Annex D: Standard Reporting Template Redbridge Area Team 2014/15 Patient Participation Enhanced Service – Reporting Template Practice Name: ILFORD LANE SUGERY Practice Code: F86082 Signed on behalf of practice: Date: 30.3.2015 Signed on behalf of PPG: Date: 30.3.2015 1. Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG) Does the Practice have a PPG? YES Method of engagement with PPG: Face to face, Email, Other (please specify): face to face, email, letters, telephone Number of members of PPG: 60 Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG: % Practice PRG Male 52% 0.56% Female 48% 0.56% Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG: % Practice <16 24% 17-24 11% 25-34 23% 35-44 15% 45-54 10% 55-64 9% 65-74 4% > 75 4% PRG 0% 0.1% 0.16% 0.15% 0.28% 0.20% 0.19% 0.03% Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG: Practice PRG Practice PRG British Irish 215 3 7 0 White Gypsy or Irish traveller 2 0 Indian Pakistani 1314 17 1663 15 Other white 80 0 Asian/Asian British Bangladeshi 475 9 White &black Caribbean 17 0 Chinese 14 0 Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups White &black White &Asian African 8 9 3 0 Other Asian 457 4 Other mixed 231 0 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British African Caribbean Other Black 323 117 30 0 9 0 Arab 3 0 Other Any other 335 0 Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population: At present we have 60 members in our group ranging from 27-80yrs old We have had PPG members promote the Patient participation Group during surgery times am and pm. This was mainly due to the fact that some patients can only come to the surgery at specific times e.g. those who are working etc. hence would be a chance to speak to them about joining the PPG/PRG group. We have forms on the website so that patients who cannot come in have access to the forms Posters in the waiting rooms promoting this Display it on the Jayex board and the TV in the waiting area where all the population wait to be called for their appointments Forms to join the group posted with Choose and Book appointments for patients Is part of our New patient questionnaire and all New patients are also offered the opportunity to join the group when they register with us Word of mouth having admin and clinical staff ask patients if they would be interested in joining the group. Forms available at reception. Leaflets offered to all patients attending the practice. Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG? e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community? NO If you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were successful: N/A 2. Review of patient feedback Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year: A PPG meeting held on 23.10.2015 and 12.3.2015, after the move to the new location (Loxford Polyclinic). The members discussed issues that affected them as patients and feedback from fellow patients. The following feedback was given by the PPG: To improve the telephone service: Patients were not happy with the present telephone system and would like a queuing system and a system which gives them options to choose from. Appointments/Self check in screen: Surgery to continue to monitor the use of appointments and increase as per demand. At present feedback suggests there is a need to increase the appointments. Health Promotion Days: The aim of these services is to educate patients about their condition and help available to them in the community, such as Age concern, Dementia, TB and Diabetes type 1 & 2 awareness. The practice will undertake to organise health promotion days with a view to hold educational sessions in the future for the patients at this practice The members also suggested that surveys be conducted to get feedback from the rest of the patients. How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG? Between 3 and 4 times a year. (or when the PPG feel it necessary to have one) 3. Action plan priority areas and implementation Priority area 1 Description of priority area: IMPROVING THE SURGERY TELEPHONE SYSTEM What actions were taken to address the priority? Meeting held with the PPG on 23.10.2014 and 12.3.2015 and one of the areas of discussion was the telephone system PPG members opted for a survey to be conducted to get majority of practice population views Survey was done for a month which was available on the website and in house and majority of patients wanted the phones system to be Improved (Most patients wanted to have a queuing system, phones to be answered quicker, have different options for queries) We Liaised with BT and opted to terminate our contract with them which meant incurring a termination fee as we had signed a 5 year contract with BT and find another provider who would offer a better and much enhanced service Liaised with the CCG IT department, the landlord and the facilities department to be able to go ahead with the installation of the new and improved telephone system as we are in an NHS Properties building and need permission before we can go ahead with anything that affects the building. Keep patients informed via notices in the practice, information on the website and staff verbally informing patients of the change over the phone and face to face Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): Result of Actions: New phone system now in the process of being installed, delays have mainly been due to BT taking their time to terminate the contract and the practice getting permission from the landlord to go ahead with the installation as we use a shared communications room in the building Terminated old contract The surgery will have an emergency mobile phone in place with our business continuity plan so that even if there was a problem with the phones everything would be diverted to the mobile so that patients still would have access to the surgery Have different options for the patients to choose