Teacher: Miss. Bracco & Miss. Pauze Name of Lesson: Zumba Name of Unit: Fitness Frenzy Lesson Number: Two of Five School Name: St. Martins Secondary School Number of Students: 30 Course: Super Fit (Female Students Only) Grade: 12 Curricular Expectation: Maintain or improve personal fitness levels by participating in vigorous fitness activities for sustained periods of time (pg. 20) Instructional Model: Direct/Task and Peer Movement Form: Fitness Movement Concepts: Pathways in Space and Effort Subtheme of Time (Sudden and Sustained) Review Movement Skills: Stepping, Jumping and Grapevine New Movement Skills: Basic Salsa and Cumbia Movements Life Skill: Personal Skills: Self Awareness and Self Monitoring Skills Equipment: CD Player Specific Learning Objectives: Students will engage in a vigorous cardiovascular workout of traditional zumba movements while focusing on their pathways in space and time qualities. Working alongside group members at specific times, individuals will be required to assess and monitor their own movements to remain in line with the group’s tempo. Music: CD that Features Let’s Get Loud, Que Ti Pica, I Got A Feeling and Swing Today I would like to improve my teaching by; not jumping from thought to thought, and to try to stay as close to my lesson plan as possible. I find that I tend stray from the lesson plan, and can get off task a little. My goal is to teach from my lesson plan as much as possible, ignoring ideas that pop into my head. Introduction Bridge In: 1 Minute o Objectives: 1 Minute o Today we are going to learn simple dance movements, including Salsa Movements and Cumbia movements. Using direct teaching in our warm up, I will teach you a simple salsa dance that will introduce some new movement skills, while also going over review movement skills, such as stepping and jumping. Afterwards, you will create dance sequences using the steps you have learned with your groups. Throughout the entire lesson we will focus on pathways in space, using effort and time, as well as developing personal skills. Pre-Test: 3 Minutes o o o o Dance is a great way to express emotion, relieve stress, and exercise the entire body. This movement form allows you to improve flexibility and coordination. Any dance can be altered to match your personality by adding your own touch, or doing a variation of a dance move that better suits you. It can be made more challenging or can be made more simplistic, such as only doing foot movements, and gradually adding in the arms and hands. It is supposed to be fun and a great way to exercise using expression. Have any of you ever done zumba before? Does anybody want to try and name the different pathways? (TEACHING TIP: Convergent Answer – Forwards, Backwards, Right, Left, Up and Down). What are the two effort qualities of time? (TEACHING TIP: Convergent Answer- Sudden [fast] and Sustained [slow]). Free Play: 3 Minutes o o o o (TEACHING TIP: Hand out a popsicle stick to each student). Find the person who has the same design on their popsicle stick as you and find an open space in the gymnasium. (TEACHING TIP: Wait until all students are paired off and standing somewhere in the gym). I will play some music for you, and you will follow your partner, copying them as they move to open spaces in the gym using different pathways. The taller partner begins as the leader and I will tell you when to switch. Go. (TEACHING TIP: allow one student to go for about a minute and then switch). Stop. o o I want you to switch leaders. Go. Stop and remain still. Warm Up: 9 Minutes o o o When I say to, everyone come to the center of the gym and create a larger circle. Once we are in our circle, we will learn different zumba dance movements. Each movement will be repeated ten times. I will begin by verbally explaining it and visually demonstrating it and when you feel comfortable, I want you to join in and do it. Come to the middle and form a large circle. Floor Plan: Students o o Are there any questions before we begin? (TEACHING TIP: Stand in the circle rather in the middle so that every student can see you. Observe all students as they begin to join in and provide refining cues. Do not move onto the next step unless each and every student has attempted the movement). o Before I begin remember that your steps do not necessarily have to match mine exactly, you can modify the steps to add your own individuality. Ready. Let’s go. Zumba movements are taken from starlitedance.com. (Teaching Tip: If a student is embarrassed by not understanding a movement, it is beneficial to explain that you had difficulty with the same movement when you were beginning zumba). Go through the dance again, and halfway through see if they can pick up speed. o o o o o o Once the song is over, ask them to stand still and ask the students to put their hand up and share a move in the dance that they liked. Ask the students a dance move that they modified. Ask the students a dance move that they did not like, and how they could change it. Movement and Conceptual Development Creation of Dance Sequence: 13 Minutes o Floor Plan: o Using the popsicle stick I gave you at the beginning of the lesson, I want you find everyone else in the class that had the same colour as you. This is your new dance group. Together, you will create a sequence using at least two pathways, use of both sudden and sustained time qualities and, 3 of the steps we learned from the previous dance. You are more than welcome to add in other dance steps you see fit, but remember to include the requirements first. o I will have the same song repeatedly (I Got A Feeling) if having rhythm helps you in the creation process. You have 10 minutes to create and perfect your sequence. GO. (TEACHING TIP: Circulate around the gymnasium and assist any groups that seem to demonstrate difficulty in applying the themes or remembering 3 movements). Stop. o o o o o o o o Put up your hand if your sequence is complete and you feel comfortable remembering it. (TEACHING TIP: If at least one group is not prepared, give all groups an extra 2 minutes). Stop. (TEACHING TIP: Quickly pair groups together based on close proximity). You will now demonstrate your dance sequence to the other group you have been paired up with. The group with more people wearing white presents first. Once the first group is done, switch and then once both groups have presented, wait for further instruction. When you are observing the other group present, take note as to whether they have met the expectations (at least two different pathways, both time qualities demonstrated and, 3 different movements). Go. (TEACHING TIP: Walk around and observe sequences to ensure students applied the correct themes; take anecdotal notes for assessment). Stop. Come sit along the baseline of the basketball court. Did the group you observe incorporate all required aspects in their sequence? (TEACHING TIP: If some students respond no, take note of who they are speaking about so that you can reinforce the thematic later on). Culmination Combining of Sequence: 20 Minutes o o o o o o You will now reconvene with the same group you were with before. You will combine both your sequences together to create a longer dance. This process will involve teaching the members of the other group the portions of your original sequence. Each group find their own space in the gymnasium. You have 20 minutes. Does anyone have any questions? Go. (TEACHING TIP: Circulate around the gymnasium and ask groups how the combination of the sequences is progressing. Provide them with help when required. At the two minute mark, warm them that time is running out). Everyone return back to sitting at the baseline. We will now present two groups at a time. Do I have any volunteers to go first? (TEACHING TIP: If no groups volunteer simply start at one side of the gymnasium and continue over to the other. Also; record anecdotal notes on students o sequences as to how well they understood and applied the themes and requirements of the sequence). Go. Floor Plan: Observers Performers Exit Card/Summary: 5 Minutes o o Before you leave, please take a few moments to reflect on what you learned today by filling out an exit card. (TEACHING TIP: Hand out exit cards as you speak). Once you are done, hand in your card and you may go change for your next period. Suggestions for the next time I teach this lesson: