Prof. Snyder's Powerpoint-Indian Religious Tradition

Comparison of Religious Traditions
Middle Eastern (J-C-I)
Indian (Hindu)
Anthropomorphic Monotheism
Polymorphic Pantheism
God is transcendent
The One is immanent
Revealed—the Word of God
Nonrevealed—human insights
Outer search
Inner search
The Indian Religious Tradition: Hinduism
The Indian Religious Tradition: Hinduism
Early Period: Rig Veda and Brahmanas
Religion = priests + rituals (mechanical approach)
The Upanishads: spirituality, mysticism
The Nature of reality:
Maya (illusion): ignorance vs. sin
Brahman-atman (the “world soul”, ultimate reality)
eternal, unchanging, everywhere the same, one
The nature of life:
Atman (individual “soul”, eternal Self)
Samsara (reincarnation)—The human being:
physical body, outer self, inner Self (atman)
The Law of Karma (cause and effect)
“As ye sow so shall ye reap”
Caste hierarchy
Dharma (cosmic order; caste duty; right action)
The Indian Religious Tradition: Hinduism
The Goal of Life: moksha (release from samsara)
Paths to the goal: yoga (union with the One)
Unlimited possibilities
Some types:
Jnana yoga: wisdom, enlightenment
Karma yoga: work, dharma
Bhakti yoga: devotion
The key is selflessness
Indian Religious Tradition: Hinduism
The full development of Hinduism:
New Popular deities: the Trimurti
Brahma: the Creator
Vishnu: the Preserver
Shiva: the Destroyer
The Doctrine of Avatars (incarnations)
Hinduism absorbs all deities
The Ideal Pattern of Life:
Forest dweller (sadhu)
The Indian Religious Tradition: Hinduism
(Shiva Nataraja)
Indian Religious Tradition: Jainism & Buddhism
Jainism: ahimsa (non-harm, non-injury)
Siddhartha Gautama (the “Buddha”)
His life as a model (tathagata)
The four sights
His Enlightenment: the Four Noble Truths
1. Dukkha—pain, suffering, unsatisfactoriness
2. Cause of dukkha—attachment, wanting
3. Elimination of dukkha—non-attachment
4. The Eightfold Path—leads to Nirvana
Monasticism—separation from the world
Indian Religious Tradition: Hinduism and Buddhism
Similarities and differences:
Both agree that:
Life involves pain and suffering
This is caused by attachment
Relief comes from non-attachment
There is reincarnation
Happiness can be found in this life
Buddhism disagrees:
There is no Brahman
There is no Atman
Rejects the caste system
People (including women) are equal
Indian Religious Tradition: Images