Mid Year- Marketing

Subject: Marketing
Mid Year Exams – February 2011
Class/Section: 11/12IP
Teacher: Jessica Laine Fahed
Date: Monday February 7 Time of exam: 10:45 AM
Time allowed: 2.5 Hours
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Student exam room number:________________________No. of pages: 10
True / False Questions: For each of the following questions, circle the appropriate answer.
(1 PT Each)
1. Marketing is basically selling and advertising.
True False
2. Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a firm fulfills a consumer's needs, desires,
and expectations.
True False
3. If a firm produces the right goods or services, marketing has little role to play in creating
customer satisfaction.
True False
4. Marketing encourages the development and spread of new ideas, goods, and services.
True False
5. The micro view of marketing sees it as the performance of activities that seek to
accomplish an organization's objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and
directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or
True False
6. Marketing only applies to profit organizations.
True False
7. Marketing activities should begin with potential customer needs, not with the
production process.
True False
8. Marketing does not occur unless there are two or more parties who want to exchange
something for something else.
True False
9. Macro-marketing emphasizes how the whole marketing system works.
True False
10. Effective marketing in an advanced economy is difficult because producers and
consumers are often separated in several levels.
True False
11. "Economies of scale" prevent a company from taking advantage of mass production.
True False
12. Planning, implementation, and control are basic jobs of all managers.
True False
13. Strategic planning is a top management job that includes planning only for marketing
True False
14. Finding attractive opportunities and developing profitable marketing strategies are the
tasks included in the marketing manager's marketing strategy planning job.
True False
15. A marketing strategy is composed of two interrelated parts--a target market and a
marketing mix.
True False
16. Mass marketing means focusing on some specific customers, as opposed to assuming
that everyone is the same and will want whatever the firm offers.
True False
17. The "four Ps" of the marketing mix are Product, Position, Promotion, and Price.
True False
18. The marketing manager can control the variables in the marketing environment.
True False
19. Earning a profit probably should be one of the objectives of a firm, but it should not be
the only one.
True False
20. A mission statement sets out the organization's basic purpose for being.
True False
Multiple Choice Questions: For each of the following questions, circle the appropriate answer.
(2 pts Each)
For Tesla, a new firm that makes an electric sports car, estimating how many
competitors will make electric vehicles and what kinds they will make, is:
A. one of the universal functions of innovation.
B. a production activity.
C. an example of the micro-macro dilemma.
D. best left to intermediaries.
E. a part of marketing.
Which of the following is NOT a reason for you to study marketing?
A. Marketing affects almost every aspect of daily life.
B. Marketing will be important to your job.
C. Marketing involves actually making the goods that people need.
D. Marketing affects innovation and consumers' standard of living.
E. Marketing plays a big part in economic growth and development.
__________ __________ is the extent to which a firm fulfills a customer's needs,
desires, and expectations.
A. Customer forecast.
B. Customer satisfaction.
C. Customer service.
D. Customer support.
_______ is defined as the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an
organization's objectives by anticipating customer needs and directing a flow of needsatisfying goods and services from producer to customer.
A. Innovation
B. Advertising
C. Selling
D. Marketing
E. Sales promotion
Marketing is NOT needed in a ______________ economy.
A. consumer-oriented
B. command
C. pure subsistence
D. market-directed
E. none of the above
_____ is the managerial process of developing and maintaining a match between an
organization's resources and its market opportunities.
A. Strategic (management) planning
B. Target marketing
C. Mass marketing
D. Resource allocation
E. Marketing control
Target marketing, in contrast to mass marketing:
A. Assumes all customers have the same needs.
B. Assumes everyone is a potential customer.
C. Focuses only on small market segments.
D. Tailors a marketing mix to fit some specific group of customers.
E. Makes it more likely that a firm will face direct competition.
_____ assume(s) that everyone is the same—and consider(s) everyone to be a potential
A. Mass marketers
B. Target marketing
C. Mass marketing
D. Target marketers
E. Objective marketing
A firm's "marketing mix" decision areas would NOT include:
A. Price.
B. Promotion.
C. Product.
D. Place.
E. Profit.
"Product" is concerned with:
A. branding and warranties.
B. physical goods and/or services.
C. packaging.
D. developing the right new product for a market.
E. all of the above might be involved.
Suzuki's 3 year/36,000 mile new car warranty is part of which marketing mix decision
A. price
B. target market
C. place
D. product
E. promotion
Big Fizz Co., a manufacturer of cola-flavored drinks, wants to add packaged fruit juices
to its existing product line. Big Fizz needs to make some decisions regarding packaging
and branding of the fruit juices. These decisions would fall under which variable of the
marketing mix?
