(1) What to produce?
A large portion of Israel’s GDP comes from high tech manufacturing, financial services, and agriculture.
(2) How to produce?
Israel has substantial government ownership of business, but is gradually privatizing companies.
(3) For whom to produce?
The private sector produces goods and services for domestic and international markets based on the market price system.
Placed on the continuum: Israel would fall slightly to the market side of center on the continuum.
Saudi Arabia
(1) What to produce?
Saudi Arabia is the world’s leading producer of oil. The Saudi government continues to invest in industrial production. They are
a leader in petrochemicals, mining, and refining.
(2) How to produce?
Over 95% of the oil industry in the country is operated by the government. Most other major industries have significant
government involvement.
Saudi Arabia relies heavily on specialized labor from other countries. Estimates are that a third of the labor force falls in this
Since the 1980s, the Saudi government has been trying to increase private ownership of business and encourage more joint
ventures with private foreign companies.
(3) For whom to produce?
One third of Saudi Arabia’s GDP is based on exports to other countries. (This is due to the economy’s reliance on the oil sector.)
Place on the continuum: Saudi Arabia would fall to the command side of center on the continuum.
(1) What to produce?
Turkey has a diversified economy with large service, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors.
(2) How to produce?
Since the late 1980s, Turkey has gradually moved from a government directed economy to more private enterprise.
(3) For whom to produce?
One fifth of Turkey’s production is exported. The remainder is consumed by domestic consumers and the government.
Place on the continuum: Turkey would fall between Saudi Arabia and Israel on the market side of the continuum.
Southern/Eastern Asia
(1) What to produce?
40 % of the Chinese economy is still based in state-run industries
60% of the economy is based on the private sector in where producers and consumers make production decisions
(2) How to produce?
The many inefficiencies found in the state-run industries, particularly in the area of agriculture, limit China’s growth.
In the private market, the speed of economic growth has caused Chinese officials to have increasing difficulty monitoring
consumer safety and environmental pollution.
(3) For whom to produce?
China requires food production to meet self-sufficiency level for the nation and only the surplus may be exported. In reality,
there is not enough proper storage of food to meet the self-sufficiency requirement.
China exports a large amount of manufactured goods. However, the expanding middle class in China is seen as a growth market
for both Chinese and foreign companies.
Place on the continuum: China is slightly on the market side of center on the continuum.
(1) What to produce?
Since 1991, India has slowly allowed the markets to open up to private sector domestic and foreign businesses.
The majority of the population relies on subsistence agriculture as a means of survival.
There is a lot of bureaucracy and corruption involved in setting up and operating business.
(2) How to produce?
India is increasing its oversight of intellectual and private property rights, but legal challenges are fraught with bureaucracy.
India has an increasingly educated workforce particularly in areas of engineering and computer science.
A complex, corrupt, and hefty tax system can sometimes make operating a business in India difficult.
(3) For whom to produce?
Food production is largely for domestic consumers with many citizens producing food mainly for their own family consumption.
The software and business process outsourcing industries are rapidly expanding export markets for private Indian companies.
Place on the continuum: India would be more to the market side of the continuum than China.
(1) What to produce?
Japan’s economy is primarily market driven with supply and demand determining what will be produced.
The few industries that are highly government-controlled, such as agriculture, have much lower productivity rates than those
industries controlled by market forces.
(2) How to produce?
Private businesses determine their own production processes in most of the economy.
(3) For whom to produce?
Japan’s population enjoys a high standard of living and creates a strong domestic market for goods and services.
The efficiency of Japan’s production and its reputation for quality products/services has made it a major exporter.
Place on the continuum: Out of all four countries in this element, Japan would be the closest to the market side of the
North Korea
(1) What to produce?
Although there have been some small market reforms recently, the majority of legal economic activities are centrally controlled
by the government.
Due to natural disaster and inefficient government-run industries, North Korea is a major recipient of food and
basic service aid from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and foreign nations. The U.S. provides the people of North Korea
with a large amount of aid.
Like in many highly centralized economies, there is a large underground economy that runs on a more market based system.
(2) How to produce?
Production decisions and methods are primarily determined by the government.
(3) For whom to produce?
Approximately one fourth of all domestic output is devoted to maintaining the military. This severely limits the amount of
goods and services that make it to the rest of the people of North Korea.
North Korea produces natural resources and manufactured goods for export.
Place on the continuum: North Korea would be much more to the command side of the continuum than any of the other
nations discussed. One of the most command economies in the world today.
South Africa
(1) What to produce?
A large portion of South Africa’s GDP comes from a highly developed, privatized enterprise system rivaling many other
developed economies. The private sector is based on mining, agriculture, services, and manufacturing.
Due to large inequities established by apartheid era policies, the South African government operates a relatively large social
services sector and maintains state-run enterprises in the areas of housing, business development, education, basic services,
and healthcare.
(2) How to produce?
In the developed sector, private businesses and consumers make production decisions based on market
principles and international economic standards.
The Reconstruction and Development Plan designed as a blueprint for providing social services is administered by a number of
government ministries.
(3) For whom to produce?
The private sector produces goods and services for domestic and international markets based on the market price system.
The government social services sector produces public goods and services based upon the needs of the population throughout
the country.
Place on the continuum: South Africa is a strong market economy with some command characteristics.
(1) What to produce?
Nigeria’s major industry is petroleum production. This is followed by agriculture.
Business development is difficult because of corruption and ineffective government oversight of markets.
It is estimated that as much as 75% of Nigeria’s economy occurs in the informal sector and it not counted in GDP.
(2) How to produce?
After years of government control, the country’s major industries are increasingly becoming privatized. This includes the
petroleum industry and banking sector.
Corruption, high tariffs on imported goods, and lack of infrastructure cause production inefficiencies.
(3) For whom to produce?
46% of Nigeria’s daily oil production is exported to the United States.
Due to an overvalued currency, Nigerians import many consumer goods. Many domestic manufacturers have been unable to
compete with cheap imports and have closed.
Place on the continuum: Nigeria is on the market side of the continuum, but is more toward the command end than South