YVSC Community Meeting Agenda February 6, 2013, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Rooms 113-114 Inspiring our Community for Future Generations I. Call to Order II. Introductions– 27 ATTENDEES III. Approval of Minutes from January 3, 2012 IV. YVSC Updates 1. Energy Roundtable – March 6 in Citizens’ Hall replacement of monthly meeting, talking about energy reduction plan what it looks like on a state level and a county level. 12-1 2. Talking Green – In Transition 2.0 Feb 26 5:30 8:00 Crock Potluck and brainstorming session, March 26 Local Food panel with Natural Grocers, Ag Alliance, and CSU Ag Extension, barriers, action items. April: Green Cars. 3. Sustainable Schools – Energy education at all four schools in the district, all students, with CMC for the Two Weeks to Take Charge Energy Challenge to see who can reduce their energy use the most in 2 weeks. Green Team summit March 23 before Earth Hour to engage students to make change in our community. 4. Green Building/Energy – See ICAST below for update on EnergyFIT program launch. Energy Group also involved regularly with YVEA, same status as last month on Solar Garden and manager hiring 5. Zero Waste - Wedding Fair – reducing your impact form now on ZW page 6. Yampa Valley Recycles – Meeting tomorrow 121 here, no lunch anymore. Park and Rec meeting for recycling and water monsters at all parks events this summer (as part of the permitting process), finalizing strategic plan, including moving forward with Recycling ordinance. 7. Sustainability Working Group – focusing on energy and zeroing in on March 6 presentation for roundtable, statistics. Next meeting Feb 21 8. June 9 Retree – Stagecoach, High School, and Mt Werner. Descriptions of trees, planting, committees now online. Helpers needed. Next Meeting March 5th. V. Partner Updates 1. Barb Parnell/Karen Massey - LiveWell Food Assessment Results – Final results linked now to YVSC Blog in post dated 2/7 – also the Powerpoint shown in today’s meeting. Strategic group formed into Northwest Colorado Food Coalition. Goal: Resilient, sustainable, locally supported food system. For shocking statistics about food poverty levels see the Powerpoint. Also see the online survey and please participate about local food regulations for CSU Ag Extension Office. Next NWCFC meeting Feb 19 12:30-2 Trout Room – email livewellbparnell@gmail.com 2. Sasha Nelson - Conservation Colorado (Formerly Colorado Environmental Coalition and Colorado Conservation Voters)”because the future is worth the fight,” www.conservationco.org, signup for the newsletter and sign up for Facebook – need 1500 likes on FB in Feb for a $1500 private donation. Wilderness, Clean Energy, and Water are current focuses. State leg is session: 2 priorities are Oil and Gas and Clean Energy. Recently lost fights on land and water quality/protection for oil and gas permitting. GEO had an audit that showed some neglect that needs to be addressed. Diane Mitsch Bush District 26, environmental champion – “Adopt a Legislator” through CC, see #4, also for Lobby Day on March 18th carpool to Denver to show support. Feb 20 Conservation Telesummit phone call, briefing from Becky Long, opportunity for suggestions and questions. Greater Sage Grouse mating ritual tours (endangered species), March 15th – April 8th, see their website for more info soon. Ask items: see below sasha@conservationco.org 3. Steve Ivancie - Routt County Commissioner representing YVSC and YVR, past member of YVR when a City Council member, gives a unique perspective. Yesterday Commissioner had Ag Alliance presentation RE local food production etc., and what Commissioner are looking at are the issues and incentives for Ag Tourism, Cottage Industry and local food production and sale. Working through some challenging barriers and confusion and reviewing what they can do to encourage this. Instructed Ag Alliance for an outreach to community on cottage industry questions, needs, etc. Oil and Gas, Land Use, Clean Air, issues also all coming forward and will let us know more. Heather Savalox: Routt County Enviro Health: please also provide link to state health regulations on the local foods resource page (YVSC to do by end of month, for now you can find it on the RC page), these changes will take change in March. New cottage bill rules: If you’re going to be a local producer, you need a 3rd party certification (thru CSUE such as serve safe). These many regs are confusing, so the more we have out there to educate, the better. 