from: appointments, prescriptions, general queries, blood test results etc. Extra messages for patients can be recorded for the patients e.g. flu season, Ebola, health promotion sessions, online booking etc. Impact on Patients and Carers: Patients/Carers will now have a queuing system and know what position they are when they are on the phone and they can either ring back or wait for their turn Patients/carers will now have a dedicated option to pick from for their queries (hence quicker access) Patients/carers can now be informed of any new updates via messages while waiting in the queue, such as electronic prescriptions, online booking, etc. better way of advertising and relaying messages to patients Patients/carers will have continued access to the phones even if there was to be a problem with the main phones as a mobile will be at hand Priority area 2 Description of priority area: Increase Appointment capacity (recruitment)/Self -Check in Screen What actions were taken to address the priority? Meeting held with the PPG and one of the areas of discussion was to increase Appointments (recruit a new doctor) as the list has grown Advertised for Salaried GP Post (6 additional sessions) due to the availability of the clinical rooms Notices in waiting areas to keep patients informed New self-check in screen already purchased from Jayex. Site visit performed by staff from Jayex. Has 5 different languages for patients to choose from. Is ready for installation Sought permission from CCG IT for installation due to the cabling and the location of installation of the self-check in. Seeking permission from the landlord and the facilities department for the installation as in NHS Properties building, permission was granted, but on the day of the installation facilities stopped the work going ahead due to trunking issues. This has been relayed back to the landlord and are waiting for permission for the installation. Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): Results of actions Appointments Two new female doctors have been recruited There is an increased 54 appointment slots available per week which is 216 extra appointments every month. Choice of doctors: Patients/carer have a variety of doctors to choose from More access available to patients/carers: Increase in face to face, telephone appointments and online appointments. Self-check in This is still in process and we can only wait until permission has been granted by the landlord When in place, patients will be able to avoid standing in a queue in the waiting area to be marked arrived and can register themselves at the self-check in Has instructions in 5 different languages hence suitable for the population in this area Staff will be helping and promoting the use of the self- check in service, we will also have the PPG members helping with the promotion of the self-check in along with volunteers from health watch. There will be less congestion in the waiting areas due less people waiting in the queue to be marked in Will free up reception staff to give more time to patients on the phone and other queries and patients will be responded to more efficiently. (Better customer care) How was this publicised Updated notices/posters in the waiting area for patients for the above Updated the Jayex notice board messages New Board with the additional doctors names displayed in the waiting area The website was updated with the doctors names Notice Board above the self-check in screen with instructions on how to use it Word of mouth. All staff informing patients of the changes over the phone and face to face Priority area 3 Description of priority area: Health Promotion Days at the Practice What actions were taken to address the priority? Meeting held with the PPG on 23.10.2014 and 12.3.2015 and the third priority area of discussion was the health promotion days for patients at the practice. Also this kind of event needed a lot of organising and communication with different organisations to see how best they could accommodate us and also as to when they are available to share their services with our patients. To start off we invited a Health watch organisation representative, to our meeting to update our group their services and also promoter the benefits of their services to our patients Survey was conducted for a month to see if majority of patients would opt for health promotion days, hence helping them to understand their health condition and improve self-management of their medical conditions The survey has also given us and our group a better understanding and idea as to what health promotion clinics are needed to be organised and also distribute how each member of the group was going to contribute to the organisation of the event. We discussed getting in touch with the following groups in our meeting and the meeting up again to see what response we got from each of the groups Local pharmacies Age UK Redbridge Life Health watch Health visitor Practice nurse and doctors. Local gym/exercise & referral. Dementia Redbridge lifeline Patient expert programme Dietician Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): Result of Action and impact on patients and carers We are in the process of organising an open day in April 2015 as the PPG felt it was a better time as it would be spring time and patients are looking at making a change in their lifestyle and health just before summer. (Look good for summer). We have had meetings with the following voluntary organisations to have stalls set up at the clinic. These include diabetes UK, Age Concern, lifeline, sensory services, vision (exercise), and Alzheimer’s society. We are also trying to get the patient expert group on board. We intend to work closely with our local health watch organisation to facilitate this as they are in touch with a few organisations that can help We expect very positive outcome for the carers, including letting them