Daily Agenda 9/3/2013 & 9/4/2013 Objective: To learn about Ms. Snow, her expectations for Biology class, and one another Activities: Introduction and expectations for class Ice breaker Essential Question: In biology, what am I looking forward to, and what am I worried about this year? Homework: Syllabus Warm-up: Typically there signed—return next class period will be a question for you to answer here. For today, just pick up a syllabus near the door Daily Agenda 9/5/2013 & 9/6/2013 Objective: To learn about laboratory safety Activities: Warm-up Safety PPT Lab safety scavenger hunt Review Essential Question: Why is safety the most critical concern when working in the science lab? Homework: Due 9/9 or 9/10: Read lab safety agreement; have parent sign, then return Due 9/16 or 9/17: Biology lab safety assignment Warm-up: How do you think lab safety applies to you as a biology student? Why does it matter to you? Daily Agenda 9/9/2013 & 9/10/2013 Objective: To review laboratory safety Homework: 9/11 or 9/12: Activities: Warm-up Finish lab safety scavenger hunt Review lab safety scavenger hunt Lab safety symbols worksheet Essential Question: Why is safety the most critical concern when working in the science lab? Lab Safety Quiz Lab Symbols HW Lab Scavenger Hunt Sheet Due 9/16 or 9/17: Biology lab safety assignment Warm-up: List 3 instances where goggles absolutely must be worn in the lab. Daily Agenda 9/11/2013 & 9/12/2013 Objective: To begin the exploration into the characteristics of LIFE! Activities: Warm-up Safety Quiz Characteristics of Life Pre-lab 10 stations Essential Question: What are the characteristics of life? Homework: Due TODAY: Lab Symbols HW Lab Scavenger Hunt Sheet Due 9/13 or 9/16: Finish pre-lab Notes on characteristics of living organisms Due 9/16 or 9/17: Biology lab safety assignment Warm-up: In your own words, tell me, what is the “scientific method” ? How is it used? Daily Agenda 9/13/2013 & 9/16/2013 Objective: To determine & examine the characteristics of LIFE! Warm-up Finish & go over Characteristics of Life (CoL) lab CoL notes discussion & ppt Further analysis Essential Question: What are the characteristics of life? Homework: Lab Tuesday & Wednesday!!! Due TODAY: Activities: Due 9/16 or 9/17: Biology lab safety assignment Due 9/17 or 9/18: Completed pre-lab Notes on characteristics of living organisms Full CoL lab write up 2 paragraph summary on virus article Warm-up: As soon as the bell rings, find a partner nearby & complete #7 on your CoL lab. Daily Agenda 9/17/2013 & 9/18/2013 Objective: To examine experimental design and demonstrate proficiency in skills such as identifying variables/ constants, graphing, and experiment evaluation, etc. Homework: Due TODAY: Activities: Warm-up “Fire” slip Experimental design Experimental design practice problems Metric mania! Essential Question: How could knowing the parts of experimental design help me to better analyze lab activities? Completed further analysis for CoL lab Full CoL lab write up 2 paragraph summary on virus article Warm-up: Complete the half-sheet on “fire.” Then do the experimental design practice sheet. Daily Agenda 9/19/2013 & 9/20/2013 Objective: To determine the specific classification of beans as living or non-living, etc. To generate a hypothesis and collect data. Homework: Due TODAY: Metric mania Due 9/23 or 9/24: Graphing packet Activities: Warm-up Bean Lab—data collection CLEAN UP!!! Graphing packet when finished Essential Question: How can the information (data) I collect today help me to answer my hypothesis? Warm-up: During the CoL lab you examined various items at 10 stations. Consider the beans; how did you classify them? Provide 2 pieces of evidence that support your statement. Daily Agenda 9/23/2013 & 9/24/2013 Objective: To be able to create & analyze graphs. To be proficient in metric conversion. Activities: Warm-up Mini-quiz Review graphing & metric conversions How to write a good conclusion Peer editing of lab reports Essential Question: I collected my data, now what? Homework: Due TODAY: Graphing packet Metric mania Lab questions Due 9/25 or 9/26: Revised lab questions and conclusions Warm-up: Where do you put the manipulated variable on a graph? 