Chapter 3 What is the central mystery of our Catholic faith? Blessed

Chapter 3
What is the central mystery of our Catholic faith? Blessed Trinity
What is the Great Commandment? “You shall love your God with all your heart, with all your soul…”
Define Evangelization. Sharing of the good news of Jesus
Define Grace—a sharing in God’s life, unites us to the Blessed Trinity
Whose job is evangelization? The whole church
How do we evangelize to people who already believe in Jesus Christ? Encourage to grow in faith
Who are the three divine persons that make up the Blessed Trinity?
What empowered Jesus to teach and share God’s love? The holy spirit
Chapter 5
Which Gospels are synoptic? Matthew Luke and Mark
To whom did Jesus proclaim the Good News? Everyone
What does the word Gospel mean? Good news
What is a parable? A short story with a message
Who wrote the first Gospel? Mark
Which is the only Gospel that contains Jesus’ parable about the lost sheep, coin, and son? Luke
Which is the shortest of the Gospels? Mark
Which Gospel contains the most poetic language and imagery? John
Which Gospel highlights Jesus’ Jewish heritage? Matthew
Define the Incarnation. Son of God became man
Chapter 6
Which of the Blessed Trinity is eternally present and at work in the Church? Holy Spirit
What event marks the beginning of the Church? Pentecost
Where does the word Messiah come from? “Anointed one”
When do we receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit? Baptism
Is the Holy Spirit needed for evangelization? Yes
What is a prophet? Someone who speaks on behalf of God
When did God lead the Israelites through the desert in a column of cloud and fire? Exodus
In what book of the Bible is it told of the Holy Spirit moved among creation as the very wind, breath, and spirit of
creation? Genesis
Chapter 10
What does the word apostle mean? “one who is sent”
What must we have in order for Jesus to grant us healing? Faith
What does the word Sabbath mean? A day set apart to rest and honor God.
Who were the first to Apostles that Jesus called? Simon, called Peter, and Andrew
Which prophet said that an “Annointed One” would liberate the people and set them free from sickness,
hunger, fear, sin, and even death? Isaiah
6. How did the disciples see Jesus’ power to act in ways that went beyond the ordinary laws of nature? Witnessing
Jesus’ miracles
7. Who were the sons of Zebedee? James and John
8. Who took over Jesus’ mission after his ascension into heaven? The 12 Apostles
9. Why did Jesus perform miracles? To bring people to faith and to enhance their lives
10. What was the Apostle Matthew’s occupation? Tax collector
Chapter 11
1. What did Jesus tell his disciples about his death? He would rise on the third day
2. What do we, as Catholic’s, call the day Jesus died? Good Friday
3. What did Peter respond when Jesus asked who they said he was? “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living
4. Who buried Jesus after his crucifixion? Joseph of Arimathea
5. What is Sanhedrin? Supreme religious court of the Jews
6. Which Roman governor handed Jesus over to the crowd to be crucified? Pontius Pilate
7. What did Jesus know about how people would receive him? He knew they would oppose him
8. Why did Jesus break bread and share the cup? To offer himself for our salvation
9. Where can we read about Jesus’ sufferings and experience before it happened? Old Testament
10. Why did Jesus die? To fulfill God’s plan of salvation and to offer us eternal life with God.
Chapter 12
What is the Ascension? The return of Jesus in all his glory to his father in heaven
What is the Paschal Mystery? The suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus
How long did Jesus remain with his disciples before ascending into heaven? 40 days
Who did the risen Christ appear to first? Mary Magdalene
Which two books of the Bible do we read about Jesus’ Ascension? Acts of Apostles and Luke
What empowered the disciples to carry on the mission of Jesus with its arrival at Pentecost? Holy Spirit
What did Jesus urge the Apostles to proclaim to the entire world? The Gospel
In which Sacrament does each member of the community gain the responsibility to participate in Jesus’ mission?
