, a group dedicated to ending King George’s rule of the 13 colonies.. Founding father that defended the redcoats responsible for the death of 5 at the Boston Massacre. Tea Act of 1773 Tea Act - This act helped the British east India company by giving it control (monopoly) over the American tea trade. Boston Tea Party 1773 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9pDZMRCpQ a protest against British tea taxes in which the Sons of Liberty dressed like Indians and threw tea into the harbor. Intolerable Acts 1774 The Intolerable(Coercive) Acts - laws enacted by Parliament in 1774 The Intolerable(Coercive) Acts - laws enacted by Parliament in 1774 restricting the rights of Massachusetts colonists and stopped trade between restricting the rights of Massachusetts colonists and stopped trade between Boston and other colonies. Punishment for the Tea Party. Boston and other colonies. Punishment for the Tea Party. Government assemblies (self gov) and the port of Boston was closed until all the tea was paid for. The effect of the Intolerable Acts was that the merchants lost huge sums of there money an spoiled and destroyed goods that was shipped to the colonies . The First Continental Congress 1774 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6iITHT8LJE The ContinentalCongress Congressbrought brought together The First Continental together representatives from colonies sent theexcept representatives fromthe each of theand colonies, Parliamenttoa discuss list of grievances and asked Georgia, their response to for peace. They agreed to take action in 1775 if the King did not back off. Question Why do you think the 13 colonies are willing to work together now, but were not willing to work together during the French and Indian war? Benjamin Franklin