Student Awareness on Global Warming

Student Awareness on Global
Tina Tsantakis
Education 703.22
Spring 2009
Dr. O’Connor - Petruso
Table of Contents
Statement of the Problem
Review of Related Literature
Statement of the Hypothesis
Experimental/Research Design
The purpose of this study was to identify how much awareness
children have on global warming. This study investigated two
different age groups, ages 7-10 years old and 13-16 years old. This
study utilized the results from KWL charts, pre-tests- post-tests and
student surveys. Based on the findings in this action research paper,
it is evident that children from different age groups have a moderate
amount of awareness on global warming and do care about this
problem. The research shows that children do care about what’s
going on around them and can help make a difference and do care to
change things for the better.
Global warming is the increase in the
average temperature of the Earth’s surface.
The increasing global temperature is causing
sea levels to rise, glaciers are melting and an
increase with intense weather extremes.
Further impact to our planet awaits us if we
don’t act fast. Let’s reach out to our children
to help save our planet.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to investigate student awareness
on global warming and to find out how much knowledge
children have on global warming. Every year our earth is
being effected by global warming and is creating a dangerous
future for our children. Studies show that children have some
awareness but do very little to help the earth. Implementing a recycling
program in classrooms are very useful tools that will help children become
more aware and caring for the Earth.
Review of Related Literature
Noam Chomsky believes global warming is a major issue and that it’s being ignored.
Chomsky explains that Bush’s administration pushes aside scientific inquiry on global
warming. He believes that we can possibly face catastrophic damage if global warming
issues continue to be ignored. Chomsky emphasizes that the government needs to take
action and acknowledge the potential harm that is facing us.
Chomsky, N. (2005.) Intelligent design?
Khaleej Times. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from
Jean Piaget was a famous natural scientist and philosopher well known for
his studies with children. His theory was based on cognitive development.
The constructivist theory is based on knowing and developing. Piaget
supports my thesis topic because he was known to be one of the greatest
natural scientists and had strong beliefs in trying to build knowledge on
important topics and to develop and investigate issues.
Literature Review
Saunders, M. A (1999) and Vega, M. A (2005). Saunders and Al Gore are researchers
that are very interested with saving our planet. Al Gore created a campaign to raise
awareness and to address global warming issues. Saunders and Al Gore are concerned
about the climate change, rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the
rising sea level. They both agree that greenhouse gases are due to human activities and
has started effecting the earth since the 1700’s. Burning forests down, fossil fuels
burning, decaying rubbish are all enhancing the greenhouse gases. As a result, we
have seen dramatic changes in global temperature, precipitation, sea level and weather
Saunders, M. A. (1999). Earth’s future climate. Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical,
Physical and Engineering Sciences, (357)1763, 3459-3480.
Vega, M. C. (2005). Warning from Gore on future S.F. speech focuses on global warming.
Retrieved October 5, 2008, from
Literature Review
Cleaver (2007), Oluk S. & Ozalp I. (2007)and Mason, Lucia, Santi, Marina. (Feb
1998) believe that global environmental problems should be implemented into the the
curriculum and will increase student knowledge on global warming and will make
children more caring for the earth. Children in today’s world are spending much more
time indoors than outdoors. When students are in class, usually they are not learning
about the environment. When the children are at home, usually they watch TV, finish
homework, play video games or use the computer. Environmental responsiveness is a
major component in environmental education and there are ways to build children’s
knowledge on global warming and green house effects. (Mason, Lucia, Santi, Marina.,
Feb 1998) and (Cleaver, 2007)
Cleaver, S. (2007). Classrooms are going green: How green classrooms are
reconnecting kids with nature. Instructor, (3)117, 20-24.
Mason, Lucia, Santi, Marina. (Feb 1998) Discussing the Greenhouse Effect: Children's
Collaborative Discourse
Reasoning and Conceptual Change. Environmental Education Research, Vol. 4, No. 1,
pp 67-85.
Oluk, S., & Ozalp, I. (2007). The teaching of global environmental problems according to
the constructivist approach: As a focal point of the problem and the availability of
concept cartoons. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, (7)2, 881-896.
Literature Review
Jeronen E., Kaikkonen M. (2002) and Malkus, A., Musser L. (1997) examine
relationships between children’s environmental concern. These researchers believe
that children have some awareness on global warming, but need to build more
knowledge on prevention. Malkus, A., & Musser, L. (1997) found that younger
children were more concerned with the environment then older children. The children
who are concerned with the environment are looking to help save their planet and
make their parents aware as well.
Jeronen, E., & Kaikkonen, M. (2002, October). Thoughts of Children and Adults about the
Environment and Environmental Education. International Research in Geographical
& Environmental Education, 11(4), 341-353. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from
AcaSearch Premier database.
Malkus, A., & Musser, L. (1997, April 1). Environmental Concern in School-Age
Children. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED407099) Retrieved
November 20, 2008, from ERIC database.