9. Whom did Jesus commission to carry on the work of salvation? Apostles
10. Through what did Christ accomplish his work of salvation? Paschal Mystery
Chapter 15
What is the Greek word that Pentecost comes from? fiftieth
What is Chrism? Perfumed oil blessed by bishop
What are Confirmation Candidates? Those preparing for the sacrament of confirmation
What does a sponsor do at Confirmation? Present the candidates to the bishop for anointing
What is a diocese? Local area of the church led by a bishop
What part of the body does the bishop anoint at Confirmation? forehead
What does the anointing at Confirmation complete? Baptismal anointing
What do we celebrate each year on Pentecost Sunday? The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s disciples
Who told the crowd gathered on Pentecost to repent and be baptized? Peter
What is the candidate of Confirmation’s response after they are anointed with chrism? Amen
Chapter 16
What is a word that means “of or relating to the Passover”? Paschal
What is the Communion Rite? The assembly preparing to receive the body and blood of Christ
What is Exodus? The Hebrews’ journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom
What is the assembly’s response to the first reading? Responsorial Psalm
At what part of the mass do the Profession of Faith and Prayer of the Faithful take place? Lit. of Word
At what part of the mass is the Preparation of the Gifts and Rite of Peace? Lit. of Eucharist
From what did God send his son to save us from? Sin
What was sealed between God and his people through Christ’s suffering and death? The New Covenant
What feast was Jesus celebrating at the Last Supper? Passover
How was the Eucharist celebrated in the early Church? Through the power of the Holy Spirit in the breaking of
Chapter 17
1. What does our conscience do? Help us to know what is right and wrong
2. What does the priest do through the power of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Penance? Grants forgiveness
for our sins
3. What is a mortal sin? Serious sin that turns us completely away from God
4. What does the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick celebrate? Jesus’ works of healing
5. What are the three main parts in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick? Prayer of faith, laying of hands,
anointing with oil
6. What are the “Last Sacraments”? Penance, Anointing of Sick, and Eucharist as viaticum
7. What is The Eucharist as viaticum and when is it given? It is food for the journey and given as the person
approaches death
8. What is contrition? Heartfelt sorrow
9. What is the act of confession? Telling our sins to the priest
10. Why do we do penance? To show that we are sorry
11. What does it mean when the priest grants us absolution? Forgives us and welcomes us back
12. Which two sacraments are the Sacraments of Healing? Penance and Anointing of the Sick
Chapter 21
When God asked Cain where he brother Abel was, what did Cain reply? Am I my brothers keeper
Define Works of Mercy. Acts of love by which we care for bodily and spiritual needs of others
What is the Golden Rule? Treat others as you want to be treated
Define Almsgiving. Sharing of resources to help those in need
What can we do to change lives? The works of mercy
How did Jews view Samaritans in Jesus’ time? As enemies
Define Last Judgment. Jesus’ coming at the end of time to judge all people
In which parable does Jesus emphasize that all people are our neighbors and we should treat them with mercy
and compassion. Good Samaritan
9. Finish the quote- “Whatever you did for the least brothers of mine, ________” you did for me.
10. What is each Work of Mercy that we perform preparing us for? Last Judgement
11. Which prophet in the Old Testament spoke of mercy as sharing bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed,
and clothing the naked? Isaiah
Chapter 22
What is abortion? The killing of an unborn baby
From scripture, what can we find is God’s peace? More than the absence of war
As Christians, whom do we respect? All people
Is our work a sign of our participation in God’s work? Yes
What did God create us to be? Stewards
What is the teaching for the church that calls all members to work for justice and peace? Catholic social teaching
What are we working for when we oppose every form of injustice? Social justice
What is the well-being of every individual person and of the whole society to which everyone belongs to know
as? Common good
9. Define human dignity. Value and worth that we share because God created us in his image and likeness
10. What is conduct in conformity with God’s will? Righteousness