Unit 9 Chapter 8 Review

Unit 9 Chapter 8 Review
1. Draw a cell in telophase.
2. Draw a cell in prophase.
3. Draw a cell in anaphase.
4. When does separation of homologues occur?
5. How does DNA become more compact to fit with a cell?
6. What happens during crossing-over?
7. What is mitosis?
8. Describe the chromosome of a bacterium.
9. What is the sequence of the cell cycle?
10. In plant cells, cytokinesis occurs when___________________________.
11. How many chromosomes are in the human body? _________. # of sex
chromosomes____________. # of autosomes___________.
12. What is a spindle fiber?
13. During what stage of mitosis do the centromeres divide?
14. How does cell division occur in a bacterium?
Unit 9 Chapter 8 Review
15. # of chromosomes in a human skin cell__________. # of chromosomes in an human egg
16. The exchange of segments of DNA between a pair of chromosomes leads to
17. Describe a diploid cell.
18. What does a karyotype show?
19. What is the difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of meiosis?
20. What phase of mitosis is characterized by the arrangement of all chromosomes along the
equator of the cell?
21. What are chromatids?
22. What stage of the cell cycle occupies most of the cells life?
23. What is a centromere?
24. How many chromosomes are in the body cells of an organism that has a haploid # of 8?
25. If a cell contains 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will the new cells contain after
mitosis and cytokinesis?
26. Following replication of its DNA, each chromosome contains two ____________________,
which are attached to each other by a centromere.
27. Chromosomes that are not involved in sex determination are called ____________________.
Unit 9 Chapter 8 Review
28. A picture of a cell’s chromosomes is called a(n) ____________________.
29. ____________________ is the process by which bacteria split asexually into two identical
30. In bacteria, cell division takes place in two stages. First the ____________________ is copied,
and then the cell splits.
31. The sequence of events that occurs in a cell from one mitotic division to the next is called the
32. Collectively, the time spent in G1 + S + G2 is called ____________________.
33. Microtubules that extend from the poles of a cell to the centromeres during cell division are
called ____________________.
34. In mitosis, anaphase follows ____________________.
35. Chromosomes coil up into short rods during ____________________.
36. During cell division, plant cells form a new ____________________ in the center of the cell.
37. The stage of meiosis during which homologues line up along the equator of the cell is called
38. In eukaryotic cells, ____________________ takes place after the nucleus divides.
39. The process called ____________________ guarantees that the number of chromosomes in
gametes is half the number of chromosomes in body cells.
40. A reciprocal exchange of corresponding segments of DNA is called ____________________.
41. Control of the cell cycle occurs at three main ____________________.
42. The cells resulting from meiosis in either males or females are called ____________________.
43. Cancer occurs as a result of disorders in cell ____________________.