Visible Statement of Support
MPL is visible in the newsletters and programs • Weekly managers’ meeting devotes a segment to MPL growth and programs • Column in the newsletter from
Executive Director talks about successful aging • Resident Handbook contains a
section on Masterpiece Living • Website commitment—a link on the Querencia website’s home page discusses MPL
Media Outreach
1. “Scientific Research Guides Seniors into Life Balance with New Program Offered by Querencia at Barton Creek”-
2. “Skydiving seniors feel, at this age, ‘invincible’”-Austin American Statesman 3. “Querencia Residents
Exhibit Spirit of Older Americans Month”-CNN iReport In addition, we have appeared in the local newspaper, the Austin American Statesman and on KXAN news. In the Statesman, we have been featured 6 times in the “Fit Folks” column and for our skydiving event.
A Message from our Executive Director
Successful Aging Q-Style
May 2013 Newsletter
Querencia is a Masterpiece Living community. What does this mean? In this month’s column, I’d like to discuss what you can do to contribute to Masterpiece Living, and how this culture change will positively impact you for successful aging.
The MacArthur Foundational research found that those who age successfully have three things in common. First of all, they work hard at keeping their physical and mental abilities sharp by staying active; they “use it” in order not to “lose it”. Next, the people who stay on the playing field of life, rather than in the bleachers, have much less impairment than those who don’t. Staying engaged in life means having a network of friends and doing something meaningful. Meaningful, in this case, is anything that makes the person feel they are doing something worthwhile; either by helping others or contributing to a worldly cause, as well as anything that simply makes them feel content. Lastly, those who age successfully refuse to be victims. They learn that in order to remain healthy and injury free, they must visit their doctor regularly who will conduct physicals and preventive tests.
At Querencia, one of the most exciting parts of aging successfully is your ability to take an active role in your health and wellness by participating in the Masterpiece Living
Review. There are three reviews you are encouraged to take: Lifestyle Review, Mobility
Review, and the Mayo Clinic Health Risk Assessment.
The Lifestyle and Mayo Clinic Reviews can occur at your leisure by picking up a hard copy from Fran Werner or completing it online. We are also glad to assist you with completing the reviews online on May 9th from 11am – 4pm in the Conference Room.
The Mobility Reviews are scheduled on May 10th from 1pm – 4pm in the Longhorn
Room. Similar to last year, we will have physical therapy students present to assist each resident in completing the review. Please be sure to call the Concierge and schedule your appointment.
These reviews provide the community and our team the information and feedback we need to design an engaging lifestyle program that meets our resident’s expectations.
Thank you for taking the first step in successful aging – living at Querencia!
--- Nate
Data Driven Programming
• Today’s Communication Technology—in both IL and AL (started this past year in
IL and Lifestyle Review results indicate a significant increase in computer use) •
Walking Club—in Assisted Living • Volunteers group—in Independent Living •
Great Courses—in Independent Living, to increase group intellectual challenges.
Enhanced Programs
During performances, residents and team members get up and dance • Strength training has incorporated trivia, current events and nutrition during exercise •
Out to lunch became “Around the World” out to lunch, where residents share their experiences of different places and cultures.
Departmental Cultural Enhancements
CNAs in skilled nursing and assisted living now participate in activities with residents, and help residents with their “life stories,” recording stories •
Housekeeping staff created a crafts group with the residents, taught them how
to make tamales, and took them on outings • Marketing team members assist in annual MPL Reviews and have taken a larger role in helping engage residents and showcase Querencia as a successful aging community
Physical Environment
Both residents and team members are encouraged to use the numerous stairwells that are always open. This was kicked off with our “StairWell to Health” campaign.
• Our nature trails (2 miles) are open to all staff and team members and use is encouraged. • A pet park was created, increasing the socialization of residents with pets (and a place for those who don’t have pets to have some “pet time”).
Annual All-Staff MPL Training
Team Member Expectations
Orientation includes an extensive section on MPL. Directors are held accountable, as part of their annual performance, in terms of their ability to
communicate and embrace MPL to their departments. Job descriptions have been changed to include facilitating successful aging. Performance appraisals include successful aging behaviors. Interview questions include such things as “do you believe that all people can continue to grow and thrive?” “Will you support residents on their successful aging journeys?”
Greater Community Engagement
• We offer Powerful Tools for Care Partners, a free 6-week course • Several events throughout the year are open to the Barton Creek neighborhood • Seniors
Sketching Seniors—program with Westlake High School provides intergenerational opportunities • Grandparents’ Day with St. Gabriel’s elementary school.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Completing The CSA Application *
*but were afraid to ask
Step 1: Our core team met to review the application. We discussed whether we thought we met the criteria for acceptance, and how we wanted to proceed (approx. 1-1 ½ hours).
Step 2: We decided to divide the application into the six sections, and each core team member would focus on one section (approx. 2 hours each).
They were divided as follows:
-Executive Director and Associate Executive Director à Leadership
-Marketing Director à Community Outreach
-Lifestyles Director and Healthcare (AL, SNF, MS) Lifestyles Manager à
Resident Engagement and Purposeful Programming
HR Manager and Healthcare Administrator à Team Member Engagement
Wellness Manager à Culture
After each person worked on their section, the Wellness Manager met with them individually (approx. ½-1 hour each), to help coordinate that information was not being duplicated and that all aspects were being covered.
Step 3: The Wellness Manager coordinated all sections, and completed the application, adding in the supplemental materials (approx. 4-6 hours).
Step 4: The core team met again, and reviewed each section of the completed application as a group. This helped assure that nothing was omitted or duplicated, and that the application was complete and inclusive of all activities. The application was “tweaked”, and then put into its final version (approx. 2 hours).
Step 5: The application and supplemental materials were submitted, and then we waited patiently for the results.