3.6m is (< > =) to 36cm. Daily Agenda 9/25/2013 & 9/26/2013 Objective: To identify the different levels of taxonomic classification. Activities: Warm-up News & Views Video PPT notes Essential Question: Why do scientists bother to classify organisms? Homework: Due TODAY: Revised lab questions and conclusions Due 9/30: News and Views— Experimental Design Warm-up: Complete the half-sheet on graphing individually. Turn it in for a small grade. Note: I will be judging correctness, effort, & tidiness! Daily Agenda 9/27/2013 & 9/30/2013 Objective: To identify the different levels of taxonomic classification & how kingdom classifications are determined. Activities: Warm-up PPT notes Classification activity Classification handout Essential Question: Why do scientists bother to classify organisms? Homework: Due 9/30: News and Views— Experimental Design Due 10/3 & 10/4: Classification handout Warm-up: What are the 3 factors for classifying organisms into kingdoms? Daily Agenda 10/1/2013 & 10/2/2013 Objective: To identify the different levels of taxonomic classification & how kingdom classifications are determined. Activities: Test & Lab Make-up Policy Warm-up PPT notes Critical writing activity Essential Question: Why do scientists bother to classify organisms? Homework: Due 9/30: News and Views— Experimental Design Due 10/3 & 10/4: Classification handout Warm-up: What are the 3 Domains? Write down the Kingdoms that fall within each Domain. Try this without your notes at first, then use them as a last resort! Daily Agenda 10/3/2013 & 10/4/2013 Objective: To further discuss the significance of classification and taxonomy. Activities: Warm-up Remind 101 Video & writing activity PPT notes Essential Question: How do taxonomists decide how to classify and name organisms? Homework: Due Today: Classification handout Test 10/9 or 10/10: Experimental design Metric Mania Characteristics of life Graphing, etc. Review sheet to be posted tonight on my website!!! Warm-up: I’m a multicellular autotroph… what Kingdom(s) am I part of?! Daily Agenda 10/7/2013 & 10/8/2013 Objective: To identify the parts of experimental design from historical experiments. Activities: Warm-up Grades Experimental design activity Essential Question: How can knowing the parts of experimental design help me to better understand all types of experiments? Homework: Test 10/9 or 10/10: Experimental design Metric Mania Characteristics of life Graphing, etc. Review sheet posted on my website!!! Warm-up: What is a constant? What is a control? Daily Agenda 10/9/2013 & 10/10/2013 Test today! When the bell rings, put everything away in your back pack and move your back pack to the back of the room. CELL PHONES MUST GO IN YOUR BAG. NO ONE MAY KEEP THEM IN THEIR POCKETS. You may not leave the room during the test for any reason. Bathroom/water breaks must occur before or after the test. When you are finished with your test, I have Common Formative Assessment #2 for you to complete. It is not a weighted grade, but can earn you extra credit for a high score. Daily Agenda 10/11/2013 & 10/15/2013 Objective: To be able to write scientific names correctly. To understand that scientific names are often descriptive of an organism. Activities: Warm-up Binomial Nomenclature notes Fish Activity Phyla & Symmetry worksheet (if time) Essential Question: Why are scientific names important? Homework: Due 10/17 or 10/18: Finish your fish project Phyla & Symmetry worksheet Warm-up: Why do you think we use scientific names when naming organisms? Daily Agenda 10/16/2013 & 10/17/2013 Objective: To be able to write scientific names correctly. To understand that scientific names are often descriptive of an organism. Activities: Warm-up Finish binomial nomenclature notes (if necessary) Finish fish activity Create your own fish Virus video & questions Essential Question: What roles have viruses played throughout evolution Homework: Due Today: Phyla & symmetry worksheet Due 10/18 or 10/21: Create your fish project Make these interesting and put in good effort! They will be graded as a task I would like to laminate them and hang some up in the hall! Warm-up: Write the scientific name for “humans” correctly according to the rules of binomial nomenclature. Daily Agenda 10/18/2013 & 10/21/2013 Objective: To be able to use and create a dichotomous key and a cladogram. Activities: Warm-up worksheet Use a dichotomous key PPT—tips to making a dichotomous key Make shoe diagram as a class PPT—cladograms Use and make a cladogram Essential Question: What are similarities and differences between dichotomous keys and cladograms? Homework: Due Today: Fish project Symmetry & Phyla worksheet Due 10/22 or 10/23: Shoe dichotomous key Cladogram worksheet Classification & Taxonomy Quest!!! 10/22 or 10/23 Warm-up: Complete the worksheet you picked up at the door. Daily Agenda 10/22/2013 & 10/23/2013 Objective: Activities: To show Ms. Snow my knowledge regarding Classification & Taxonomy Brief review for quiz Classification & Taxonomy Quiz!!! Essential Question: Ms. Snow thinks it’s awesome that when you understand classification and taxonomy you can know information about organisms you don’t even know! What do you think is cool about classification and taxonomy? Answer this question on the last page of your test for extra credit points. Points awarded based on effort and thought. Homework: Due Today: Shoe dichotomous key Cladogram worksheet Don’t forget about upcoming News & Views!!! Warm-up: Be quiet and review your notes until instructed otherwise. Daily Agenda 10/24/2013 & 10/25/2013 Objective: To demonstrate knowledge of atoms & their parts, elements, ions, & bonding. Activities: Warm-up: Atom’s Family worksheet PPT on atoms, etc. Paper Plate Atom Project Section Review 2-1 using book Essential Questions: Why do we learn biochemistry in biology class? What are some of the key topics we covered today? Homework: Due 10/25 @ midnight: News & Views Due 10/28 or 10/29: Complete Atoms Family worksheet Read sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 2 & complete the section review handout Paper plate atom Short quiz on atoms 10/30 or 10/31 Warm-up: Pick up a periodic table and complete the Atom’s Family worksheet. Daily Agenda 10/28/2013 & 10/29/2013 Objective: To learn about the properties of water. Activities: Warm-up pH lab Quiz review Essential Question: What does “pH” really mean? Homework: Due Today: Atoms Family worksheet Section review handout Paper plate atom Due 10/30 or 10/31: Short Quiz Completed Ions & Isotopes sheet You do not need to do the isotopes chart Due 11/6 or 11/7: Lab conclusion questions Acids & bases packet Warm-up: Pick up your Acids, Bases, and Buffers lab and read through it entirely. When you finish you may begin on your Ions & Isotopes sheet Solutions for pH Lab 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nail polish remover Fertilizer Hydrogen peroxide Listerine Lemon juice Coke Cleaning liquid Dishwashing detergent Vinegar Baking soda Daily Agenda 10/30/2013 & 10/31/2013 Objective: To learn about the properties of water. Activities: Warm-up Brief review of HW Quiz on atoms, etc. Properties of water PPT Essential Question: What are the properties that make water unique when compared to other compounds? Homework: Due Today: Completed Ions & Isotopes sheet Due 11/6 or 11/7: Lab further analysis questions 1. 2. You do not need to do the isotopes chart Typed Use notes from properties of water Acids & bases packet Warm-up: An acid is higher in ___________ than __________. An alkaline solution is also known as a(n) ___________. It ranges from _____ to _____ on the pH scale. Daily Agenda 11/1/2013 & 11/6/2013 Objective: To investigate and explain the properties of water and apply that to the real world. Homework: Due 11/6 or 11/7: Completed Water Notes pH Lab further analysis questions Activities: Warm-up = pre-lab questions Water videos? Water Lab Essential Question: What are the properties that make water unique when compared to other compounds? Acids & bases packet Due 11/13 or 11/14: Water Lab further analysis questions Typed Use notes from properties of water Typed Use notes from properties of water Warm-up: Complete the 3 pre-lab questions. Read through the lab procedures. Points will be deducted for improper procedure! Daily Agenda 11/7/2013 & 11/8/2013 Objective: To review concepts and expectations for Biology. Activities: Warm-up Review Lab Conclusions Tests Quizzes Homework: Due 11/6 or 11/7: pH Lab further analysis questions Due 11/13 or 11/14: Water Lab further analysis questions