Introduction to Health

Introduction to Health / Wellness
Period 10 Health
Day A
Day B
Take an educated guess!
• In 1900, infectious disease such as pneumonia
and tuberculosis were responsible for more than
1/3 of all deaths in the United States.
• True or False
• Which of the following lifestyle factors is the
leading preventable cause of death for
• Alcohol Abuse
• Cigarette Smoking
• Poor Dietary Habits
• Contains 5 dimensions
• Some aspects of your health are controlled by
your genes, age, and gender
What are some examples?
• Most aspects are within your control
What are some examples?
Dimensions of Wellness
• Physical Wellness
• Factors that contribute to physical wellness include
- Exercise
- Diet
- Avoidance of harmful habits
- Recognizing symptoms and signs of disease
- Regular medical / dental checkups
- Injury prevention
• Turn to a neighbor and come up with one aspect of
physical wellness that you feel is a strength and
another that needs improvement.
Dimensions of Wellness
• Emotional Wellness
• Factors that contribute to emotional wellness
Self esteem
Self confidence
Self control
Ability to share thoughts / feelings
Dimensions of Wellness
• Intellectual Wellness
• Factors that contribute to intellectual wellness
- Openness to new ideas
- Ability to think critically
- Motivation to learn new information / skills
- Creativity
- Keep an active mind
Think About It!
• In a major league baseball game, a pitcher faced only 27
batters. Every batter he faced, he struck out. He allowed no
hits and no runs, yet his team lost 4-0. How could this be?
• He was a relief pitcher
• A farmer in California owns a beautiful pear tree. He
supplies fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner
has called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for
him to purchase. The farmer know that the main trunk has
24 branches. Each branch has 12 boughs and each bough
has 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, how
many plums will the farmer be able to sell?
• None, because he has a pear tree
Dimensions of Wellness
• Interpersonal / Social Wellness
• Factors that contribute include
• What do you think?
- Strong support system
- Quality communication skills
- Participation in community events
- Positive relationships
Dimensions of Wellness
• Environmental / Planetary Wellness
• Factors that contribute include
- Protection from hazards
- Positive impact on environment
- Awareness of world events
Dimensions of Wellness
• Summary
- Dimensions are codependent
- Dimensions overlap
• Main idea is to make choices that positively
impact your life
Disease Types
• Infections Disease – A disease that is
communicable from one person to another,
caused by invading microorganisms such as
bacteria and viruses
• What are some examples of infections
- influenza (flu), strep throat, pneumonia, upper
respiratory infection (common cold)
Disease Types
• Chronic Disease – A disease that develops and
continues over a long period of time, usually
caused by a variety of factors, including
lifestyle factors.
• What are some examples?
- Heart disease, cancer, hypertension ( high
blood pressure)
• What are some choices I can make to lower
my risk of developing chronic disease
Disease Continued
• With your neighbor discuss which type of
disease you think is more prevalent and
causes more death in the United States.
• Answer : Chronic Disease
• Why is the answer Chronic Disease?
Diversity in Health
• Different cultures and ethnicities face different
health risk factors
• Reasons include
- Diet
- Genetic predisposition
- Living environment
• Although it is important to avoid stereotypes /
Additional Factors That Influence
• Income and education
- Why would this have an effect?
• Disability
- Why would this have an effect?
• Geographical Location
- Why would this have an effect?
Additional Factors that Influence
• Family History
- Why would this have an effect?
• Health Habits
- Why would this have an effect?
• Access to Health Care
- Why would this have an effect?
Wellness Profile
• List of behaviors and habits that will help lead to a
healthy life
Sense of responsibility for ones care
Active stance towards life
Management of stress
Maintenance of self esteem / mental health
Avoiding high risk behaviors
Proper Diet
Regular exercise
Understanding and using the current health care system
Understanding of how the environment effects you
Ways to Improve Your Health
• Examine the current status of your health
• Chose a specific behavior or aspect of your life
you want to change
• Find resources for assistance
- What are some possible resources?
• Specific – Must be specific, not just a
- Bad Examples – I want to be healthy, I want to
sleep more, ect.
- Good Examples – I will exercise 4 days a week
for at least 40 minutes each day lifting 2 of those
days and running the other 2, I will go to sleep
by 10 pm so I will achieve 7 hours of sleep a
• Trackable – The goal must be able to be
tracked and or monitored in some why
- Examples of ways to track – food logs, journal
entries, exercise devices (heart rate monitors),
another person, scales, ect
• Achievable – The goal must be within reason
and reach
- Bad example – I will make 600,000,000,000
tomorrow when I wake up, I will lose 40 lbs
this week by laying on the couch
- Good example – I will check my mailbox
everyday this school year
Reflect – Look back on the goal you set
Determine how you will reflect
Determine if you reached it
Determine why you did or did not reach it
If necessary make a plan on how you will
change your actions / goal so it can be
• Create your STAR
• Goal must include all components including
specificity, trackability, achievability, and
includes a reflection component.
• Goal must also include a start and end date
• Poor example – In the next few weeks I plan to
be healthy, I am going to exercise some, stop
eating at Wendy's and go to bed earlier.
• Why is this a poor example?
• Quality example - starting on September 2nd I
plan to increase my exercise level from 2 days a
week to 4 days a week. I plan on working out at
the high school 4 days a week after school for 40
minutes each session. I will run for 2 days and lift
the other 2 days. I will run 3 miles on the run
days and perform a lifting working that was
created by my coach. I will keep a gym log to
record all my activities. I will reflect by reviewing
my gym log on the last day of school, June 4th.