The Cay

The Cay
By:Theodore Taylor
Character List
Phillip Enright- he is eleven years old. He lives in Willemstad on the island of
Curaco, the largest of the Dutch islands, just off the coast of Venezuela. Philip
is excited about the war because he has never experienced it before. He is a
skinny boy with dark brown hair and he is short.. He’s the type of boy who
brags about himself and is proud of whatever he does.
Timothy - He is an old black man with white hair. He is not good with
spelling or his speech but he was very helpful old man on the island.
Philip’s mother- She lives and her husband on the island of Curaco. She’s a
women whose afraid of war. She always try’s to run away instead of just
facing it.
Philip’s father- He is a strong man like Philip who is proudly working in the
war (fighting). He lives most of the time on the island of Curaco with his
Henrik- Is a good little boy who is one of Philips best friends. He lives with
his family on the island too. He was a boy who grew up without prejudice the
opposite of Phillip.
Setting/Plot/Opinion Summary
This story takes place in Willemstad on the island of Curacao the largest of the Dutch
islands, just off the coast of Venezuela. The city looks like part of Holland. The other
part of the story takes place on a island off the coast of Panama.
The Cay is about a boy who lives on a large Dutch island. His parents are scared
because their is going to be a war. So his mom decides to get on a ship to come to the
U.S. While they were on the ship, they got torpedoed and the ship sunk. phillip got hit
in the head and was knocked unconscious. He was saved by a black man on the ship
named, Timothy. They sailed in a raft until they found a island in a Cay off the coast of
Panama. After a few days Phillip was blind. They built a hut and Phillip learned how to
work his way around the island so he could survive if Timothy died. They always kept
a rescue fire going so someone could see them. One day their was a hurricane and
Timothy got hurt just to protect Timothy. He died because he was old and injured. A
few days later a helicopter flew by and rescued Phillip.
We think the book was pretty good. It was very descriptive. We were all happy when
Phillip was rescued. It was very creative how they built their hut and survived on that
little island.
Flow Chart
2) Philip was in the water when something hit
his head. He woke up with Timothy(another
survivor) on a raft in the middle of the ocean.
He was scared and asked a lot of questions.
He went back to sleep on the raft and woke
up blind.
4) Philip and Timothy had been on the island
3) Philip was really scared because he
could not see. But after being on the raft for about a month and Timothy was teaching
Philip how to get around the island without
a day Timothy spotted an island. He
seeing anything. It was hard but Philip tried
described it to Philip and paddled over
hard to get around.
1) The boat crash- The boat that was
taking families away from the war was
bombed by a submarine. The ship sunk
but some people were able to be saved
by lifeboats.
to the island.
5)One day Timothy sensed a Hurricane and
knew he was right. Together they worked to
get the island ready for the bad storm. Finally
the storm came. They had to hold onto a tree
and Timothy protected Philip from the
weather and it killed him.
6) Philip was all by himself on the island after
the bad storm. He used everything Timothy
taught him. One day he heard a plane and he
started a fire and was rescued. He had many
stories to tell about the Cay.
As the wind rises, and the tide got higher, Timothy and Phillip held on for
dear life. When winds rose to its pinnacle, the rope that was wrapped around
them suddenly snapped. Phillip was swept into the dark, wrathful sea, and in
desperation, Timothy leaps into the raging water in look for him.
After the great effort, Timothy half alive himself, gives up. The tide bakes
out and the sun comes out to see the outcome of the storm. A sudden blast of a
horn brings him back to reality. fatigued and rundown Timothy waits on his
knees in the sand for the boat to approach. The three white men on this petite
boat asks him if he has seen a little boy by the name Phillip. Timothy still in
mute because of the tragedy looses his tongue. The white men are still
unaware of what happened but they are afraid of bringing him on the ship
because of disease and illness of a Negro. The sailors in thought that Timothy
lives on the island, they row back.