THe US and Canada TODAY

The US and Canada TODAY
Chapter 6
• 1.Which is true about a free market economy?
A. The government has limited involvement.
B. The government has no involvement.
C. The government makes all of the decisions.
D. There is no government.
2. The two key groups who make up a free
market economy are –
A. government and business owners
B. business owners and producers
C. consumers and business owners
D. employees and prducers
• 3. A trade deficit occurs when a country –
• A. spends more on imports than it earns on
• B. earns more on exports than it spends on
• C. takes away trade barriers
• D. signs trade agreements with other countries
• 4. The United States currently –
• A. earns more on its exports than in spends on
• B. has a trade surplus
• C. spends more on imports than it earns on
• D. spends little money on imports
• 5. Canada currently has –
• A. a trade deficit because it is spending too much
on imports.
• B. a trade surplus because it earns more on
• C. trade equilibrium because imports equal
• D. no trade
6. The country with the largest economy is –
A. China
B. Canada
C. Mexico
D. the United States
• 7. What is the purpose of NAFTA?
A. Remove barriers to trade to its members
B. Limit trade to its members
C. Add extra quotas and tariffs
D. Take away trade deficits
8. What countries are members of NAFTA?
A. China, the US, and Canada
B. China, Mexico, and the US
C. China, Mexico, and Canada
D. The US, Canada, and Mexico
• 9. The top three trading partners with the US
in order are –
China, Mexico, Canada
Canada, China, Mexico
Mexico, Canada, China
China, Canada, Mexico
• 10. What is the main economic resource
found in Canada’s North?
A. lumber
B. minerals
C. fish
D. manufacturing
• 11. The south’s major economic activities
include –
A. ranching, lumbering, mining
B. business, trade, manufacturing
C. aviation, movie industry
D. tourism, trade, oil production
• 12. The major economic activities of the
northeastern US include –
A. ranching, lumbering, mining
B. business and trade
C. aviation, movie industry
D. tourism, trade, oil production
• 13. Until recently, the main economic
activities of the Interior West had been –
A. ranching, lumbering, mining
B. business, trade, manufacturing
C. aviation, movie industry
D. tourism, trade, oil production
• 14. Which region of the US is dealing with the
effects of outdated manufacturing plants?
A. the South
B. the Pacific
C. the Interior West
D. the Midwest
• 15. The city that is located on the St. Lawrence
River in Canada and has a lot of industry and
banking is –
A. Toronto
B. Halifax
C. Montreal
D. Ottawa
• 16. An important city for biotechnology
research is Boston.
• Biotechnology is –
A. the study of cells
B. biology and technology
C. using robots instead of doctors
D. using computers to do surgery
• 17. The government provides health care to all
its citizens in which country(ies)?
A. Canada and the US
B. Canada only
C. the US only
D. the US and Mexico
• 18. Moving from the east to the west coast,
what is the order of the US’s economic
• Northeast, Pacific, Interior West, Midwest,
• Pacific, Interior West, South, Midwest,
• Northeast, South, Midwest, Interior West,
• South, Pacific, Interior West, Midwest,
• 19.What is the western-most region of the
A. Pacific
B. Midwest
C. Interior West
D. South
• 20. Which region of the US is the one in which
we live?
• A. South
• B. Pacific
• C. Midwest
• D. Northeastern
• 21. Which region of the US includes the Great
A. South
B. Interior West
C. Midwest
D. Northeast
Other stuff
22. What is the US’s most populous state?
A. California
B. New York
C. Texas
D. Alaska
Other stuff
• 23. Which is Canada’s most populous
• A. Ontario
• B. Quebec
• C. British Columbia
• D. Manitoba
Other stuff
• 24. How do the US and Canada participate in
the United Nations?
A. By creating NAFTA
B. By contributing money and peacekeepers
C. By looking for weapons of mass destruction
D. By enforcing laws
• 25. When population spreads into natural
areas, this is called –
• A. urban sprawl
• B. citification
• C. suburban creep
• D. a strip mall
• 26. Changing weather patterns are thought to
be a result of –
• A. acid rain
• B. urban sprawl
• C. global warming
• D. change in earth’s tilt
• 27. Brownfields are –
A. farmlands that have a drought
B. a field of special brown grass
C. old, polluted, abandoned sites
D. dilapidated buildings