Literature Review
Adler, H. J. (1992), and Cherif, A. (1995) believe educators should design
new strategies to incorporate a range of options that include teaching
recycling and waste management in schools to ensure recycling behavior and
more participation in waste management. Both researchers agree that more
education will make the difference and that recycling should be a part of the
school curriculum. Cherif (1995) article lists major objectives in teaching
Adler, H. J. (1992). Little green lies. The environmental miseducation of
America’s children. Policy Review, 61, 18-26.
Cherif, A. (1995, January 1). Toward a Rationale for Recycling in Schools.
Journal of Environmental Education, 26(4), 5-10. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. EJ546546) Retrieved December 8, 2008, from
ERIC database.
Statement of the Hypothesis
HR1: Implementing environmental science into the
curriculum and integrating recycling programs in
classrooms will increase student awareness on global
warming and will therefore help save our planet.
HR2: Not implementing environmental science into the
curriculum and not integrating recycling programs into
classrooms will cause further damage to our planet and
will steer children away from the environmental issues
that face them in the future.
- 30 students
- 7-10 yrs old and 13-16 years old
- 3rd and 9th grade level (2 classrooms)
- 50 % African American,
40 % Hispanic, 10 % other
- Principal & parent consent forms
- KWL chart
- Pre-test
- Post-test
- Student survey
Experimental Design
- Quasi Experimental Non Equivalent
Control Group Design
- Two groups are pre-tested (o), exposed to
3 lessons (x) and post-tested (o)
- Groups are randomly assigned.
- Symbolic design:
O X1 O
O X2 O
Research conducted from November
2008 to May 2009
Principal & parent consent granted
KWL utilized to introduce topic
Pre-test to evaluate prior knowledge
and awareness
Three lessons (treatment)
Post-test given after treatment
Student survey based on opinions on
global warming
Pre-Test & Post Test Results For 7-10 Years Old
Average Score For Each Test (7-10 Yrs Old)
Pre-Test Mean=70.6
Post-Test Mean=82
There is a 12 percent increase found between both tests.
Pre-Test & Post Test Results For 13-16 Years Old
Average Score For Each Test (13-16 Yrs Old)
Pre-Test Mean=68.6
Post-Test Mean=92.5
There is approximately 24 percent increase found between both tests.
Correlation Graph - Pre-Test Awareness
Rxy= 0.94
Strong Correlation
Level of awareness
Level 1 = 0% – 59%
Level 2 = 60% - 69%
Level 3 = 70% - 89%
Level 4 = 90% - 100%
Pre-Test Awareness For Both Age Groups
Score %
Correlation Graph - Post-Test Awareness
Rxy= 0.92
Strong correlation
Level 1 = 0% – 59%
Level 2 = 60% - 69%
Level 3 = 70% - 89%
Level 4 = 90% - 100%
Student Survey
Question #2 Recycling is useful and can help save our planet.
Student Awareness
Awareness level
4 = Very high
3 = High
2 = Low
1 = Very low
Awareness level
7-10 yrs old
13-16 yrs old
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# of students
Based on the pre-test, post-test and survey, there are very strong
relationships found between the two different age groups. The data also
shows that the students from both age groups gained more
knowledge after treatment.
The bar graphs show that both age groups increased their
knowledge after treatment. The scatterplots represent strong
correlations between both age groups and how much awareness
they have on the pre-test and post-test. The student survey was
based on opinions on recycling and the outcomes were very high,
which means the students from both age groups do care about
The results show that students from both age groups have some knowledge
on global warming and indicate their concern and hope to prevent further
damage to Earth. This action research report agrees with Noam Chomsky,
Jean Piaget, Saunders and Vega. All of theses theorists are very concerned
with global warming. The topics mentioned in their articles discuss the
negative effects of fossil fuels burning and the rising sea levels.
Cleaver, Oluk and Ozalp strongly believe that environmental science should
be implemented into the curriculum and would further increase student
awareness. We face a major problem and something can be done. Reaching
out to children is a great start to helping our Earth.
Further research is required and investigating other strategies similar to
recycling and implementing environmental science is necessary. More time
is necessary to complete research.
ELL student may have difficulty reading
KWL chart, pre-test, post-test and survey.
More time is required.
Further research is needed.
Threats to Internal Validity
History – Students will be filling out one attitude survey and completing a
pre-test and post-test. Possible disturbances such as firedrills, constant
announcements, classroom phone ringing, ELL pull out group, other teachers
entering the classroom can effect my research. Some students may not be
honest on the survey or tests.
Maturation – Some students are tire out quickly on tests. The survey and
tests have never been administered before so therefore the students may lose
interest quickly.
Instrumentation – Several students have difficulty reading English.
Mortality - Two students have already been discharged and one student is
often absent, suspended or pulled out due to behavioral issues.
Selection Maturation Interaction – The students I’m testing and surveying
fall into different age groups (7-9 yrs old & 13-16 yrs old)
Threats to External Validity
Ecological Validity – The students come from poor economic backgrounds
and are low performing on standardized tests.
Specificity of Variables – All variables are related to my research project.
Treatment Diffusion – Students communicate with other students, parents
and administrators and therefore can influence their beliefs.
Reactive Arrangements/Participants Effects – People tend to change their
thoughts and opinions over time especially after gaining more knowledge on
a specific topic.
Causes of global warming
Effects of global warming