Verizon Initiated ASRs with Trading Partners Note: Trading partners equivalent to Facility-Base CLEC Providers where Verizon exchanges ASRs for Switched and Special Interconnection Services. 11/2004 1 Getting Started First Steps Interconnection Agreement Negotiate an interconnection agreement and establish a business relationship. Network Connectivity Exchange information regarding the CLEC and the Verizon network infrastructure. Interconnect the two networks through special access, Mid-Span or Collocation arrangements. Implementation Plan Meet with Account or Project Manager(s) to initiate implementation meeting with participants representative of Forecaster, Planners, Network or Engineering Planners, ASR Ordering/Billing Centers…etc. 2 Getting Started First Steps (Continued) Exchange the following information that will allow Verizon to successfully transmit ASRs via NDM or fax. Facility ACTL Switched ACTL Point of Connectivity Traffic Study Forecast Provision, business, and escalation contacts Switch data Point Codes LERG Routing Switch IDENT CLLI IntraLATA = Physical Switch InterLATA = Switched LERG POI NPA/NXX Switch Type ICSC ACNA CCNA ASR Transmission Type NDM Server Name Server IP Address Server Directory Batch or Real Time ASR File Transmissions NDM Gateway Contact Fax Number 3 Getting Started First Steps (Continued) Information Exchange Cont’d DS3, DS1/DS0 Combo Provisioning Intervals Confirmation Intervals Third Party Vendor Participation ASR Escalation Ordering/Provisioning Contacts Some of this information will be requested from the CLEC up front so that Verizon may input and track into the ordering system to assist with automation. A Provider Profile will be attached along with this Presentation and a Notification Letter. 4 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation When would Verizon send an ASR? Verizon will initiate Special Access and/or Switched Interconnection ASRs to accommodate Verizon’s originating traffic terminating to the CLEC Provider’s switch based on the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. Upon receipt of a one way Inbound ASR from Trading Partner. Verizon’s End Users originating majority % of ISP traffic. Infrastructure Re-groom What system will Verizon be utilizing to send ASRs to a Trading Partner? Verizon will be utilizing a system called Outbound Access Service Request (OASR). The system is a Web based application based on current ASOG Mech Spec. industry standards. Its functionality is to gather data from Verizon’s existing provisioning systems and/or data entry components to generate an ASR. The ASR is then updated and submitted to the provider either by NDM transmission or autofacsimile 5 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) What type of ASRs will Verizon transmit to a Trading Partner? Verizon will submit Special Access and Switched Interconnection ASRs to the CLEC provider. Verizon will not be requiring a DLR during the initial implementation phasing of OASR. Special Access – DS3 or higher Entrance Facility. Verizon will either build facilities from a Verizon MUX/DACs to the negotiated Point of Interface (POI) or to the CLEC’s POP. When Verizon builds to the POI, the ASR is notification to cross connect at the tie down provided on the ASR. Verizon’s financial obligation to the Interconnection Agreement ends at the POI, however, in some cases, Verizon may choose to build to the CLECs ACTL, utilize a jointly provided Mid-Span Connect or SONET Ring to avoid mileage at the DS1/DS0 level of both LECs. 6 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) In both facility build scenarios, it is the expectation that the CLEC will complete the transport to the CLEC switch. In Meet-Point scenarios, where there is a transiting LEC, the CLEC is expected to issue an ASR on behalf of Verizon to the transiting company to obtain controlling company circuit assignment for the DS3 before Verizon can issue the outbound DS1/DS0s to the CLEC provider. Switched Interconnection – Local or Local/IntraLATA toll trunks will be ordered to ride the DS1s assigned off of the DS3 or Higher Entrance Facility in the majority of cases but can be handed off at a DS1 level, if necessary. 7 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) What type of information will be on the ASR? Verizon will be using the following common elements on the DS3 ASR: CC populated with a Verizon OCN 000 PIU ACNA/CCNA of GIT, NYX or BAL CCEA/SCCEA for Tie Down Connection, if applicable Verizon will use the following common elements on the DS1/DS0 ASR: CC populated with a Verizon OCN 000 PIU PLU based on VZ’s declared PLU factorization in the contract. LTP codes of EA or LA, dependant upon service request terminating at Tandem or End Office connections riding existing special access facility ACNA/CCNA of GIT, NYX or BAL CCEA/SCCEA for Tie Down data, if applicable TQ will only be provided for a new trunk group or augments with translation changes. ASR will reflect TQ on file for augments without translation changes and disconnects. End Office Detail and the Additional Circuit forms will be provided as applicable with Industry Standards. 8 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) Note: Since Verizon North initiates the ACTL to the CLEC provider upon Interconnection, Verizon will utilize the same ACTL on the outbound ASR unless requested otherwise. If the CLEC desires that Verizon utilize a Verizon ACTL, Verizon will request the CLEC to provide accordingly to be placed onto the ASR. This also applies to the Facility ACTL as well. APOT will reflect point of Interconnection. 9 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) The Message ECCKT in the CKR will be in CLM format according to Industry Standards ECCKT – Exchange company Circuit ID (ASOG 29) – CLM format COMMON LANGUAGE Message Trunk circuit Codes (CLCI MSG Codes) This format is defined in ANSI T1.266, Structure for the Identification of Telecommunications Circuits for the North American Telecommunications System and consists of the following elements: 1. Trunk Number – A serial number type code that identifies a specific trunk in a trunk group (1-4 numeric characters). 