Unit 5, Week 1 Revised102


Unit 5, Week 1

Because of Winn-Dixie

Mrs. Murray’s 4 th Grade eMINTS Classroom

O’Neal Elementary School



• Good readers group words into phrases.

• Pause at commas and stop at end marks.

• Well, one hot Thursday, I was sitting in my library with all the doors and windows open and my nose stuck in a book, when a shadow crossed my desk.



Decode words with the VCCV Pattern

• In most words with the VCCV pattern, the first vowel should be short. The word will be divided between the consonants in most cases.

• When the two consonants are digraphs, the word is divided either before the first consonant or after the second.

Phonics Continued

• plastic plas tic swallow foggy picket album bitter holly



positive-certain, sure

snuffled-sniffed usually loudly

consisted- made up

peculiar- not usual; strange


Quia 1 Quia 2

Story Words

Memorial- something that is put up, kept, or done to remember a person

palmetto- a palm tre with leaves shaped like fans

Free-Verse- usually doesn’t rhyme or have a set rhythm ............it contains other poetic elements, such as imagery, figurative language, and repetition

onomatopoeia- the use of words which sound like the noise they refer to. `Hiss', `buzz', and `rata-tat-tat' are examples of onomatopoeia.

similes- an expression which describes a person or thing as being similar to someone or something else...........similes usually use the words like and as to compare.


• Denotation- dictionary meaning

• Connotation- feelings or ideas associated with the word

• Examples: The words home, house, residence and dwelling all have the same denotation, but the connotation of each word is very different.

• Denotation: Where a person lives at any given time.

• Connotation:

Home: cozy, loving, comfortable

House: the actual building or structure

Residence: cold, no feeling

Dwelling: primitive or basic surroundings

Word advanced

Denotation beyond the beginning level

Connotation better than others ahead of the rest handshake flag

Connotation/Denotation Game


• Denotation- dictionary meaning

• Connotation- feelings or ideas associated with the word....often these ideas are either positive (good) or negative (bad)

• Powerpoint for teaching

Denotation/Connotation, positive/negative

• Practice Positive and Negitive



Drawing Conclusions

• You can use information from a story, as well as personal experience, to draw conclusions.

• By paying attention to details, you can draw conclusions about what a character may say or do next or how the plot might change as the story unfolds.

• http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/h/infer encesp.cfm

Vocabulary In Context

• Opal moved through the store, carefully ___________ the items she wanted to buy.

• Her entire order __________ of macaroni and cheese, tomatoes, and rice.

• Winn-Dixie influenced Opal’s life in a ________ way.

• His coat had no _____, or unpleasant, odor.

• Winn-Dixie was smart, more ____________ than the average dog.

• Sometimes, Winn-Dixie _______________ along the floor, looking for food.


literal meaning- dictionary definition.

figurative meaning- they are used as figures of speech, such as metaphors and idioms.

• http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/idioms/

Idiom face the music

Figurative Meaning Literal Meaning

Accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions.

face- to face toward musicpleasing sounds spill the beans


• Affixes = Prefixes and Suffixes

• Root Word = Base Word

• Create New Words….Suffix/Prefix Machine http://websites.ntl.com/%7Efixbyji/literacy/suffixprefix.htm

word root word prefix unhappy kindness suffix new word

Literary Elements

Onomatopoeia- is the use of a word that imitates the sound that it stands for, such as hiss.

• http://interactives.mped.org/preview_mg.aspx?id=736&title =

Simile- compares two different things, usually using the words like or as.

• http://www.rhlschool.com/eng3n25.htm

hissing onomatopoeia popping

Free Verse simile


as hungry as a horse

2. crazy like a fox


Poetry PBS: Free Verse

Comprehension: Evaluate

• Good readers ask themselves questions as they read. For example, Why has the author included these details? Why has the author described the character this way.

• When good readers ask and answer these questions as they read, they increas their understanding of the story and the author’s purpose for writing it.


• To summarize a story, you must identify the most important ideas or events.


Summary Practice

• Parts of a Summary

• Summary Practice


Regional Speech

• People’s everyday speech is often influenced by the history and culture of the place in which they live. When we travel, we can hear differences in pronunciation.

• The setting of Because of Winn-Dixie takes place in a town in Florida. Where is Florida located in the United States?

• “She didn’t weigh hardly anything at all.”

Reflection: Day 1

• Using a word web or simple chart, analyze the denotation and connotation of the word peculiar. Use the dictionary and your prior knowledge.

• Does peculiar have a positive or negative connotation? Why do you feel that way?

Reflection: Day 2

• Summarize the information in the second paragraph on page 546 to explain how an action that the narrator takes puts the events of the story in motion.

• On page 549, the narrator says Winn-

Dixie has a large heart. What connotation does the word heart have?

Reflection: Day 3

• How would you summarize Miss Franny’s experience with the bear?

• Why is the last paragraph on page 552 important to the story?

• What is the connotation of the word grand when Miss Franny says, “Why, that would be grand. . . just grand”? (page 554)

Reflection: Day 4

• On page 558, the poet did not use a simile in the first nine lines of the poem, but has compared several things. What simile can you create to show one of her comparisons?

• How does the author’s use of onomatopoeia bring the words from her book to life?

Reflection: Day 5

• Besides the word popped, what other examples of onomatopoeia can you find in the poem on pages 558-559?

• Compare the narrator in the poem on pages 558-559 with the narrator in

Because of Winn-Dixie. How are they alike? How are they different?