Essential Question: What do I need to do to up my game in Biology for Quarter 2? Typed Use notes from properties of water Typed Use notes from properties of water Warm-up: List 3 unique properties that water possesses. Daily Agenda 11/11/2013 & 11/12/2013 Objective: To learn a new reading comprehension strategy and apply it to a macromolecule reading. Activities: Warm-up New hall pass/tardy policy ReQuest strategy Reading—Carbon Compounds Quick quiz on the reading Essential Question: What are the 4 organic compounds found in living things? Homework: Due 11/13 or 11/14: Water Lab further analysis questions Typed Use notes from properties of water Answer the questions at the back of the water notes packet Due 11/19 or 11/20: Write a summary of what we read in class: Chemistry of Carbon—Proteins section in your text books. Warm-up: Please complete the reading comprehension survey you picked up on your way into class. Daily Agenda 11/13/2013 & 11/14/2013 Objective: To learn a new reading comprehension strategy and apply it to an amino acid & protein reading. Activities: Warm-up Anticipation/Making predictions Reading—Amino Acids & Proteins Quick quiz on the reading Essential Question: Why are amino acids essential to our bodies? Homework: Due Today: Water Lab further analysis questions Completed questions from the back of the water notes packet Due 11/15 or 11/18: Pre-lab questions for Jerell’s Ipod Due Next Week: See the assignment sheet you picked up at the door… Warm-up: 1.) What makes carbon atoms so versatile? 2.) What do living things use carbohydrates for? 3.) What is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid? Daily Agenda 11/15/2013 & 11/18/2013 Objective: To apply the structure and function of macromolecules to known foodstuffs. Homework: Due 11/19 or 11/20: Activities: Pre-lab warm-up Jerell’s iPod Lab Due 11/21 or 11/22: Essential Question: What is the point of testing the known substances on Day 1 before testing the lunch foods of Jerell’s co-workers on Day 2? Write a summary of what we read in class: Chemistry of Carbon—Proteins section in your text books. Completed copy of lab. Completed Part 1 & 2 questions, typed on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to lab. Warm-up: Please complete the chart you picked up on your way into class. Daily Agenda 11/19/2013 & 11/20/2013 Objective: To apply the structure and function of macromolecules to solve the crime of who stole Jerell’s iPod. Homework: Due Today: Activities: Warm-up Todays Last classes (?) Day 2 Essential Question: What was the point of testing the known substances on Day 1 before testing the lunch foods of Jerell’s co-workers on Day 2? Write a summary of what we read in class: Chemistry of Carbon—Proteins section in your text books. Due 11/21 or 11/22: Day two proceedure activity Jerell’s iPod Lab Completed copy of lab. Completed Part 1 & 2 questions, typed on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to lab. Tissue Box Project Warm-up: Why do you think your test for monosaccharides turned out negative when you tested the corn starch? Daily Agenda 11/21/2013 & 11/22/2013 Objective: To be able to describe the structure and explain the function of the 4 major categories of macromolecules. Homework: Due 12/4 or 12/5: Activities: Warm-up quiz Video clip Interactive notes on macromolecules Essential Question: What role does each category of macromolecule play within the human body? Macromolecule review sheet Macromolecule review packet Summary on Amino Acid/Protein packet read in class Warm-up: Complete the front side of the handout you picked up at the door. Daily Agenda 11/19/2013 & 11/20/2013 Objective: To apply the structure and function of macromolecules to solve the crime of who stole Jerell’s iPod. Homework: Due Today: Activities: Warm-up Todays Last classes (?) Day 2 Essential Question: What was the point of testing the known substances on Day 1 before testing the lunch foods of Jerell’s co-workers on Day 2? Write a summary of what we read in class: Chemistry of Carbon—Proteins section in your text books. Due 11/21 or 11/22: Day two proceedure activity Jerell’s iPod Lab Completed copy of lab. Completed Part 1 & 2 questions, typed on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to