2. Traffic Class – A standardized code that designates an engineering categorization, e.g., grade of service, alternate route. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-400-100 (2 alpha characters). 3. Office Class – A standardized code that designates the highest level of switching performed by the traffic units or offices terminating the trunk or trunk group. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-400-100 (2 alpha/numeric characters). 4. Traffic Use Code – A standardized code that designates the type of traffic offered to the trunk group, e.g., inter-end office, tandem access, directory assistance. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-400-100 (2 alpha/numeric characters). 10 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) ECCKT – Exchange company Circuit ID (ASOG 29) – CLM format 5. Trunk Type Modifier – A standardized code that uniquely identifies specialized use of the trunk or trunk group. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795- 400100 (1-7 alpha/numeric characters). 6. Location A Number – A standardized code that uniquely identifies the location of facility terminal A. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-(100-186)-100 (11 alpha/numeric characters). 7. Address Signaling – A standardized code that uniquely identifies the type of signals used to direct a call to its destination. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-400-100 (2 alpha/numeric characters). 8. Location Z – A standardized code that uniquely identifies the location of facility terminal Z. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-(100-186)-100 (11 alpha/numeric characters). Example: Trunk #=125; Traffic Class=DR; Office Class=5; Traffic Use=DD; Modifier=KEIL; Location A=CHCGILAAMGO; Address Signaling=7-; Location Z=CHCGILZZ07T ECCKT CLLI would be: 125/DF5-DDKEIAL/CHCGILAAMG0/7-/CHCGILZZ07T 11 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued) The Facility ECCKT in the CKR1 will be in CLF format according to Industry Standards ECCKT – Exchange company Circuit ID (ASOG 29) – CLF format Verizon utilizes the Common Language Facility Codes (CLFI Codes). This format is defined in ANSI T1.238, Structure for the Identification of Telecommunications Facilities for the North American Telecommunications System and consists of the following elements: 1. Facility Designation – A code that, for a specific type of facility, uniquely identifies a path between two network nodes (1-5 alpha/numeric characters). 2. Facility Type – A code that describes a type of facility when it is other than a single baseband channel on cable. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-450-100 (1-6 alpha/numeric characters). 3. Channel/Pair/Time Slot – A code that identifies a specific assignable portion of a facility (1-5 alpha/numeric characters). 4. Location A – A standardized code that uniquely identifies the location of facility terminal A, which has the lower in alpha/numeric sequence of two facility location codes. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-(100-186)-100 (8 or 11 alpha/numeric characters). 12 ASR Business Rules Verizon - ASR Initiation (Continued 5. Location Z – A standardized code that uniquely identifies the location of facility terminal Z, which has the lower in alpha/numeric sequence of two facility location codes. Valid entries are outlined in Telcordia Technologies practice BR 795-(100-186)-100 (8 or 11 alpha/numeric characters). Note: Location A or Z must be 11 characters or both may be 11 characters. Example: 101B/T1ZF/NYCMNY50/NYCMN65W01 13 ASR Business Rules Trading Partner - Confirmation The CLEC acting in a Provider capacity will be required to send a Firm Order Confirmation to Verizon. The following Confirmation information is required from the CLEC Provider on DS3 as well as DS1/DS0 LTR ASRs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CCNA PON VER ASR No (Applicable if ASR is Pre-Assigned) RT INIT ICSC CD/TSENT AP REP AP REP TEL APP DD BAN EC VER 14 ASR Business Rules Trading Partner Confirmation (Continued) 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. FPTD** FDD** ECSPC** ECCKT REF NUM FCKT** HBAN** CKR CKR1** TRN** TCIC** ORD FORD** TSC** TRKQTY** PG_of NPA/NXX** (At least one NPA/NXX should be provided on the Confirmation) Tie Down* Legend: * Fields do not exist on the confirmation form and should be added in REMARKS ** Fields are not applicable for a DS3 ASR request. 15 ASR Business Rules Trading Partner Confirmation (Continued) Note: The CLEC Provider may utilize the Verizon Message and Facility ECCKTs (located in the CKR and/or CKR1 fields), and TSC to provision and return these in the ECCKT, FCKT, and TSC fields on the Confirmation Notice as appropriate. At this time, Verizon will not require a DLR from the CLEC Provider. If the CLEC Provider has a trouble ticket or maintenance problem, please provide Verizon with the Verizon facility circuit and/or TSC assignment. Verizon will disconnect Verizon reciprocal trunks whether or not a confirmation is received from the CLEC unless the CLEC can provide support for their need of the Verizon trunks in question. 16 Confirmation Definitions Definition Term 1. CCNA Customer Carrier Name Abbreviation 2. PON Purchase Order Number 3. VER Version Identification 4. ASR NO Access Service Request Number 5. RT Response Type 6. INIT Initiator 7. ICSC Inter-exchange Customer Service Center 8. CD/TSENT Confirmation Date and Time Sent 9. AP REP Provider Contact 10. AP REP TEL Provider Contact Telephone Number 11. APP Application Date 12. DD Due Date 13. BAN Billing Account Number 14. EC VER Exchange Carrier Version 15. FPTD Facility Plant Test Date 16. FDD Facility Due Date 17 Confirmation Definitions (Continued) Term Definition 17. ESCPC Exchange Company Signaling Point Code 18. ECCKT Exchange Company Circuit ID 19. REF NUM Reference Number 20. FCKT Facility Circuit Identification 21. HBAN High Capacity Channel Billing Account Number 22. CKR Customer Circuit Reference 23. CKR1 Customer Circuit Reference T1 24. TRN Trunk Number 25. TCIC Trunk Circuit Identification 26. ORD Order Number 27. FORD Facility Order Number 28. TSC Two Six Code 29. TRKQTY Trunk Quantity 30. PG_of_ Order Number 18