know where they can get help locally, this is an ongoing challenge for the carers of patients we have spoken to. Better understanding of the disease process and the treatment and we expect this to improve their ability to look after them better especially with carers taking care of patients who are on palliative care, are diabetic or have had a stroke etc. This can take a toll on the carers health as well hence were they can go for help is a big issue These open day will also empower the patients to be better equipped to also self-manage their condition The patients will also be aware of all the other organisations and facilities available for them We are hoping to hold another open day in September just before the flu session as well. How was this publicised We have posters in the waiting area informing patients of the open day and the benefits to them The clinical and Admin staff have also been updating patients and handing out slips of the event We have also informed the local pharmacists as they will be taking part in the event to inform our patients who collect their prescriptions as most of the prescriptions are sent electronically to the pharmacy hence the patients will not come to the surgery We will be sending SMS text messages to all our patients nearer the time of the event Progress on previous years IfISSUES you haveRAISE participated in this scheme more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s): IN PREVIOUS YEARfor AND ACTIONS Changing the telephone system: (PS: We changed the telephone system early in May 2014, unfortunately this was deemed not fit for purpose by both patients and staff. Following discussion with the PPG members, we reflected on this and a decision was made to change the telephone system again, which is now in process. New services to Patients: Offered SMS texting, online appointments, Electronic prescriptions, online prescriptions. Promote PPG: Continue promoting and encourage patients of all ages to become virtual or active members via website, leaflets in the surgery, new patient registration, and word of mouth holding stalls at the surgery. Recruitment: recruited new reception staff Reduce DNA: We now send sms text messages to patients reminding them of their appointments a day before their appointment. This has helped reduce the DNA rate. We also display the number of wasted appointments in the waiting Took on additional reception staff and a full time General Practitioner Moved to better and custom made premises from the former Surgery which was not CQC Complaint Increase our list size by just over 2000 patients from a year ago area, so that patients are aware that this leads to wasted appointments. Took on additional reception staff and a full time General Practitioner Moved to better and custom made premises from the former Surgery which was not CQC compliant. Increased our list size by just over 2000 patients from a year ago. 4. Report signed off by PPG: YES Date of sign off: 30.3.2015 How has the practice engaged with the PPG: Via email Face to Face For those without email address via telephone and letters How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population? We feel we have a good representation in out PPG/PRG groups but we continue to: promote our Group to all new patients who join our practice which means all groups of patients have the option of joining our group upon registration and is part of their New Patient Check Our clinicians also promote the group to the patients they see Also promote via posters in the waiting area For those who cannot attend the surgery and would like to be part of the group all forms are available on the website Our reception staff constantly ask patients to join our PPG/PRG and forms available in reception. Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources? YES, We receive feedback via our PPG meetings Suggestions and comments box Audits from our computer system (DNA audits) Verbal Feedback from patients seen by the clinicians. We have had good feedback from the Health care assistant who is holding the phlebotomy clinics, as patients say it is much faster and efficient way of getting their blood test NHS choices. Reception staff Practice meetings Friends and Family Survey Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan? Yes the PPG was involved in all the agreement of the priority areas How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan? Appointments: There has been an increase in the number of appointments offered and this is being monitored closely New telephone system: This is in process, and is the second time in a year that we have had to change the telephone system to suit to our patient’s needs. The new system will offer our patients with an improved and better service. As illustrated above Self –Check in: This is also in process and will offer an improved service where patients will be able to mark themselves in as arrived rather than queuing up and waiting for their turn. This also helps the doctors as they can prioritise their patients better as without this the patient would be waiting to be marked in. Health Promotion Days: These sessions will empower the patients to be better equipped to self-manage their condition and will also give a better understanding to the carer of the person they are looking after. Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work? Our PPG has been most supportive and have helped us greatly during our move to the new location and also through the settling period. They have suggested ways of improving the surgery and also applauded us where we have exhaled in our services. Our PPG/PRG have been most supportive and have continued to help and encourage us with most changes in the practice. They have helped us steer the health promotion day and have taken an active part to make sure it will be a success. We would like to thank our PPG/PRG for their continued support