lab. Tissue Box Project Warm-up: Why do you think your test for monosaccharides turned out negative when you tested the corn starch? Daily Agenda 11/25/2013 & 11/26/2013 Objective: To be able to describe the structure and explain the function of the 4 major categories of macromolecules. Homework: Due 12/4 or 12/5: Activities: Warm-up Interactive notes on macromolecules Essential Question: What role does each category of macromolecule play within the human body? Macromolecule review sheet Macromolecule review packet Summary on Amino Acid/Protein packet read in class Warm-up: Complete the front side of the handout you picked up at the door. Daily Agenda 12/2/2013 & 12/3/2013 Objective: To be able to describe the structure and explain the function of the 4 major categories of macromolecules. Homework: Test 12/10 & 12/11: Activities: Warm-up Review proteins & nucleic acids Formative assessment #3 Essential Question: What role does each category of macromolecule play within the human body? Due 12/4 or 12/5: Biochemistry (everything except enzymes) Macromolecule review sheet Macromolecule review packet Summary on Amino Acid/Protein packet read in class Warm-up: List the monomer and the polymer form of the following: 1. 2. 3. Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Daily Agenda 12/4/2013 & 12/5/2013 Substitute: Create your own Biochemistry Book Due: the day of your test Daily Agenda 12/6/2013 & 12/11/2013 Objective: To review the concepts of biochemistry. Activities: Warm-up matching Biochem. zip around Review homework & questions Biochem. review game Homework: Due Today: concepts from biochemistry do I need to review to be successful on my test? Due 12/10 & 12/11: Essential Question: What Macromolecule review sheet Macromolecule review packet Summary on Amino Acid/Protein packet read in class Biochemistry Test(everything except enzymes) Biochemistry Book Project Warm-up: Macromolecule matching handout Daily Agenda 12/12/2013 & 12/13/2013 Test today! When the bell rings, put everything away in your back pack and move your back pack to the back of the room. CELL PHONES MUST GO IN YOUR BAG. NO ONE MAY KEEP THEM IN THEIR POCKETS. You may not leave the room during the test for any reason. Bathroom/water breaks must occur before or after the test. When you are finished with your test, I have a couple things for you to do. Daily Agenda 12/16/2013 & 12/17/2013 Objective: To be able to recognize the different parts of an enzymatic chemical reaction. Homework: Due 12/18 & 12/19: Activities: Warm-up Video clip Enzyme information search 0/100 quiz Essential Question: What are reactants and products? What is activation energy? Any classwork not finished in class Short quiz on enzymes Warm-up: The term ENZYME is something that you have likely heard before. List everything you already know about enzymes. Daily Agenda 12/18/2013 & 12/19/2013 Objective: To be able to Activities: recognize the different parts of enzymatic chemical reactions. Warm-up Enzyme PPT notes Enzyme review game Enzyme Quiz Homework: Due 12/18 & 12/19: Essential Question: What is activation energy? Any late work that was assigned within the last week that you want credit for (like your biochemistry book project) Warm-up: Lactose is a(n) ___________. Lactase is a(n) ___________. Daily Agenda 1/2/2014 Objective: To begin to Activities: identify the different organelles in a plant or animal cell. Warm-up Cells pre-assessment Cell ball group project Essential Question: What are the cell organelles and their functions? Homework: Due next class: Finished cell balls if not completed in class. Warm-up: What is activation energy? Daily Agenda 1/8/2014 & 1/9/2014 Objective: To be able to Activities: explain cell theory and identify the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Warm-up Cells pre-assessment (A day only) PPT Notes—Cell Theory Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Venn diagram Video & worksheet Essential Question: What are the principles of cell theory? Homework: Due today: Finished cell balls Due 1/10 or 1/13: Animal cell color page Warm-up: What is the function of the cell organelle, the nucleus? Daily Agenda 1/10/2014 & 1/9/2014 Objective: To be able to Activities: explain the differences between a plant and