ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges

5th ITU Green Standards Week
Nassau, The Bahamas 14-18 December 2015
ICT Solutions for the 21st Century
Vimal Wakhlu,
Chairman and Managing Director,
Telecommunications Consultants India Limited
• Challenges faced by Developing
• Technologies that can Mitigate these
• Conclusions
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Water Management
Financial Inclusion
Governance deficit
Disaster preparedness
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
• Air Pollution due to
– Increased no. of vehicle
– Unchecked emissions by the industries
• Dumping of Industrial waste
• Hazardous industries
• Lop sided development
– Challenge for flora and fauna
• Dumping of untreated effluents into the rivers and seas
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Food – Indian perspective
• 1.25 Billion people to be fed
• Optimizing on the food production
– Quality of arable land
• Prevention of crop epidemics
• Assisting the farmers
– Capacity building
– Marketing
Prevent suicides by our farmers !
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21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Health- Indian perspective
Health in Rural areas
– 1.25 Billion people-70% population lives in villages
– 650,000 villages
– A total of 150,000 total doctors in the country
Other challenges
– Mother and Child care- Prenatal and Post Natal
– Tracking and tracing patients
– Chronic patients
– People with special needs- Epilepsy
Maintenance of Citizen’s Health records
CME for Doctors and Nurses
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Education- Indian Prespective
• Schools in the Rural India ?
• No. of Teachers
• Quality of Teachers
• Content
• Higher Education
– 100% cut off – Delhi University
• Are the students below 99 % no good?
• Is it the fault of the University ?
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Water Management
• Next world war over water ???
• Conservation of water
• Equitable distribution and accountability
– Political intervention
– Corruption
• Preservation of perennial rivers
– Clean Ganga initiative in India?
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Power Shortages
No Power for lighting
– Burning of fossil fuels
Power essential for Digital connectivity
– Charging of terminal devices
No power no industries !
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21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Disaster Preparedness
• Disasters a big challenge
– Terror attacks
– Earth quakes
– Tsunami and Floods
– Collapse of Buildings
– Collapse of Flyovers
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Financial Inclusion –Indian Perspective
Practically no banks in Rural Areas
Local Money lenders/ Middlemen
Glaring difference in quality of life in Rural
and Urban India
– Migration of populations from villages
– Creation of slums in cities
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21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Physical Terror attacks
– Suicide bombers
Cyber attacks
– Paralyzing National infrastructure
– Cyber Crimes
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21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
Governance deficit
• No single window clearances
– Multiple departments
• People have to move from pillar to
post to get their basic entitlements
– Land records
– Ration cards
– Passports
– Birth /Death certificates
Presentation Title
21st Century Challenges-Developing Nations
• 2G / 3G Systems are real energy guzzlers
• India imports more oil for Telecom towers than for all the
road transportation taken together
• Poor Rural Tele-density a challenge
• Broadband Network challenge
• Broad Band a must for any form of electronic service
Presentation Title
• Premium for all services
– Driving licence
– Death Certificates!
• Growth of middlemen
– Land mafias
– Scams in Government schemes
• Toll collection
– A tale of two states !
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Is there a way out ?
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ICT Solutions for Mitigating the challenges
e- Networks
M2M/ IoE
GIS Mapping
3 D Printing
4 G Networks for Communication
Smart Grids and Smart Meters
Big Data / Analytics
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
e- Networks
• Health
– Rural Tele Medicine
– Continued Medical Education
• Live Demo of Surgeries
– Teleconsultation
– Mother & Child Care
– m-Health
– Chronic Patients management
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
e- Networks
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
e- Networks
• Education
– Virtual Classrooms
• Pan Africa
– Collaborative research/ ‘Centers of Excellence’ replication
– Digital content /Digital Libraries
– Skill Development – ‘Learn as you Earn’
– Employability enabling courses
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
M2M/ IoE (Machine to Machine/ Internet of Everything)
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
– Cleaning of the Ganga in India – Centralized monitoring
Water Management
– Equitable/ Transparent Distribution
– Sardar Sarovar Project in India –automated gate control
– Effective weather forecasting
– Controlled irrigation
• based on moisture and temperature
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
M2M/ IoE (Machine to Machine/ Internet of Everything)
• Infrastructure Monitoring
– Flyovers
– Bridges – Australian Experience
• Financial Inclusion
– Bank to Mobile direct transaction- m Banking
– Postal Rural ICT devices
• not at the mercy of postmen !
• Mandatory PoS devices for all
– MSME segment
– Prevention of Tax evasion
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
M2M/ IoE (Machine to Machine/ Internet of Everything)
• Smart Ambulances
– Monitoring of critical patients enroute to hospitals
• Road Safety
– Smart vehicles
• Prevention of accidents
• Energy Sector
– Smart Metering
• No Power pilferages
– Smart Grids
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ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
M2M/ IoE (Machine to Machine/ Internet of Everything)
• Homeland Security
– Crime & Criminal Tracking System (CCTNS)
• Defense
– Smart fences
– Borders
• Use of intrusion detection OFC system
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ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
GIS Mapping
• Satellite Imagery
– Tracking the status of the resources
• Agriculture
– Identification of Arable lands
• Water sources- identification
• Digitization of land records
– Transparency in the system- Less or no corruption
– Ease of transfer
• Mapping of Resources
– Gas/ Water pipe lines
– Electric/ Communication cables
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
3D Printing
• Cost effective solution for Prototype development
– Jet Engine optimization
– Space – tool development
• MSME Sector in India
– ‘Jugaad’
– Fastract- prototype to final production
• Big boost to Make in India program
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
Smart Grids/ Metering
• Smart Grids ensure optimal utilization of power generated
• Smart metering ensures prevention of thefts and revenue
leakages , thus power becoming available for more have nots
• Stand alone Micro units for Rural areas - Solar based
– Just US$ 50
– Meet requirements of
• Lighting /Fans/Charging Mobiles /Terminal devices
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ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
4G Networks for Communications
• 4G / LTE
– Small size of BTS - 2inch cube
• Can be mounted on a pole on a rooftop – no need for a
– Low Power consumption- 20W input
– Solar Powered
• Battery for a decent autonomy
– Low cost infrastructure
– Low OPEX cost
– Ideally suited for the village environment
Presentation Title
ICT Solutions for Mitigating the Challenges
Big Data / Analytics
Big data and Data Analytics for• Analysing the citizen’s requirements
• Checking the impact of various schemes of the government
– mid-course correction
• Planning resources in various sectors optimally
• Ensuring that the benefits of various schemes reach the
intended beneficiaries
• Ensuring that Mega schemes do not get usurped by mafias
that are hand in glove with some politicians.
• ICT solutions can help mitigate the challenges
facing the Mother Earth in general including
– Environment and Disasters
• ICT solutions can also help solve problems
facing the Developing Nations in particular
including – Food, Education, Health, Financial
disparity, Governance deficit and Corruption
Thank You
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