MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by the Carolina Population Center at University of North Carolina in partnership with Futures Group International, John Snow Inc., ICF Macro, Management Sciences for Health and Tulane University Dear Colleague: 28 December 2011 USAID’s MEASURE Evaluation Project is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the Virtual Leadership Development Program (VLDP) for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) teams in Anglophone countries. For the first time, the VLDP will be focused on gender M&E. This VLDP is for teams working on a gender-related aspect of M&E in health care: for example, sex disaggregated data to examine differentials in HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, other infectious diseases, and reproductive health, or any data collected for gender-focused programs such as gender-based violence. Funded by USAID, the main goal of the gender VLDP is to strengthen individual and team leadership and management practices (behaviors) and to empower those involved in the collection, reporting, analysis, and use of gender-related health data, at all levels of an organization. Please note that this is not an M&E technical skills program. The VLDP will introduce leadership practices and skills (including communications, critical thinking, and problem solving). The VLDP will give teams the opportunity to use these skills in successfully addressing specific challenges identified by the teams themselves at the beginning of the program. Such challenges might include resolving questions about how to collect sex and agedisaggregated data, how to train community health workers on the importance of gathering gender-related data, or how to use this data to inform decisions about programs and policy changes that take gender into account. This gender VLDP responds to the GHI Women, Girls, and Gender Equality by enhancing the ability of teams to collect and use sex- and age-disaggregated data “to enable the monitoring of progress and evaluation of effectiveness of programs related to the principle.” OUTLINE OF THE PROGRAM The VLDP is a 14-week Internet-based program hosted on the VLDP website of the MEASURE Evaluation project’s partner Management Sciences for Health (MSH). A highly interactive learning program, the VLDP consists of seven learning modules, a supplementary participant workbook, and expert virtual facilitation from experienced leadership, Gender M&E, and organizational development specialists. This VLDP M&E will launch on March 12, 2012 and conclude on June 15, 2012. The deadline for applications is February 3, 2012. Our VLDP experiences in a range of regions show that participation in this program strengthens individual leadership skills, improves team integration and performance, and improves team work climate and the achievement of results. COST AND ELIGIBILITY The VLDP is for M&E working groups/teams in both public and private sector organizations. The VLDP enrolls teams, not individuals. Teams should be working to address a genderrelated M&E of health goal. Team size may vary between 4 and 10 people, all of whom should be located in the same place, preferably in the same building. Teams must be able to meet face-to-face for several hours at least once during each of the seven modules. The program is designed for teams that consistently work together on a routine basis on a common objective or goal and that can commit fully to the program requirements listed above and in the attached application. This VLDP is being offered free of charge to qualified teams. The cost of this program is being supported by USAID. All qualified applications will be considered, with applications from public sector health agencies and local NGOs especially encouraged. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to submitting the application: This VLDP requires participating team members to complete the Gender and Reproductive Health eLearning Course found at before applying. Applications must be accompanied by copies of the certificates of all proposed team members. Once this step is completed, please click the following link to access the application: and e-mail or fax the completed application AND the certificates of completion of the Gender course to Management Sciences for Health (MSH) at or fax number +1.617.250.9090 on or before February 3, 2012. We cannot guarantee acceptance in the program after this date. Applications will be reviewed and selected participants notified in mid-late February 2012. This announcement is not only intended to inform you of the program, but also to ask for referrals of candidates. We would appreciate it if you would forward this application to other potential applicants. For more information, please contact the VLDP M&E team at Additionally, you may contact Susan Post (+1.703.310.3527). You may also access this informational flyer: We hope to have a team from your organization participating! Sincerely, Jason B. Smith, Deputy Director CB/DDU/KM MEASURE Evaluation MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by the Carolina Population Center at University of North Carolina in partnership with Futures Group International, John Snow Inc., ICF Macro, Management Sciences for Health and Tulane University Program Dates: March 12, 2012 to June 15,2012 Applications Due: February 3, 2012 Virtual Leadership Development Program (VLDP) Application for Participation To: Health teams in the areas of collection, reporting, analysis, and use of Gender-related data in Anglophone countries E-mail:; Tel: +1.617.250.9500; Fax: +1.617.250.9090 Please provide the following information: Team coordinator’s name and position: Name of organization: Name and brief description of your organization and specific work that your team does (maximum of 2 paragraphs): Website address: Has your organization previously worked with MEASURE Evaluation? Yes____ No____ Describe one current Gender-related M&E challenge your team is facing or would like to address (maximum of 2 paragraphs): Mailing address and contact information (please include a complete physical mailing address, telephone number, and email address): Team participating in the program. The minimum number of participants per team is 4 and the maximum number is 10. Please indicate the name and e-mail address of each member of the team. (Please note: individual participants must have their own e-mail accounts.) Team Name: Member 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surname First name E-mail address Position Sex (M/F) Cell phone # Does your team meet the following team requirements? (Please check all applicable items): __Able to identify a “real life” M&E challenge which strengthened leadership and management skills could help to successfully address __Involved in the collection, analysis, and use of health data for HIV/AIDS, FP/RH or Infectious Disease programs __Housed in the same location and works together on a regular and on-going basis __Able to physically meet every other week over 14 weeks __Able to individually dedicate 4 to 6 hours of time to the program per week over 13 weeks __Participants can read and write English __Participants can commit to active participation in all aspects of the program as well as completion of assignments, including the initiation of team action plan implementation Does your team meet the following technical requirements? (Please check all applicable items): __Reliable access to a computer and the internet __Minimum 56.6Kb/s modem connection speed __Internet Explorer 5.1 or higher Please complete and return this application to by February 3, 2012. You will receive a written confirmation once your application is received and teams will be notified of acceptance into the program by mid-late February 2012. NOTE: Please remember to attach certificates showing that all team members completed the Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health eLearning Course at