animal cell. Warm-up HW quiz Review color pages PPT Notes—Cell Structure Plant vs. Animal cell Venn diagram Essential Question: What are the difference between the plant and animal cell? Homework: Due today: Animal cell color page + questions Due 1/14 or 1/15: More color pages Plant/animal cells Cell membrane Warm-up: What are the 3 principles of cell theory? Daily Agenda 1/27/2014 - 1/31/2014 Objective: To explain and diagram cellular transport— osmosis and diffusion Activities: Warm-up Section review group work with book Video clip PPT Notes—Cell Transport Cell transport group work Essential Question: What is the difference between active and passive transport? Homework: Due 2/3 & 2/4: News & Views: due Sunday 11:59pm Section review sheet 7-2 & 7-3 Completed notes Osmosis worksheet Bring agenda Bring stamp sheet Warm-up: What is the difference between osmosis & diffusion? Daily Agenda 2/3/2014 & 2/4/2014 Objective: To identify the parts of a microscope. To view and explain osmosis/plasmolysis. Homework: Due Today: Activities: Warm-up Microscope review Plasmolysis lab Essential Question: What happens to cells when they are put in hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions? Next class: 1. 2. Section review sheet 7-2 & 7-3 Completed notes Osmosis worksheet Quiz on microscope parts and osmosis & diffusion News & Views: due last Sunday 11:59pm Warm-up: If cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, which direction will the water move? What will happen to the shape of the cell? Daily Agenda 2/6/2014 & 2/7/2014 Objective: To understand what happens when organisms are put into a hypo-, hyper-, and iso-tonic solutions. Activities: Homework: Due Today: Part 2, Day 2 Red onion video ATP model Essential Question: What happens to cells when they are put in hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions? Quiz on microscope parts and osmosis & diffusion Plasmolysis Lab Due 2/12 or 2/13: Microscope mania Next class: Warm-up Plasmolysis lab ATP paper lab diagram & packet Photosynthesis packet Warm-up: 1. % change worksheet Daily Agenda 2/10/2014 & 2/11/2014 Objective: To be able to explain the steps in the photosynthesis equation. Activities: Warm-up Quiz PPT notes on photosynthesis Homework: Due Today: Due 2/12 or 2/13: Essential Question: What is the equation for photosynthesis & how can I remember it? Quiz on microscope parts and osmosis & diffusion Plasmolysis Lab ATP paper lab diagram & packet Photosynthesis packet Warm-up: What is facilitated diffusion? Daily Agenda 2/12/2014 & 2/18/2014 Objective: To be able explain why plants contain different pigments and to see the stratification of those pigments. Homework: Due Today: Activities: Warm-up Prep Lab HW Quiz PPT notes on photosynthesis Complete Lab Essential Question: Plants are typically green. What purpose do the other pigments serve? ATP paper lab diagram & packet Photosynthesis packet Warm-up: Please read through the introduction and procedure of your lab. I will be asking students questions about the lab randomly. Inability to answer the question will result in inability to participate in lab. A full report on pigments and chromatography will take its place. Daily Agenda 2/19/2014 & 2/20/2014 Objective: To further Activities: investigate photosynthesis. Warm-up PPT notes on photosynthesis Video & worksheet Lab discussion Essential Question: Where do the light and dark reactions take place? Homework: Due 2/25 or 2/26: Due Next Class: ATP & Photosynthesis Quiz Lab Questions—Typed Warm-up: Please complete the worksheet provided. Daily Agenda 2/21/2014 & 2/24/2014 Objective: To further Activities: investigate photosynthesis. Warm up Webquest Light/Dark reaction review—electron transport chain. P.S. Frame Begin on review sheet if time permits Essential Question: What is the equation for photosynthesis? What does it mean in your own words? Homework: Due Next Class: ATP & Photosynthesis Quiz Quiz Review Sheet Completed Webquest Warm-up: In the photosynthesis reaction, what are the reactants? What are the products? Daily Agenda 2/25/2014 & 2/26/2014 Objective: To assess your knowledge of photosynthesis. Activities: Homework: Due Next Class: Quiz Section review 9-1 Essential Question: What Due Today: is the equation