A. Product.
B. Place.
C. Promotion.
D. Price.
E. Personal selling.
"Place" is concerned with:
A. intermediaries.
B. transporting.
C. channel members.
D. storing.
E. all of the above might be involved.
A "channel of distribution":
A. usually has three members--a manufacturer, a distributor, and a retailer.
B. is any series of firms (or individuals) from producer to final user or consumer.
C. should be as short as possible.
D. is not involved if a firm sells directly from its own website to final customers.
E. All of the above are true.
"Promotion" may include:
A. personal selling to channel members.
B. point-of-purchase materials.
C. mail-order selling.
D. advertising on the Internet.
E. all of the above.
The basic objective of a firm should be to:
A. engage in some specific business activity that will perform a socially and economically
useful function.
B. develop an organization to carry on the business and implement its strategies.
C. earn enough profit to survive.
D. All of the above.
E. Only B and C above.
A mission statement
A. should never be revised.
B. sets out the organization's basic purpose for being.
C. should embrace everything rather than focus on a few key goals.
D. substitutes for more specific objectives.
E. supplies guidelines for general situations but not for situations where managers face
difficult decisions.
Typically, firms need a hierarchy of objectives. Which of the following best represents a
correct hierarchy of a firm's objectives?
A. Company objectives, sales promotion objectives, marketing objectives, promotion
B. Marketing objectives, company objectives, promotion objectives, sales promotion
C. Company objectives, marketing objectives, promotion objectives, sales promotion
D. Marketing objectives, promotion objectives, sales promotion objectives, company
E. Promotion objectives, sales promotion objectives, company objectives, marketing
When doing "positioning," a marketing manager should:
A. avoid targeting strategies.
B. focus on specific product features of all generic competitors.
C. rely on how customers think about proposed and/or existing brands in a market.
D. plan physical product changes rather than image changes.
E. All of the above.
A store that is popular with newlyweds runs a wedding gift registry. Five minutes before
closing time on a Sunday, a young couple enters the store and wants to register—a
process that usually takes 30 minutes or more. A sales associate advises the couple to
come back when they have more time, even though a recent memo from the store’s
regional manager specifically instructed store personnel to stay after closing time to
help such customers. Which key element of the marketing concept is the main problem
area in this situation?
a. Customer need
b. Total company effort
c. Customer satisfaction
d. Marketing orientation
e. Product orientation
Which of the following statements, made by marketing managers, illustrates an
understanding of the concept of customer value?
a. “It’s more important to acquire new customers than to retain old ones.”
b. “The only time it’s really necessary to demonstrate superior customer value is
right before the actual sale.”
c. “My main concern is with meeting this month’s sales quota—I’ll worry about
relationship building later.”
d. “I might think my product is a good value, but what really counts is if the
customer thinks it’s a good value.”
e. “Customer value really boils down to which product is the least expensive.”
A large consumer products company markets several different lines of products, with
many individual products in each line. Each product has its own marketing plan. The
company president wants to bring together all of the different marketing plans into a
single integrated document that can become part of the company’s strategic plan. It
appears that the company president plans to create a:
a. marketing super-plan.
b. marketing program.
c. marketing strategy.
d. operational plan.
e. mass-marketing approach.
An electronics superstore sends a special coupon to its current customers offering them
a special discount for purchases made during an upcoming week that occurs during a
traditionally slow sales period. This is an example of:
a. market penetration.
b. market development.
c. product development.
d. diversification.
e. a breakthrough opportunity
A moderately-priced jewelry store is trying to differentiate itself from other jewelry
stores. The store prices products somewhat lower than the super-premium jewelry
stores, but offers better products and services than low-end jewelry stores provide. The
market situation this store faces sounds most like:
a. pure competition.
b. monopoly.
c. oligopoly.
d. monopolistic competition.
e. oligopolistic competition
Ford announced that it would begin offering Bluetooth wireless to help consumers more
easily make hands free cell phone calls in their cars. The development of Bluetooth is a
significant development in the:
a. technological environment.
b. legal environment.
c. corporate environment.
d. social environment.
e. personal environment.
Short Answer:
1. Draw a diagram of the PSSP Hierarchy of needs and briefly explain what needs are met
at each level. (10 PTS)
2. Briefly explain the 6 steps (in the correct order) involved in the adoption process. (10
3. Briefly explain each of the 5 marketing environments. ( 5 PTS)
4. Define the term “Demographic Segmentation” and briefly explain the major variables
used in this type of segmentation. (5 PTS)