4. Town Hall Meeting with Rep. Mitsch Bush Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013; 3:30 p.m, Bud Werner Library Hall Discussion on the 2013 Legislative Session Please join Rep. Diane Mitsch Bush for a town hall focusing on the 2013 legislative session. This is an opportunity for constituents to openly share their ideas, questions and comments with their local citizen legislator in a town hall discussion about the 2013 legislative session. 5. Lyn Halliday – Sustainable Business Consortium - 84 members, latest meeting talked about landscapers buying the compost from Twin Enviro. Spare the Air was our champion project in 2012, looking for new projects in 2013. Spare the Air: 85 signs now. A lot of conservation about air quality, and we can all help that by reducing idling to 30 seconds, and morning warm ups to 5minutes. 20 sponsors/partners. Newspaper is recent education partner. English signs $11 and bilingual signs $0. Great response. Green teams are also educating. Last big push. VI. Open Forum 1. John Elliott and Barret Ramey – iCAST – Resource Smart program. Non profit. 11 yrs old. Primarily focus on energy efficiency and green jobs and renewable energy with farmers (biodiesel). Resource Smart is a turnkey program for retrofitting existing buildings through energy assessments, reporting, energy efficiency modeling to create savings, and reporting for upgrades. Local contractors do the work, ICAST manages that process, inspects projects, and certifies projects. Case studies follow projects for one year. Also bring financing piece to make projects “cash neutral” with help from financial institutions. Work with low income properties, non profit commercial buildings. Have grants through HUD. Doing a behavioral science project as well. Gates Foundation revolving loans at 3.5% at 10 yrs for non profit and low income. Goal: to make energy efficiency easier. Still looking for buildings for the Pilot Program. Here for 3 days: meeting with YVEA, would like to meet with Atmos, and anyone who wants more info. 2. Tracy Zuschlag – Yampa Valley CoOp – started as Ageria Family CoOp for South Routt to get food at a lower price, dealing with UNFI (purveyor for natural food sources). Tracy is liaison for producers and consumers. Now it’s on a monthly cycle – first Friday order, first Tuesday delivery. New drop-off in Steamboat: Community Extension office on 6th. Mission: to get back to the historic sustainability, to connect consumers and producers, and to keep it affordable. www.yampavalleycoop.com 3. CMC upcoming events: 2/28 Dr Lee Ball – more info: all on YVSC calendar VIII. Action Items needing helping hands 1. Conservation Colorado: Adopt A Legislator program: http://ow.ly/huofI , send Sasha links or knowledge about local labor unions, and any Eagle County connections, and “like” them on Facebook and Twitter @ConservationCO 2. Spare the Air: help with the last big educational push – any locations for signs or education leads, please send to Suzie Romig: suziecr@q.com. Need particular help with idling shuttles in front of City Market 3. ICAST: looking for pilot program members. 4. YV CoOp: please help get the word out, link above 5. ReTree helpers! Get involved! Join a committee and help make this event the best it can be: www.yvsc.org/retree VIX. Upcoming Events 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. February 15: Happy Hour with Peter Brandom – Sustainability Manager for Hillsboro, OR, 5p Smokehouse February 19: Food Coalition meeting – 12:30-2 Trout Creek Room, email barb (above) February 26: Talking Green - Transition 2.0 Movie and Crock Potluck, 5:30 Olympian Hall March 5: ReTree Colorado strategic meeting, location TBD March 6: Energy Roundtable replaces monthly meeting, more info to follow soon March 23: Youth Eco Summit, 4pm CMC – still need breakout leaders for this event to talk on various subjects March 23: Earth Hour, 8:30pm - BIGGER - all the lights are going off on Lincoln (except traffic lights) Next meeting April 3, 2013 11:30-1pm Centennial Hall room 113