for photosynthesis? What does it mean in your own words? Section review 9-1 on cellular respiration ATP & Photosynthesis Quiz Quiz Review Sheet Completed Webquest Warm-up: Get out your HW and stamp sheet. Use stamp time to study. Daily Agenda 2/27/2014 & 2/28/2014 Objective: To learn about aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Activities: Warm-up PPT Notes HW Review Cellular Respiration Lab Exit Ticket Essential Question: How are photosynthesis and respiration related? If animals don’t photosynthesize, how can we do cellular respiration? Homework: Due Next Class: Due Today: TBA Section review 9-1 on cellular respiration Warm-up: What is the other name for the Krebs Cycle? Daily Agenda 3/5/2014 Objective: To further Activities: explore cellular respiration & how it relates to photosynthesis. Warm-up HW Review Cellular Respiration Lab Essential Question: How are photosynthesis and respiration related? If animals don’t photosynthesize, how can we do cellular respiration? Homework: Due Next Class: Lab questions Warm-up: What is the purpose of the light reaction in photosynthesis? Daily Agenda 3/6/2014 & 3/7/2014 Objective: To further Activities: explore cellular respiration & how it relates to photosynthesis. Warm-up PPT Notes HW Review Cellular Respiration Lab Dicussion Exit Ticket Essential Question: How are photosynthesis and respiration related? If animals don’t photosynthesize, how can we do cellular respiration? Homework: Due Today: Due Next Class: Lab questions Hypothesis for new lab experiment Section 9-2 of cellular respiration packet Warm-up: What are the 3 steps in cellular respiration? Daily Agenda 3/10/2014 & 3/11/2014 Objective: To collect data Activities: on respiration rates of black eyed peas using a control & experimental condition. Warm-up Data table discussion Respiration Lab Part 2 Essential Question: How will temperature affect respiration rate in black eyed peas? Homework: Due Today: Hypothesis for new lab experiment Section 9-2 of cellular respiration packet Warm-up: Please construct a data table for collecting data in the lab today. Use your practice round data table as a guide. HW: Answer this one question about your lab. Due next class. Restate your hypothesis and discuss whether your hypothesis was or was not supported by your data. Mention your data (the numbers from your table) in your conclusion to provide evidence to back up what you are saying. Daily Agenda 3/12/2014 & 3/13/2014 Objective: To compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration. To list the stages of the cell cycle. Activities: Warm-up Venn Diagram Box project Cell Cycle—Mitosis notes Essential Question: How does the surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect its function? Homework: Due Today: Due next class: Conclusion and completed lab Quiz/Quest on cellular energy, cellular transport, photosynthesis, & cellular respiration Warm-up: 1. 2. What are the net gains of energy(ATP) in each of the 3 processes of cellular respiration? Explain the process of fermentation? Daily Agenda 3/14/2014 Objective: To assess your knowledge of cellular energetics. Activities: 3 boxes lab activity Quest Homework: Due Next class: Due Today: Essential Question: How does the surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect its function? Completed surface area to volume lab 3 boxes complete Quiz/Quest on cellular energy, cellular transport, photosynthesis, & cellular respiration Warm-up: Get out your packet given last class. Have your 3 boxes sitting on your desk. Daily Agenda 3/18/2014 Objective: To identify, recognize, and explain the different stages of the cell cycle Activities: Warm up Notes Concept Map Homework: Due Next class: Essential Question: How does the surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect its function? Due Today: Cell cycle concept map Completed surface area to volume lab Warm-up: On a separate sheet of paper that you will turn in, please explain why you think that all organisms are not one big cell instead of multiple small cells…use your 3 boxes activity to assist in your explanation. Daily Agenda 3/19/2014 Objective: To assess your knowledge of cellular energetics. Activities: Quest Complete 3 boxes lab activity Read Chapter 10 