PERSONAL NARRATIVE/FICTIONAL ADAPTATION STUDY GUIDE 7th Grade 9/23/15 Personal Narrative: Non-fiction; autobiography; narrator tells about his or her own experiences ONE moment in time; one single event Point-of-view – FIRST PERSON (I, me, mine, we, our, ours, etc.) Real place Contains message/reflection Specific feelings/emotions of NARRATOR; Reader understands what narrator realizes and learns Limited characters; limited dialog/conversation Fictional Adaptation: Fiction (true story may be changed so that story can be presented in another form) Narrator may or may not be a part of the story Additional named characters and plot may be added to enrich the story Extensive dialog and conversation Developed plot/details Realistic fiction Point-of-view – THIRD PERSON (he, she, it, they, theirs, etc.) Reader must infer feelings/emotions of characters from details in story STORY/LITERARY SKILLS exposition description of where/when the story takes place (setting) and the characters involved in the story setting the time and place in which the action of a story occurs theme a lesson or moral to be learned from a story viewpoint/perspective from which the story is told. 1st person – narrator/writer know what she or he is thinking and refers to herself/himself with 1st person pronouns: I, me, we, us, our) point of view 3rd person – the narrator or writer uses the prounouns: he, she, it, they, his, hers, theirs mood the feeling a story or poem causes the reader to have. (Ex. sad, peaceful, funny) inference draw conclusion based on clues in reading passage summary recap of main points in a story, which includes some information from the beginning, middle and end of the story characterization the way people or animals are portrayed in a story (what they say, do, experience); can be stated directly or indirectly GENRE/SUBGENRE COMPARISONS Genre Type Structure Content Purpose Examples Fiction Fictional Adaptation Story, chapters, acts in a play, scenes in a movie that are based on autobiographies Both real AND made-up characters, setting, plot Uses dialogue, actions, and events to communicate and explore a theme; also can inform, explain, entertain “Playing Time” NonFiction Autobiography Personal narrative, memoir Real people, places, events Writer tells their thoughts, feelings, observations to others; inform, explain, entertain “Eat Dirt” “from American Childhood” “from Angela’s Ashes” “My First Free Summer”