focus on process of the cell cycle and complete worksheet from online notes Essential Question: How does the surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect its function? Homework: Due Next class: Due Today: Completed surface area to volume lab Quiz/Quest on cellular energy, cellular transport, photosynthesis, & cellular respiration Warm-up: Review notes for quest. Daily Agenda 3/20/2014 Objective: To identify, Activities: recognize, and explain the different stages of the cell cycle Warm up Notes Review concept map Cell division diagrams and notes Essential Question: The cell cycle consists of multiple stages. Do I know all the stages and sub stages of the cell cycle and what each stage entails? Homework: Due Next class: Due Today: Cell cycle notes & diagram worksheet Onion tip lab questions Completed cell cycle concept map Warm-up: 1. What are the 3 main stages of the cell cycle? Daily Agenda 3/21/2014 Objective: To identify, recognize, and explain the different stages of the cell cycle Homework: Due Next class: Activities: Warm up Onion root tip lab Cell cycle notes (?) Concept Map (?) Essential Question: How does the surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect its function? Due Today: Cell cycle concept map Onion root tip lab Surface area to volume lab Cell diagrams and notes worksheet Warm-up: On a separate sheet of paper that you will turn in, please explain why you think that all organisms are not one big cell instead of multiple small cells…use your 3 boxes activity to assist in your explanation. Daily Agenda 3/24/2014 Objective: To identify, recognize, and explain the different stages of the cell cycle Activities: Warm up Notes Peer review of concept map and diagrams. Homework: Due 3/28 & 3/31: Due Today: Essential Question: The cell cycle consists of multiple stages. Do I know all the stages and sub stages of the cell cycle and what each stage entails? Review packet on mitosis Quiz on mitosis Cell cycle notes & diagram worksheet Onion tip lab questions Warm-up: 1. 2. Which kind of cells do mitosis? What are the 4 stages of mitosis (in order from beginning to end)? Daily Agenda 3/25/2014 Objective: To identify, recognize, and explain the different stages of the cell cycle Activities: Warm up Notes Peer review of concept map and diagrams. Homework: Due 3/28 & 3/31: Due Today: Essential Question: The cell cycle consists of multiple stages. Do I know all the stages and sub stages of the cell cycle and what each stage entails? Review packet on mitosis Quiz on mitosis Completed cell cycle concept map Onion tip lab questions Warm-up: 1. 2. Which kind of cells do mitosis? What are the 4 stages of mitosis (in order from beginning to end)? Daily Agenda 3/26/2014 & 3/27/2014 Objective: To identify, recognize, and explain the different stages of the cell cycle Activities: Warm up Notes Peer review of concept map and diagrams. Essential Question: How is meiosis different than mitosis? Homework: Due Today: Due 3/28 & 3/31: Stamp sheet for 3rd quarter Review packet on mitosis Quiz on mitosis Warm-up: What is specialization as it relates to cells? Why do you think cell specialization is important? Daily Agenda 3/26/2014 & 3/27/2014 Objective: To identify, recognize, and explain the different stages of meiosis I and meiosis II. Activities: Warm up—reading 11-4 Video intro… Meiosis foldable & worksheet Venn diagram Homework: Due 3/28 & 4/1: Due Today: Meiosis vs. Mitosis Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis? Stamp sheet for collection Warm-up: Review packet on mitosis Internet review on mitosis Quiz on mitosis You will have 15-20 minutes from the beginning of the block to read chapter 11, section 4. Daily Agenda 3/28/2014 & 4/1/2014 Objective: To assess your knowledge of mitosis and further explore meiosis. Activities: Warm up questions Mitosis quiz Meiosis foldable Compare and contrast worksheet. Homework: Due next class: Due Today Meiosis vs. Mitosis Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis? Review packet on mitosis Internet review on mitosis Quiz on mitosis Stamp sheet for collection Warm-up: Meiosis foldable & worksheet What are the 3 stages of the cell cycle? What are the phases within each stage? Do you know the order in which they occur?